002 *  Copyright 2016 Anyware Services
003 *
004 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009 *
010 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 *  limitations under the License.
015 */
016package org.ametys.plugins.core.impl.user.directory;
018import java.sql.Connection;
019import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
020import java.sql.ResultSet;
021import java.sql.SQLException;
022import java.util.ArrayList;
023import java.util.Arrays;
024import java.util.Collection;
025import java.util.Collections;
026import java.util.HashMap;
027import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
028import java.util.List;
029import java.util.Map;
031import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.Component;
032import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration;
033import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException;
034import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Context;
035import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.ContextException;
036import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Contextualizable;
037import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceException;
038import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceManager;
039import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.Serviceable;
040import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
041import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils;
042import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
043import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
044import org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceResolver;
046import org.ametys.core.ObservationConstants;
047import org.ametys.core.datasource.ConnectionHelper;
048import org.ametys.core.observation.Event;
049import org.ametys.core.observation.ObservationManager;
050import org.ametys.core.script.SQLScriptHelper;
051import org.ametys.core.user.CurrentUserProvider;
052import org.ametys.core.user.InvalidModificationException;
053import org.ametys.core.user.User;
054import org.ametys.core.user.UserIdentity;
055import org.ametys.core.user.directory.ModifiableUserDirectory;
056import org.ametys.core.util.CachingComponent;
057import org.ametys.plugins.core.impl.user.jdbc.JdbcParameter;
058import org.ametys.runtime.i18n.I18nizableText;
059import org.ametys.runtime.parameter.AbstractParameterParser;
060import org.ametys.runtime.parameter.DefaultValidator;
061import org.ametys.runtime.parameter.Enumerator;
062import org.ametys.runtime.parameter.Errors;
063import org.ametys.runtime.parameter.Parameter;
064import org.ametys.runtime.parameter.ParameterHelper;
065import org.ametys.runtime.parameter.ParameterHelper.ParameterType;
066import org.ametys.runtime.parameter.Validator;
067import org.ametys.runtime.plugin.PluginsManager;
068import org.ametys.runtime.plugin.component.PluginAware;
069import org.ametys.runtime.plugin.component.ThreadSafeComponentManager;
072 * Use a jdbc driver for getting the list of users, modifying them and also
073 * authenticate them.<br>
074 * Passwords need to be encrypted with MD5 and encoded in base64.<br>
075 */
076public class JdbcUserDirectory extends CachingComponent<String, User> implements ModifiableUserDirectory, Component, Serviceable, Contextualizable, PluginAware
078    /** The base plugin (for i18n key) */
079    protected static final String BASE_PLUGIN_NAME = "core";
081    static final String[] __COLUMNS = new String[] {"login", "password", "firstname", "lastname", "email"};
083    /** Name of the parameter holding the datasource id */
084    private static final String __DATASOURCE_PARAM_NAME = "runtime.users.jdbc.datasource";
085    /** Name of the parameter holding the table users' name */
086    private static final String __USERS_TABLE_PARAM_NAME = "runtime.users.jdbc.table";
088    private static final String __COLUMN_LOGIN = "login";
089    private static final String __COLUMN_PASSWORD = "password";
090    private static final String __COLUMN_FIRSTNAME = "firstname";
091    private static final String __COLUMN_LASTNAME = "lastname";
092    private static final String __COLUMN_EMAIL = "email";
093    private static final String __COLUMN_SALT = "salt";
095    /** The identifier of data source */
096    protected String _dataSourceId;
097    /** The name of users' SQL table */
098    protected String _userTableName;
100    /** Model */
101    protected Map<String, JdbcParameter> _model;
103    /** Plugin name */
104    protected String _pluginName;
106    /** The avalon service manager */
107    protected ServiceManager _manager;
109    /** The avalon context */
110    protected Context _context;
112    /** The cocoon source resolver */
113    protected SourceResolver _sourceResolver;
115    // ComponentManager for the Validators
116    private ThreadSafeComponentManager<Validator> _validatorManager;
118    //ComponentManager for the Enumerators
119    private ThreadSafeComponentManager<Enumerator> _enumeratorManager;
121    private ObservationManager _observationManager;
122    private CurrentUserProvider _currentUserProvider;
124    private String _udModelId;
125    private Map<String, Object> _paramValues;
126    private String _populationId;
128    private String _label;
130    private String _id;
132    private boolean _lazyInitialized;
134    @Override
135    public void setPluginInfo(String pluginName, String featureName, String id)
136    {
137        _pluginName = pluginName;
138    }
140    @Override
141    public void contextualize(Context context) throws ContextException
142    {
143        _context = context;
144    }
146    @Override
147    public void service(ServiceManager manager) throws ServiceException
148    {
149        _manager = manager;
150        _sourceResolver = (SourceResolver) manager.lookup(SourceResolver.ROLE);
151    }
153    @Override
154    public void dispose()
155    {
156        super.dispose();
158        _enumeratorManager.dispose();
