002 *  Copyright 2016 Anyware Services
003 *
004 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009 *
010 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 *  limitations under the License.
015 */
016package org.ametys.core.right;
018import java.io.InputStream;
019import java.util.Collections;
020import java.util.HashMap;
021import java.util.HashSet;
022import java.util.List;
023import java.util.Map;
024import java.util.Map.Entry;
025import java.util.Optional;
026import java.util.Set;
027import java.util.stream.Collectors;
029import org.apache.avalon.framework.CascadingRuntimeException;
030import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.Component;
031import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configurable;
032import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration;
033import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException;
034import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.DefaultConfigurationBuilder;
035import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Context;
036import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.ContextException;
037import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Contextualizable;
038import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceException;
039import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceManager;
040import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.Serviceable;
041import org.apache.avalon.framework.thread.ThreadSafe;
042import org.apache.cocoon.components.ContextHelper;
043import org.apache.cocoon.environment.Request;
044import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
045import org.apache.excalibur.source.Source;
046import org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceResolver;
048import org.ametys.core.group.GroupDirectoryDAO;
049import org.ametys.core.group.GroupIdentity;
050import org.ametys.core.group.GroupManager;
051import org.ametys.core.right.AccessController.AccessResult;
052import org.ametys.core.user.CurrentUserProvider;
053import org.ametys.core.user.UserIdentity;
054import org.ametys.core.user.UserManager;
055import org.ametys.core.user.population.PopulationContextHelper;
056import org.ametys.core.user.population.UserPopulationDAO;
057import org.ametys.runtime.i18n.I18nizableText;
058import org.ametys.runtime.plugin.component.AbstractLogEnabled;
061 * Abstraction for testing a right associated with a resource and a user from a single source.
062 */
063public class RightManager extends AbstractLogEnabled implements Serviceable, Configurable, ThreadSafe, Component, Contextualizable
065    /** For avalon service manager */
066    public static final String ROLE = RightManager.class.getName();
067    /** The id of the READER profile */
068    public static final String READER_PROFILE_ID = "READER";
069    /** The id of the READER profile */
070    public static final String CACHE_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = RightManager.class.getName() + "$Cache";
072    /** The instance of ObjectUserIdentity for anonymous */
073    protected static final UserIdentity __ANONYMOUS_USER_IDENTITY = null; 
074    /** The instance of ObjectUserIdentity for any connected user */
075    protected static final UserIdentity __ANY_CONTECTED_USER_IDENTITY = new UserIdentity(null, null);       
077    /**
078     * This first cache is for right result on non-null contexts when calling {@link #hasRight(UserIdentity, String, Object)}
079     * 
080     * { 
081     *      UserIdentity : 
082     *      {
083     *          RightId :
084     *          {
085     *              Context : RightResult
086     *          }
087     *      }
088     * }
089     */
090    private static final String CACHE_1 = RightManager.class.getName() + "$Cache-1";
091    /**
092     * This second cache is for right result on null contexts when calling {@link #hasRight(UserIdentity, String, Object)}
093     * 
094     * { 
095     *      UserIdentity : 
096     *      {
097     *          RightId :
098     *          {
099     *              WorkspaceContexts : RightResult
100     *          }
101     *      }
102     * }
103     */
104    private static final String CACHE_2 = RightManager.class.getName() + "$Cache-2";
106    /** Avalon ServiceManager */
107    protected ServiceManager _manager;
108    /** Avalon SourceResolver */
109    protected SourceResolver _resolver;
110    /** The rights' list container */
111    protected RightsExtensionPoint _rightsEP;
112    /** The extension point for the Right Context Convertors */
113    protected RightContextConvertorExtensionPoint _rightContextConvertorEP;
114    /** The extension point for Access Controllers */
115    protected AccessControllerExtensionPoint _accessControllerEP;
116    /** The user manager */
117    protected UserManager _userManager;
118    /** The group manager */
119    protected GroupManager _groupManager;
120    /** The DAO for user populations */
121    protected UserPopulationDAO _userPopulationDAO;
122    /** The DAO for group directories */
123    protected GroupDirectoryDAO _groupDirectoryDAO;
124    /** The current user provider */
125    protected CurrentUserProvider _currentUserProvider;
126    /** The rights DAO */
127    protected RightProfilesDAO _profilesDAO;
129    private Context _context;
131    /**
132     * Enumeration of all possible values returned by hasRight(user, right, context)
133     */
134    public enum RightResult
135    {
136        /**
137         * Indicates that a given user has the required right.
