ClassDescriptionA ContentTypesAssignementHandler is responsible for giving the available content types list for a given Zone.Component for copying site or pagesThis implementation of the content types handler is based on content types declared in the whole applicationThe cache is a HashSet of String + a dateThis implementation of the services handler is based on services declared in the whole applicationThe cache is a HashSet of String + a dateA
which is metadata-aware.AmetysObject
for storing page informations.A zone that is modifiableA zone item that can is modifiablePage
that can be ordered or movedAmetysObject
for reading page informations.<p>Type of a link page.Type of a page.DAO for manipulating pagesExtension point holding allRepositoryElementType
classes for page and zone item data.Helper for creating JCR XPath queries involving page predicate.TraversableAmetysObject
containing pages and which knows about its current site and sitemap.A is responsible for giving the available services for a given Zone.DAO for manipulating pagesException thrown when an attempt to retrieve a zone failed because it does not exist.AnZone
is a part of a page where contents or services can be rendered.Type of an zone.Exception thrown when an attempt to retrieve a zone failed because it does not exist.Class containing callables to retrieve and configure service parameters