159        _enumeratorManager = null;
161        _validatorManager.dispose();
162        _validatorManager = null;
163    }
165    public String getId()
166    {
167        return _id;
168    }
170    public String getLabel()
171    {
172        return _label;
173    }
175    @Override
176    public void init(String id, String udModelId, Map<String, Object> paramValues, String label)
177    {
178        _id = id;
179        _udModelId = udModelId;
180        _paramValues = paramValues;
181        _label = label;
183        _userTableName = (String) paramValues.get(__USERS_TABLE_PARAM_NAME);
184        _dataSourceId = (String) paramValues.get(__DATASOURCE_PARAM_NAME);
186        configureModelParameters();
187    }
189    /**
190     * Lazy lookup the {@link ObservationManager}
191     * @return the observation manager
192     */
193    protected ObservationManager getObservationManager()
194    {
195        if (_observationManager == null)
196        {
197            try
198            {
199                _observationManager = (ObservationManager) _manager.lookup(ObservationManager.ROLE);
200            }
201            catch (ServiceException e)
202            {
203                // We may be in safe mode
204                if (PluginsManager.getInstance().isSafeMode())
205                {
206                    getLogger().debug("Unable to lookup ObservationManager component in safe mode", e);
207                }
208                else
209                {
210                    getLogger().error("Unable to lookup ObservationManager component", e);
211                }
212            }
213        }
214        return _observationManager;
215    }
217    /**
218     * Lazy lookup the {@link CurrentUserProvider}
219     * @return the current user provider
220     */
221    protected CurrentUserProvider getCurrentUserProvider()
222    {
223        if (_currentUserProvider == null)
224        {
225            try
226            {
227                _currentUserProvider = (CurrentUserProvider) _manager.lookup(CurrentUserProvider.ROLE);
228            }
229            catch (ServiceException e)
230            {
231                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to lookup CurrentUserProvider component", e);
232            }
233        }
234        return _currentUserProvider;
235    }
237    /**
238     * Get the connection to the database 
239     * @return the SQL connection
240     */
241    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
242    protected Connection getSQLConnection()
243    {
244        Connection connection = ConnectionHelper.getConnection(_dataSourceId);
246        if (!_lazyInitialized)
247        {
248            try
249            {
250                SQLScriptHelper.createTableIfNotExists(connection, _userTableName, "plugin:core://scripts/%s/jdbc_users.template.sql", _sourceResolver, 
251                        (Map) ArrayUtils.toMap(new String[][] {{"%TABLENAME%", _userTableName}}));
252            }
253            catch (Exception e)
254            {
255                getLogger().error("The tables requires by the " + this.getClass().getName() + " could not be created. A degraded behavior will occur", e);
256            }
258            _lazyInitialized = true;
259        }
261        return connection;
262    }
264    @Override
265    public void setPopulationId(String populationId)
266    {
267        _populationId = populationId;
268    }
270    @Override
271    public String getPopulationId()
272    {
273        return _populationId;
274    }
276    @Override
277    public Map<String, Object> getParameterValues()
278    {
279        return _paramValues;
280    }
282    @Override
283    public String getUserDirectoryModelId()
284    {
285        return _udModelId;
286    }
288    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
289    @Override
290    public Collection<User> getUsers()
291    {
292        return getUsers(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
293    }
295    @Override
296    public List<User> getUsers(int count, int offset, Map<String, Object> parameters)
297    {
298        String pattern = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty((String) parameters.get("pattern"), null);
299        int boundedCount = count >= 0 ? count : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
300        int boundedOffset = offset >= 0 ? offset : 0;
302        SelectUsersJdbcQueryExecutor<List<User>> queryExecutor = new SelectUsersJdbcQueryExecutor<List<User>>(pattern, boundedCount, boundedOffset) 
303        {
304            @Override
305            protected List<User> processResultSet(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException
306            {
307                return _getUsersProcessResultSet(rs);
308            }
309        };
311        return queryExecutor.run();
312    }
314    @Override
315    public User getUser(String login)
316    {
317        if (isCacheEnabled())
318        {
319            User user = getObjectFromCache(login);
320            if (user != null)
321            {
322                return user;
323            }
324        }
326        SelectUserJdbcQueryExecutor<User> queryExecutor = new SelectUserJdbcQueryExecutor<User>(login)
327        {
328            @Override
329            protected User processResultSet(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException
330            {
331                return _getUserProcessResultSet(rs, login);
332            }
333        };
335        return queryExecutor.run();
336    }
338    @Override
339    public boolean checkCredentials(String login, String password)
340    {
341        boolean updateNeeded = false;
343        Connection con = null;
344        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
345        ResultSet rs = null;
346        try
347        {
348            // Connect to the database with connection pool
349            con = getSQLConnection();
351            // Build request for authenticating the user