138         */
139        RIGHT_ALLOW,
141        /**
142         * Indicates that a given user does NOT have the required right.
143         */
144        RIGHT_DENY,
146        /**
147         * Indicates that the system knows nothing about the fact that a given user has a right or not.
148         */
149        RIGHT_UNKNOWN;
150    }
152    @Override
153    public void contextualize(Context context) throws ContextException
154    {
155        _context = context;
156    }
158    @Override
159    public void service(ServiceManager manager) throws ServiceException
160    {
161        _manager = manager;
162        _userManager = (UserManager) manager.lookup(UserManager.ROLE);
163        _groupManager = (GroupManager) manager.lookup(GroupManager.ROLE);
164        _userPopulationDAO = (UserPopulationDAO) manager.lookup(UserPopulationDAO.ROLE);
165        _groupDirectoryDAO = (GroupDirectoryDAO) manager.lookup(GroupDirectoryDAO.ROLE);
166        _rightsEP = (RightsExtensionPoint) manager.lookup(RightsExtensionPoint.ROLE);
167        _rightContextConvertorEP = (RightContextConvertorExtensionPoint) manager.lookup(RightContextConvertorExtensionPoint.ROLE);
168        _accessControllerEP = (AccessControllerExtensionPoint) manager.lookup(AccessControllerExtensionPoint.ROLE);
169        _resolver = (SourceResolver) _manager.lookup(SourceResolver.ROLE);
170        _currentUserProvider = (CurrentUserProvider) _manager.lookup(CurrentUserProvider.ROLE);
171    }
173    /**
174     * Returns the DAO for profiles
175     * @return The DAO 
176     */
177    protected RightProfilesDAO _getProfileDAO ()
178    {
179        try
180        {
181            if (_profilesDAO == null)
182            {
183                _profilesDAO = (RightProfilesDAO) _manager.lookup(RightProfilesDAO.ROLE);
184            }
185            return _profilesDAO;
186        }
187        catch (ServiceException e)
188        {
189            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to retrieve the DAO for profiles", e);
190        }
191    }
193    @Override
194    public void configure(Configuration configuration) throws ConfigurationException
195    {
196        Configuration rightsConfiguration = configuration.getChild("rights");
198        String externalFile = rightsConfiguration.getAttribute("config", null);
199        if (externalFile != null)
200        {
201            Source source = null;
202            try
203            {
204                source = _resolver.resolveURI("context://" + externalFile);
206                if (source.exists())
207                {
208                    Configuration externalConfiguration;
209                    try (InputStream is = source.getInputStream();)
210                    {
211                        externalConfiguration = new DefaultConfigurationBuilder().build(is);
212                    }
214                    configureRights(externalConfiguration);
215                }
216                else if (getLogger().isInfoEnabled())
217                {
218                    getLogger().info("The optional external rights file '" + externalFile + "' is missing.");
219                }
220            }
221            catch (Exception e)
222            {
223                String message = "An error occured while retriving external file '" + externalFile + "'";
224                getLogger().error(message, e);
225                throw new ConfigurationException(message, configuration, e);
226            }
227            finally
228            {
229                if (source != null)
230                {
231                    _resolver.release(source);
232                }
233            }
234        }
235        else
236        {
237            configureRights(rightsConfiguration);
238        }
239    }
241    private void configureRights(Configuration configuration) throws ConfigurationException
242    {
243        Configuration[] rights = configuration.getChildren("right");
244        for (Configuration rightConf : rights)
245        {
246            String id = rightConf.getAttribute("id", "");
248            String label = rightConf.getChild("label").getValue("");
249            I18nizableText i18nLabel = new I18nizableText("application", label);
251            String description = rightConf.getChild("description").getValue("");
252            I18nizableText i18nDescription = new I18nizableText("application", description);
254            String category = rightConf.getChild("category").getValue("");
255            I18nizableText i18nCategory = new I18nizableText("application", category);
257            if (id.length() == 0 || label.length() == 0 || description.length() == 0 || category.length() == 0)
258            {
259                String message = "Error in " + RightManager.class.getName() + " configuration: attribute 'id' and elements 'label', 'description' and 'category' are mandatory.";
260                getLogger().error(message);
261                throw new ConfigurationException(message, configuration);
262            }
264            _rightsEP.addRight(id, i18nLabel, i18nDescription, i18nCategory);
265        }
266    }
268    /* --------- */
269    /* HAS RIGHT */
270    /* --------- */
272    /**
273     * Checks a permission for the current logged user, on a given object (or context).<br>
274     * If null, it checks if there is at least one object with this permission
275     * @param rightId The name of the right to check. Cannot be null.
