002 *  Copyright 2015 Anyware Services
003 *
004 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009 *
010 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 *  limitations under the License.
015 */
016package org.ametys.cms.content.indexing.solr;
019 * Constants for Solr field names related to indexation.
020 */
021public interface SolrFieldNames
023    //// CMS
025    /** Document type. */
026    public static final String DOCUMENT_TYPE = "_documentType";
028    /** Repeater entry position. */
029    public static final String REPEATER_ENTRY_POSITION = "_position";
031    /** Document type for a content */
032    public static final String TYPE_CONTENT = "content";
033    /** Document type for a content repeater */
034    public static final String TYPE_REPEATER = "repeater";
035    /** Document type for a resource */
036    public static final String TYPE_RESOURCE = "resource";
037    /** Document type for a workflow entry. */
038    public static final String TYPE_WF_ENTRY = "workflowEntry";
039    /** Document type for a workflow step. */
040    public static final String TYPE_WF_STEP = "workflowStep";
042    /** Id field name. */
043    public static final String ID = "id";
044    /** Title field name. */
045    public static final String TITLE = "title";
046    /** Page title for sorting field name. */
047    public static final String TITLE_SORT = "title_sort";
049    /** Unstemmed full-text field prefix */
050    public static final String FULL_PREFIX = "full_";
051    /** Stemmed full-text field prefix. */
052    public static final String FULL_STEMMED_PREFIX = "full_stemmed_";
053    /** Full-text field name with general text indexation. */
054    public static final String FULL_GENERAL = "full";
055    /** Full-text with simple white-space tokenization. */
056    public static final String FULL_EXACT_WS = "full_s_ws";
057    /** Last modified date field name. */
058    public static final String LAST_MODIFIED = "lastModified";
059    /** Creation date field name. */
060    public static final String CREATION_DATE = "creationDate";
061    /** Last validation date field name. */
062    public static final String LAST_VALIDATION = "lastValidation";
063    /** Last major validation date field name. */
064    public static final String LAST_MAJOR_VALIDATION = "lastMajorValidation";
066    /** Comments status of a content. */
067    public static final String CONTENT_COMMENTS = "comments";
068    /** Validated comments of a content. */
069    public static final String CONTENT_COMMENTS_VALIDATED = "commentsValidated";
070    /** Non-validated comments of a content. */
071    public static final String CONTENT_COMMENTS_NONVALIDATED = "commentsNonValidated";
073    /** Content name field name. */
074    public static final String CONTENT_NAME = "contentName";
075    /** Content types field name. */
076    public static final String CONTENT_TYPES = "contentTypes";
077    /** All content types field name. */
078    public static final String ALL_CONTENT_TYPES = "allContentTypes";
079    /** Mixin types field name. */
080    public static final String MIXIN_TYPES = "mixinTypes";
081    /** All mixin types field name. */
082    public static final String ALL_MIXIN_TYPES = "allMixinTypes";
083//    /** The content types and mixins of a content. */
084//    public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_OR_MIXIN = "contentTypeOrMixin";
085    /** Content language field name. */
086    public static final String CONTENT_LANGUAGE = "contentLanguage";
087    /** The content current workflow step. */
088    public static final String WORKFLOW_STEP = "workflowStep";
089    /** Content creator field name. */
090    public static final String CONTENT_CREATOR = "creator";
091    /** Content last contributor field name. */
092    public static final String CONTENT_LAST_CONTRIBUTOR = "contributor";
093    /** Tags field name. */
094    public static final String TAGS = "tags";
095    /** All tags (including parent ones). */
096    public static final String ALL_TAGS = "allTags";
098    /** Content: embedded mode. */
099    /** Content titles field name. */
100    public static final String CONTENT_TITLES = "content-titles";
101    /** Content languages field. */
102    public static final String CONTENT_LANGUAGES = "content-languages";
103    /** Sub-content field name. */
104    public static final String SUB_CONTENT = "subContent";
106    /** Resource excerpt field name. */
107    public static final String EXCERPT = "excerpt";
108    /** The file name for resources. */
109    public static final String FILENAME = "filename";
110    /** The resource path */
111    public static final String PATH = "path";
112    /** The mime type for resources. */
113    public static final String MIME_TYPES = "mimeTypes";
114    /** The length of a resource. */
115    public static final String LENGTH = "length";
116    /** The dummy "content type" of a resource. */
117    public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_RESOURCE = "resource";
118    /** The resource root ID */
119    public static final String RESOURCE_ROOT_ID = "resourceRootId";
120    /** The resource author */
121    public static final String RESOURCE_CREATOR = "resourceCreator";
122    /** The resource date */
123    public static final String RESOURCE_DATE = "resourceDate";
124    /** Last modified date field name. */
125    public static final String RESOURCE_LAST_MODIFIED = "last-modified";
127    //// Date facet
128    // TODO Use docValues ?