352            String sql = "SELECT " + __COLUMN_LOGIN + ", " + __COLUMN_PASSWORD + ", " + __COLUMN_SALT + " FROM " + _userTableName + " WHERE " + __COLUMN_LOGIN + " = ?";
353            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
354            {
355                getLogger().debug(sql);
356            }
358            stmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);
359            stmt.setString(1, login);
361            // Do the request
362            rs = stmt.executeQuery();
364            if (rs.next()) 
365            {
366                String storedPassword = rs.getString(__COLUMN_PASSWORD);
367                String salt = rs.getString(__COLUMN_SALT);
369                if (salt == null && _isMD5Encrypted(storedPassword))
370                {
371                    String encryptedPassword = org.ametys.core.util.StringUtils.md5Base64(password);
373                    if (encryptedPassword == null)
374                    {
375                        getLogger().error("Unable to encrypt password");
376                        return false;
377                    }
379                    if (storedPassword.equals(encryptedPassword))
380                    {
381                        updateNeeded = true;
382                        return true;
383                    }
385                    return false;
386                }
387                else
388                {
389                    String encryptedPassword = DigestUtils.sha512Hex(salt + password);
391                    if (encryptedPassword == null)
392                    {
393                        getLogger().error("Unable to encrypt password");
394                        return false;
395                    }
397                    return storedPassword.equalsIgnoreCase(encryptedPassword);
398                }
399            }
401            return false;
402        }
403        catch (SQLException e)
404        {
405            getLogger().error("Error during the connection to the database", e);
406            return false;
407        }
408        finally
409        {
410            // Close connections
411            ConnectionHelper.cleanup(rs);
412            ConnectionHelper.cleanup(stmt);
413            ConnectionHelper.cleanup(con);
415            if (updateNeeded)
416            {
417                _updateToSSHAPassword(login, password);
418            }
419        }
420    }
422    @Override
423    public void add(Map<String, String> userInformation) throws InvalidModificationException
424    {
425        Connection con = null;
426        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
428        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
429        {
430            getLogger().debug("Starting adding a new user");
431        }
433        // Check the presence of all parameters
434        Map<String, Errors> errorFields = validate(userInformation);
436        if (errorFields.size() > 0)
437        {
438            throw new InvalidModificationException("The creation of user failed because of invalid parameter values", errorFields);
439        }
441        String login = userInformation.get("login");
443        try
444        {
445            // Connect to the database with connection pool
446            con = getSQLConnection();
448            stmt = createAddStatement(con, userInformation);
450            // Do the request and check the result
451            if (stmt.executeUpdate() != 1)
452            {
453                if (getLogger().isWarnEnabled())
454                {
455                    getLogger().warn("The user to remove '" + login + "' was not removed.");
456                }
457                throw new InvalidModificationException("Error no user inserted");
458            }
460            if (getObservationManager() != null)
461            {
462                // Observation manager can be null in safe mode
463                Map<String, Object> eventParams = new HashMap<>();
464                eventParams.put(ObservationConstants.ARGS_USER, new UserIdentity(login, _populationId));
465                getObservationManager().notify(new Event(ObservationConstants.EVENT_USER_ADDED, getCurrentUserProvider().getUser(), eventParams));
466            }
467        }
468        catch (SQLException e)
469        {
470            getLogger().error("Error communication with database", e);
471            throw new InvalidModificationException("Error during the communication with the database", e);
472        }
473        finally
474        {
475            // Close connections
476            ConnectionHelper.cleanup(stmt);
477            ConnectionHelper.cleanup(con);
478        }
480    }
482    @Override
483    public Map<String, Errors> validate(Map<String, String> userInformation)
484    {
485        Map<String, Errors> errorFields = new HashMap<>();
486        for (JdbcParameter parameter : _model.values())
487        {
488            String untypedvalue = userInformation.get(parameter.getId());
489            Object typedvalue = ParameterHelper.castValue(untypedvalue, parameter.getType());
490            Validator validator = parameter.getValidator();
492            if (validator != null)
493            {
494                Errors errors = new Errors();
495                validator.validate(typedvalue, errors);
497                if (errors.hasErrors())
498                {
499                    if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
500                    {
501                        getLogger().debug("The field '" + parameter.getId() + "' is not valid");
502                    }
504                    errorFields.put(parameter.getId(), errors);
505                }
506            }
507        }
508        return errorFields;
509    }
511    @Override
512    public void update(Map<String, String> userInformation) throws InvalidModificationException
513    {
514        Connection con = null;
515        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