276     * @param object The object to check the right. Can be null to search on any object.
277     * @return {@link RightResult#RIGHT_ALLOW}, {@link RightResult#RIGHT_DENY} or {@link RightResult#RIGHT_UNKNOWN}
278     * @throws RightsException if an error occurs.
279     */
280    public RightResult currentUserHasRight(String rightId, Object object) throws RightsException
281    {
282        return hasRight(_currentUserProvider.getUser(), rightId, object);
283    }
285    /**
286     * Checks a permission for a user, on a given object (or context).<br>
287     * If null, it checks if there is at least one object with this permission
288     * @param userIdentity The user identity. Can be null for anonymous
289     * @param rightId The name of the right to check. Cannot be null.
290     * @param object The object to check the right. Can be null to search on any object.
291     * @return {@link RightResult#RIGHT_ALLOW}, {@link RightResult#RIGHT_DENY} or {@link RightResult#RIGHT_UNKNOWN}
292     * @throws RightsException if an error occurs.
293     */
294    public RightResult hasRight(UserIdentity userIdentity, String rightId, Object object) throws RightsException
295    {
296        UserIdentity objectUserIdentity = userIdentity == null ? __ANONYMOUS_USER_IDENTITY : userIdentity;
298        return _hasRight(objectUserIdentity, rightId, object);
299    }
301    /**
302     * Gets the right result for anonymous with given right on given object context
303     * @param rightId The id of the right
304     * @param object The object to check
305     * @return the right result for anonymous with given profile on given object context
306     */
307    public RightResult hasAnonymousRight(String rightId, Object object)
308    {
309        return _hasRight(__ANONYMOUS_USER_IDENTITY, rightId, object);
310    }
312    /**
313     * Gets the right result for any connected user with given profile on given object context
314     * @param rightId The right id to test
315     * @param object The object to check
316     * @return the right result for any connected user with given profile on given object context
317     */
318    public RightResult hasAnyConnectedUserRight(String rightId, Object object)
319    {
320        return _hasRight(__ANY_CONTECTED_USER_IDENTITY, rightId, object);
321    }
323    private RightResult _hasRight(UserIdentity userIdentity, String rightId, Object object)
324    {
325        getLogger().debug("Try to determine if user {} has the right '{}' on the object context {}", userIdentity, rightId, object);
327        if (StringUtils.isBlank(rightId))
328        {
329            throw new RightsException("The rightId cannot be null");
330        }
332        return _hasRightOrRead(userIdentity, rightId, object);
333    }
335    private RightResult _hasRightOrRead(UserIdentity userIdentity, String rightId, Object object)
336    {
337        if (object == null)
338        {
339            return _hasRightOrRead(userIdentity, rightId);
340        }
342        // Try to retrieve in first cache (the one which manages non-null contexts)
343        RightResult cacheResult = _hasRightResultInFirstCache(userIdentity, rightId, object);
344        if (cacheResult != null)
345        {
346            return cacheResult;
347        }
349        // Retrieve groups the user belongs to
350        Set<GroupIdentity> groups = _getGroups(userIdentity);
352        // Get the objects to check
353        Set<Object> objects = _getConvertedObjects(object);
355        // Retrieve the set of AccessResult
356        Set<AccessResult> accessResults = _getAccessResults(userIdentity, groups, rightId, objects);
358        // Compute access
359        AccessResult access = AccessResult.merge(accessResults);
361        RightResult rightResult = access.toRightResult();
362        _putInFirstCache(userIdentity, rightId, object, rightResult);
364        return rightResult;
365    }
367    /**
368     * Has the user/anonymous/anyconnected the non null right on any content of the current workspace?