129    /** Date facet field. */
130    public static final String DATES_FACET = "dates-facet";
131    /** Date sorting */
132    public static final String DATE_FOR_SORTING = "date-for-sorting";
134    //// Dublin Core metadatas
135    /** Dublin Core title. */
136    public static final String DC_TITLE = "DCTitle";
137    /** Dublin Core creator. */
138    public static final String DC_CREATOR = "DCCreator";
139    /** Dublin Core subject. */
140    public static final String DC_SUBJECT = "DCSubject";
141    /** Dublin Core description. */
142    public static final String DC_DESCRIPTION = "DCDescription";
143    /** Dublin Core publisher. */
144    public static final String DC_PUBLISHER = "DCPublisher";
145    /** Dublin Core contributor. */
146    public static final String DC_CONTRIBUTOR = "DCContributor";
147    /** Dublin Core date. */
148    public static final String DC_DATE = "DCDate";
149    /** Dublin Core type. */
150    public static final String DC_TYPE = "DCType";
151    /** Dublin Core format. */
152    public static final String DC_FORMAT = "DCFormat";
153    /** Dublin Core identifier. */
154    public static final String DC_IDENTIFIER = "DCIdentifier";
155    /** Dublin Core source. */
156    public static final String DC_SOURCE = "DCSource";
157    /** Dublin Core language. */
158    public static final String DC_LANGUAGE = "DCLanguage";
159    /** Dublin Core relation. */
160    public static final String DC_RELATION = "DCRelation";
161    /** Dublin Core coverage. */
162    public static final String DC_COVERAGE = "DCCoverage";
163    /** Dublin Core rights. */
164    public static final String DC_RIGHTS = "DCRights";
166    //// Workflow fields.
167    /** Constant for workflow reference field (on the AmetysObject itself). */
168    public static final String WORKFLOW_REF = "workflowRef";
169    /** Constant for workflow reference field with suffix (on the AmetysObject itself). */
170    public static final String WORKFLOW_REF_DV = "workflowRef_s_dv";
171    /** Constant for workflow name field. */
172    public static final String WORKFLOW_NAME = "wfName";
173    /** Constant for workflow entry state field. */
174    public static final String WORKFLOW_ENTRY_STATE = "wfEntryState";
175    /** Constant for workflow history steps field. */
176    public static final String WORKFLOW_HISTORY_STEPS = "wfHistorySteps";
177    /** Constant for workflow history steps field (with suffix). */
178    public static final String WORKFLOW_HISTORY_STEPS_DV = WORKFLOW_HISTORY_STEPS + "_s_dv";
179    /** Constant for workflow current steps field. */
180    public static final String WORKFLOW_CURRENT_STEPS = "wfCurrentSteps";
181    /** Constant for workflow current steps field (with suffix). */
182    public static final String WORKFLOW_CURRENT_STEPS_DV = WORKFLOW_CURRENT_STEPS + "_s_dv";
183    /** Constant for workflow step ID field. */
184    public static final String WORKFLOW_STEP_ID = "wfStepId";
185    /** Constant for workflow step action ID field. */
186    public static final String WORKFLOW_STEP_ACTIONID = "wfStepActionId";
187    /** Constant for workflow step owner field. */
188    public static final String WORKFLOW_STEP_OWNER = "wfStepOwner";
189    /** Constant for workflow step caller field. */
190    public static final String WORKFLOW_STEP_CALLER = "wfStepCaller";
191    /** Constant for workflow step start date field. */
192    public static final String WORKFLOW_STEP_STARTDATE = "wfStepStartDate";
193    /** Constant for workflow step due date field. */
194    public static final String WORKFLOW_STEP_DUEDATE = "wfStepDueDate";
195    /** Constant for workflow step finish date field. */
196    public static final String WORKFLOW_STEP_FINISHDATE = "wfStepFinishDate";
197    /** Constant for workflow step status field. */
198    public static final String WORKFLOW_STEP_STATUS = "wfStepStatus";
200    //// ACL fields.
201    /** Constant for allow anonymous status for reader profile. */
202    public static final String ACL_READ_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS = "aclReadAllowAnonymous";
203    /** Constant for allow any connected user status for reader profile. */
204    public static final String ACL_READ_ALLOW_ANY_CONNECTED_USER = "aclReadAllowAnyConnectedUser";
205    /** Constant for allowed users for reader profile. */
206    public static final String ACL_READ_ALLOWED_USERS = "aclReadAllowedUsers";
207    /** Constant for allowed groups for reader profile. */
208    public static final String ACL_READ_ALLOWED_GROUPS = "aclReadAllowedGroups";
209    /** Constant for denied users for reader profile. */
210    public static final String ACL_READ_DENIED_USERS = "aclReadDeniedUsers";
211    /** Constant for denied groups for reader profile. */
212    public static final String ACL_READ_DENIED_GROUPS = "aclReadDeniedGroups";