369     * @param userIdentity The user connecter or the value for anonymous or any connected user
370     * @param rightId The right id to test. Can be null to test read access
371     * @return The computed right result
372     */
373    private RightResult _hasRightOrRead(UserIdentity userIdentity, String rightId)
374    {
375        // Resolve contexts
376        Set<Object> workspacesContexts = _getConvertedObjects("/${WorkspaceName}");
378        // Try to retrieve in second cache (the one which manages null context)
379        RightResult cacheResult = _hasRightResultInSecondCache(workspacesContexts, userIdentity, rightId);
380        if (cacheResult != null)
381        {
382            return cacheResult;
383        }
385        // Retrieve groups the user belongs to
386        Set<GroupIdentity> groups = _getGroups(userIdentity);
388        RightResult rightResult = RightResult.RIGHT_UNKNOWN;
389        for (String controllerId : _accessControllerEP.getExtensionsIds())
390        {
391            AccessController accessController = _accessControllerEP.getExtension(controllerId);
392            try
393            {
394                if (userIdentity == __ANONYMOUS_USER_IDENTITY && (rightId == null ? accessController.hasAnonymousAnyReadAccessPermissionOnWorkspace(workspacesContexts) : accessController.hasAnonymousAnyPermissionOnWorkspace(workspacesContexts, rightId))
395                        || userIdentity == __ANY_CONTECTED_USER_IDENTITY && (rightId == null ? accessController.hasAnyConnectedUserAnyReadAccessPermissionOnWorkspace(workspacesContexts) : accessController.hasAnyConnectedUserAnyPermissionOnWorkspace(workspacesContexts, rightId))
396                        || (rightId == null ? accessController.hasUserAnyReadAccessPermissionOnWorkspace(workspacesContexts, userIdentity, groups) : accessController.hasUserAnyPermissionOnWorkspace(workspacesContexts, userIdentity, groups, rightId)))
397                {
398                    rightResult = RightResult.RIGHT_ALLOW;
399                    break;
400                }
401            }
402            catch (Exception e)
403            {
404                getLogger().error("An error occured with controller '{}'. Thus, this controller will be ignored.", controllerId, e);
405            }
406        }
408        getLogger().debug("Right result found for [{}, {}, {}] => {}", workspacesContexts, userIdentity, rightId, rightResult);
409        _putInSecondCache(workspacesContexts, userIdentity, rightId, rightResult);
410        return rightResult;
411    }
413    private Set<AccessResult> _getAccessResults(UserIdentity userIdentity, Set<GroupIdentity> groups, String rightId, Set<Object> objects)
414    {
415        Set<AccessResult> accessResults = new HashSet<>();
416        for (Object obj : objects)
417        {
418            for (String controllerId : _accessControllerEP.getExtensionsIds())
419            {
420                AccessController accessController = _accessControllerEP.getExtension(controllerId);
421                try
422                {
423                    if (accessController.isSupported(obj))
424                    {
425                        if (userIdentity == __ANONYMOUS_USER_IDENTITY)
426                        {
427                            accessResults.add(rightId == null ? accessController.getReadAccessPermissionForAnonymous(obj) : accessController.getPermissionForAnonymous(rightId, obj));
428                        }
429                        else if (userIdentity == __ANY_CONTECTED_USER_IDENTITY)
430                        {
431                            accessResults.add(rightId == null ? accessController.getReadAccessPermissionForAnyConnectedUser(obj) : accessController.getPermissionForAnyConnectedUser(rightId, obj));
432                        }
433                        else
434                        {
435                            accessResults.add(rightId == null ? accessController.getReadAccessPermission(userIdentity, groups, obj) : accessController.getPermission(userIdentity, groups, rightId, obj));
436                        }
437                    }
438                    else
439                    {
440                        accessResults.add(AccessResult.UNKNOWN);
441                    }
442                }
443                catch (Exception e)
444                {
445                    getLogger().error("An error occured with controller '{}' for object {}. Thus, this controller will be ignored.", controllerId, obj, e);
446                }
447            }
448        }
450        return accessResults;
451    }
453    /* --------------- */
454    /* HAS READ ACCESS */
455    /* --------------- */
457    /**
458     * Returns true if the current user has READ access on the given object
459     * @param object The object to check the right. Can be null to search on any object.
460     * @return true if the given user has READ access on the given object
461     */
462    public boolean currentUserHasReadAccess(Object object)
463    {
464        return hasReadAccess(_currentUserProvider.getUser(), object);
465    }
467    /**
468     * Returns true if the given user has READ access on the given object
469     * @param userIdentity The user identity. Cannot be null.
470     * @param object The object to check the right. Can be null to search on any object.
471     * @return true if the given user has READ access on the given object
472     */
473    public boolean hasReadAccess(UserIdentity userIdentity, Object object)
474    {
475        UserIdentity objectUserIdentity = userIdentity == null ? __ANONYMOUS_USER_IDENTITY : userIdentity;
477        return _hasRightOrRead(objectUserIdentity, null, object) == RightResult.RIGHT_ALLOW;
478    }
480    /**
481     * Returns true if the object is not restricted, i.e. an anonymous user has READ access (is allowed) on the object
482     * @param object The object to check. Cannot be null
483     * @return true if the object is restricted, i.e. an anonymous user has READ access (is allowed) on the object
484     */
485    public boolean hasAnonymousReadAccess(Object object)
486    {
487        return _hasRightOrRead(__ANONYMOUS_USER_IDENTITY, null, object) == RightResult.RIGHT_ALLOW;
488    }
490    /**
491     * Returns true if any connected user has READ access allowed on the object
492     * @param object The object to check. Cannot be null
493     * @return true if any connected user has READ access allowed on the object
494     */
495    public boolean hasAnyConnectedUserReadAccess(Object object)
496    {
497        return _hasRightOrRead(__ANY_CONTECTED_USER_IDENTITY, null, object) == RightResult.RIGHT_ALLOW;
498    }
500    /* ------------- */
501    /* ALLOWED USERS */
502    /* ------------- */
504    /**
505     * Get the list of users that have a particular right in a particular context.
506     * @param rightId The name of the right to check. Cannot be null.
507     * @param object The object to check the right. Cannot be null.
508     * @return The list of users allowed with that right as a Set of String (user identities).
509     * @throws RightsException if an error occurs.
510     */
511    public AllowedUsers getAllowedUsers(String rightId, Object object)
512    {
513        if (StringUtils.isBlank(rightId))
514        {
515            throw new RightsException("The rightId cannot be null");
516        }
518        return _getAllowedUsers(rightId, object);
519    }
521    /**
522     * Get the users with a READ access on given object
523     * @param object The object
524     * @return The representation of allowed users 
525     */
526    public AllowedUsers getReadAccessAllowedUsers(Object object)
527    {
528        return _getAllowedUsers(null, object);
529    }
531    private AllowedUsers _getAllowedUsers(String rightId, Object object)
532    {
533        Optional.ofNullable(object).orElseThrow(() -> 
534        {
535            return new RightsException("The object cannot be null");
536        });
538        // Get the objects to check
539        Set<Object> objects = _getConvertedObjects(object);
541        // For each object, retrieve the allowed and denied users/groups
542        Boolean isAnyConnectedAllowed = null; // unknown
543        Set<UserIdentity> allAllowedUsers = new HashSet<>();
544        Set<UserIdentity> allDeniedUsers = new HashSet<>();
545        Set<GroupIdentity> allAllowedGroups = new HashSet<>();
546        Set<GroupIdentity> allDeniedGroups = new HashSet<>();
548        for (Object obj : objects)
549        {
550            for (String controllerId : _accessControllerEP.getExtensionsIds())
551            {
552                AccessController accessController = _accessControllerEP.getExtension(controllerId);
553                try
554                {
555                    if (accessController.isSupported(obj))
556                    {
557                        if ((rightId == null ? accessController.getReadAccessPermissionForAnonymous(obj) : accessController.getPermissionForAnonymous(rightId, obj)) == AccessResult.ANONYMOUS_ALLOWED)
558                        {
559                            // Any anonymous user is allowed
560                            return new AllowedUsers(true, false, null, null, null, null, _userManager, _groupManager, null);
561                        }
563                        AccessResult permissionForAnyConnectedUser = rightId == null ? accessController.getReadAccessPermissionForAnyConnectedUser(obj) : accessController.getPermissionForAnyConnectedUser(rightId, obj);
564                        if (permissionForAnyConnectedUser == AccessResult.ANY_CONNECTED_DENIED)
565                        {
566                            // For having any connected user allowed, you need to not have the denied access for one object
567                            isAnyConnectedAllowed = Boolean.FALSE;
568                        }
569                        else if (isAnyConnectedAllowed == null && permissionForAnyConnectedUser == AccessResult.ANY_CONNECTED_ALLOWED)
570                        {
571                            isAnyConnectedAllowed = Boolean.TRUE;
572                        }
574                        Map<UserIdentity, AccessResult> permissionsByUser = rightId == null ? accessController.getReadAccessPermissionByUser(obj) : accessController.getPermissionByUser(rightId, obj);
576                        Set<UserIdentity> allowedUsersOnObj = permissionsByUser.entrySet().stream()
577                                .filter(entry -> AccessResult.USER_ALLOWED.equals(entry.getValue()))
578                                .map(Entry::getKey)
579                                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
580                        allAllowedUsers.addAll(allowedUsersOnObj);
582                        Set<UserIdentity> deniedUsersOnObj = permissionsByUser.entrySet().stream()
583                                .filter(entry -> AccessResult.USER_DENIED.equals(entry.getValue()))
584                                .map(Entry::getKey)
585                                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
586                        allDeniedUsers.addAll(deniedUsersOnObj);
589                        Map<GroupIdentity, AccessResult> permissionsByGroup = rightId == null ? accessController.getReadAccessPermissionByGroup(obj) : accessController.getPermissionByGroup(rightId, obj);
591                        Set<GroupIdentity> allowedGroupsOnObj = permissionsByGroup.entrySet().stream()
592                                .filter(entry -> AccessResult.GROUP_ALLOWED.equals(entry.getValue()))
593                                .map(Entry::getKey)
594                                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
595                        allAllowedGroups.addAll(allowedGroupsOnObj);
597                        Set<GroupIdentity> deniedGroupsOnObj = permissionsByGroup.entrySet().stream()
598                                .filter(entry -> AccessResult.GROUP_DENIED.equals(entry.getValue()))
599                                .map(Entry::getKey)
600                                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
601                        allDeniedGroups.addAll(deniedGroupsOnObj);
602                    }
603                }
604                catch (Exception e)
605                {
606                    getLogger().error("An error occured with controller '{}' for object {}. Thus, this controller will be ignored.", controllerId, obj, e);
607                }
608            }
609        }
611        Request request = ContextHelper.getRequest(_context);
612        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
613        List<String> populationContexts = (List<String>) request.getAttribute(PopulationContextHelper.POPULATION_CONTEXTS_REQUEST_ATTR);
615        // Then, return the AllowedUsers object
616        return new AllowedUsers(false, isAnyConnectedAllowed != null && isAnyConnectedAllowed.booleanValue(), allAllowedUsers, allDeniedUsers, allAllowedGroups, allDeniedGroups, _userManager, _groupManager, populationContexts != null ? new HashSet<>(populationContexts) : new HashSet<>());
617    }
619    /* --------------- */
620    /* GET USER RIGHTS */
621    /* --------------- */
623    /**
624     * Get the list of rights a user is allowed, on a particular object.
625     * @param userIdentity the user identity. Cannot be null.
626     * @param object The object to check the right. Cannot be null.
627     * @return The list of rights as a Set of String (id).
628     * @throws RightsException if an error occurs.
629     */
630    public Set<String> getUserRights(UserIdentity userIdentity, Object object) throws RightsException
631    {
632        if (userIdentity == null)
633        {
634            throw new RightsException("The userIdentity cannot be null");
635        }
636        else if (object == null)
637        {
638            throw new RightsException("The object cannot be null");
639        }
641        // Get the objects to check
642        Set<Object> objects = _getConvertedObjects(object);
644        // Retrieve groups the user belongs to
645        Set<GroupIdentity> groups = _groupManager.getUserGroups(userIdentity);
647        // Gets the access by rights
648        Map<String, AccessResult> accessResultsByRight = _getAccessResultByRight(userIdentity, groups, objects);
650        // Keep only positive rights
651        Set<String> allowedRights = accessResultsByRight.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> entry.getValue().toRightResult() == RightResult.RIGHT_ALLOW).map(entry -> entry.getKey()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
652        return allowedRights;
653    }
655    private Map<String, AccessResult> _getAccessResultByRight(UserIdentity userIdentity, Set<GroupIdentity> groups, Set<Object> objects)
656    {
657        Map<String, AccessResult> result = new HashMap<>();
659        for (Object obj : objects)
660        {
661            for (String controllerId : _accessControllerEP.getExtensionsIds())
662            {
663                AccessController accessController = _accessControllerEP.getExtension(controllerId);
664                try
665                {
666                    if (accessController.isSupported(obj))
667                    {
668                        // Update the result map
669                        Map<String, AccessResult> permissionsByRight = accessController.getPermissionByRight(userIdentity, groups, obj);
670                        for (String rightId : permissionsByRight.keySet())
671                        {
672                            result.put(rightId, AccessResult.merge(result.get(rightId), permissionsByRight.get(rightId)));
673                        }
674                    }
675                }
676                catch (Exception e)
677                {
678                    getLogger().error("An error occured with controller '{}' for object {}. Thus, this controller will be ignored.", controllerId, obj, e);
679                }
680            }
681        }
683        return result;
684    }
686    /* ------- */
687    /* PRIVATE */
688    /* ------- */
690    private Set<Object> _getConvertedObjects(Object object)
691    {
692        Set<Object> objects = _rightContextConvertorEP.getExtensionsIds().stream()
693                .map(_rightContextConvertorEP::getExtension)
694                .flatMap(convertor -> convertor.convert(object).stream())
695                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
696        objects.add(object);
698        return objects;
699    }
701    private Set<GroupIdentity> _getGroups(UserIdentity userIdentity)
702    {
703        if (userIdentity == __ANONYMOUS_USER_IDENTITY || userIdentity == __ANY_CONTECTED_USER_IDENTITY)
704        {
705            return Collections.EMPTY_SET;
706        }
707        else
708        {
709            Set<GroupIdentity> userGroups = _groupManager.getUserGroups(userIdentity);
710            return userGroups;
711        }
712    }
716    private RightResult _hasRightResultInFirstCache(UserIdentity userIdentity, String rightId, Object object)
717    {
718        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
719        Map<UserIdentity, Map<String, Map<Object, RightResult>>> mapCache = getCache(CACHE_1, false);
720        if (mapCache != null)
721        {
722            if (mapCache.containsKey(userIdentity))
723            {
724                Map<String, Map<Object, RightResult>> mapRight = mapCache.get(userIdentity);
725                if (mapRight.containsKey(rightId))
726                {
727                    Map<Object, RightResult> mapContext = mapRight.get(rightId);
728                    if (mapContext.containsKey(object))
729                    {
730                        RightResult cacheResult = mapContext.get(object); 
731                        getLogger().debug("Find entry in cache for [{}, {}, {}] => {}", userIdentity, rightId, object, cacheResult);
732                        return cacheResult;
733                    }
734                }
735            }
736        }
738        getLogger().debug("Did not find entry in cache for [{}, {}, {}]", userIdentity, rightId, object);
739        return null;
740    }
742    private void _putInFirstCache(UserIdentity userIdentity, String rightId, Object object, RightResult rightResult)
743    {
744        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
745        Map<UserIdentity, Map<String, Map<Object, RightResult>>> mapCache = getCache(CACHE_1, true);
746        if (mapCache != null)
747        {
748            if (!mapCache.containsKey(userIdentity))
749            {
750                mapCache.put(userIdentity, new HashMap<>());
751            }
752            Map<String, Map<Object, RightResult>> mapRight = mapCache.get(userIdentity);
754            if (!mapRight.containsKey(rightId))
755            {
756                mapRight.put(rightId, new HashMap<>());
757            }
758            Map<Object, RightResult> mapContext = mapRight.get(rightId);
760            mapContext.put(object, rightResult);
761        }
762    }
764    private RightResult _hasRightResultInSecondCache(Set<Object> workspacesContexts, UserIdentity userIdentity, String rightId)
765    {
766        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
767        Map<UserIdentity, Map<String, Map<Object, RightResult>>> mapCache = getCache(CACHE_2, false);
768        if (mapCache != null)
769        {
770            if (mapCache.containsKey(userIdentity))
771            {
772                Map<String, Map<Object, RightResult>> mapRight = mapCache.get(userIdentity);
773                if (mapRight.containsKey(rightId))
774                {
775                    Map<Object, RightResult> resultPerContext = mapRight.get(rightId);
776                    if (resultPerContext.containsKey(workspacesContexts))
777                    {
778                        RightResult cacheResult = resultPerContext.get(workspacesContexts);
779                        getLogger().debug("Find entry in cache2 for [{}, {}, {}] => {}", workspacesContexts, userIdentity, rightId, cacheResult);
780                        return cacheResult;
781                    }
782                }
783            }
784        }
786        getLogger().debug("Did not find entry in cache2 for [{}, {}, {}]", workspacesContexts, userIdentity, rightId);
787        return null;
788    }
790    private void _putInSecondCache(Set<Object> workspacesContexts, UserIdentity userIdentity, String rightId, RightResult rightResult)
791    {
792        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
793        Map<UserIdentity, Map<String, Map<Object, RightResult>>> mapCache = getCache(CACHE_2, true);
794        if (mapCache != null)
795        {
796            if (!mapCache.containsKey(userIdentity))
797            {
798                mapCache.put(userIdentity, new HashMap<>());
799            }
800            Map<String, Map<Object, RightResult>> mapRights = mapCache.get(userIdentity);
802            if (!mapRights.containsKey(rightId))
803            {
804                mapRights.put(rightId, new HashMap<>());            
805            }
806            Map<Object, RightResult> mapResult = mapRights.get(rightId);
808            mapResult.put(workspacesContexts, rightResult);
809        }
810    }
812    /**
813     * Get the RightManager cache. Use this to store your information on rights
814     * @param cacheKey The cache key
815     * @param createIfUnexisting Creates a new HashMap if the cache does not exists yet
816     * @return The existing cache. Can be null if there is no cache and createIfUnexisting is false, but can also be null if there is no running request to store the cache
817     */
818    public Map getCache(String cacheKey, boolean createIfUnexisting)
819    {
820        Request request;
821        try
822        {
823            request = ContextHelper.getRequest(_context);
824        }
825        catch (CascadingRuntimeException e)
826        {
827            return null;
828        }
830        if (request == null)
831        {
832            return null;
833        }
835        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
836        Map<String, Map> cache = (Map<String, Map>) request.getAttribute(CACHE_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
837        if (cache == null)
838        {
839            if (!createIfUnexisting)
840            {
841                return null;
842            }
844            cache = new HashMap<>();
845            request.setAttribute(CACHE_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, cache);
846        }
848        Map mapCache = cache.get(cacheKey);
849        if (mapCache == null && createIfUnexisting)
850        {
851            mapCache = new HashMap<>();
852            cache.put(cacheKey, mapCache);
853        }
854        return mapCache;
855    }