517        Map<String, Errors> errorFields = new HashMap<>();
518        for (String id : userInformation.keySet())
519        {
520            JdbcParameter parameter = _model.get(id);
521            if (parameter != null)
522            {
523                String untypedvalue = userInformation.get(parameter.getId());
524                Object typedvalue = ParameterHelper.castValue(untypedvalue, parameter.getType());
525                Validator validator = parameter.getValidator();
527                if (validator != null)
528                {
529                    Errors errors = new Errors();
530                    validator.validate(typedvalue, errors);
532                    if (errors.hasErrors())
533                    {
534                        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
535                        {
536                            getLogger().debug("The field '" + parameter.getId() + "' is not valid");
537                        }
539                        errorFields.put(parameter.getId(), errors);
540                    }
541                }
542            }
543        }
545        if (errorFields.size() > 0)
546        {
547            throw new InvalidModificationException("The modification of user failed because of invalid parameter values", errorFields);
548        }
550        String login = userInformation.get("login");
551        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(login))
552        {
553            throw new InvalidModificationException("Cannot update without login information");
554        }
556        try
557        {
558            // Connect to the database with connection pool
559            con = getSQLConnection();
561            stmt = createModifyStatement(con, userInformation);
563            // Do the request
564            if (stmt.executeUpdate() != 1)
565            {
566                throw new InvalidModificationException("Error. User '" + login + "' not updated");
567            }
569            if (getObservationManager() != null)
570            {
571                // Observation manager can be null in safe mode
572                Map<String, Object> eventParams = new HashMap<>();
573                eventParams.put(ObservationConstants.ARGS_USER, new UserIdentity(login, _populationId));
574                getObservationManager().notify(new Event(ObservationConstants.EVENT_USER_UPDATED, getCurrentUserProvider().getUser(), eventParams));
575            }
577            if (isCacheEnabled())
578            {
579                removeObjectFromCache(login);
580            }
581        }
582        catch (SQLException e)
583        {
584            getLogger().error("Error communication with database", e);
585            throw new InvalidModificationException("Error communication with database", e);
586        }
587        finally
588        {
589            // Close connections
590            ConnectionHelper.cleanup(stmt);
591            ConnectionHelper.cleanup(con);
592        }
593    }
595    @Override
596    public void remove(String login) throws InvalidModificationException
597    {
598        Connection con = null;
599        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
601        try
602        {
603            // Connect to the database with connection pool
604            con = getSQLConnection();
606            // Build request for removing the user
607            String sqlRequest = "DELETE FROM " + _userTableName + " WHERE " + __COLUMN_LOGIN + " = ?";
608            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
609            {
610                getLogger().debug(sqlRequest);
611            }
613            stmt = con.prepareStatement(sqlRequest);
614            stmt.setString(1, login);
616            // Do the request and check the result
617            if (stmt.executeUpdate() != 1)
618            {
619                throw new InvalidModificationException("Error user was not deleted");
620            }
622            if (getObservationManager() != null)
623            {
624                // Observation manager can be null in safe mode
625                Map<String, Object> eventParams = new HashMap<>();
626                eventParams.put(ObservationConstants.ARGS_USER, new UserIdentity(login, _populationId));
627                getObservationManager().notify(new Event(ObservationConstants.EVENT_USER_DELETED, getCurrentUserProvider().getUser(), eventParams));
628            }
630            if (isCacheEnabled())
631            {
632                removeObjectFromCache(login);
633            }
634        }
635        catch (SQLException e)
636        {
637            throw new InvalidModificationException("Error during the communication with the database", e);
638        }
639        finally
640        {
641            // Close connections
642            ConnectionHelper.cleanup(stmt);
643            ConnectionHelper.cleanup(con);
644        }
645    }
647    @Override
648    public Collection< ? extends Parameter<ParameterType>> getModel()
649    {
650        return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(_model.values());
651    }
653    /**
654     * Configure the edition model parameters
655     */
656    protected void configureModelParameters()
657    {
658        _validatorManager = new ThreadSafeComponentManager<>();
659        _validatorManager.setLogger(getLogger());
660        _validatorManager.contextualize(_context);
661        _validatorManager.service(_manager);
663        _enumeratorManager = new ThreadSafeComponentManager<>();
664        _enumeratorManager.setLogger(getLogger());
665        _enumeratorManager.contextualize(_context);
666        _enumeratorManager.service(_manager);
668        _model = new LinkedHashMap<>();
670        JdbcParameterParser jdbcParameterParser = new JdbcParameterParser(_enumeratorManager, _validatorManager);
672        for (String column : __COLUMNS)
673        {
674            JdbcParameter parameter = _configureParameter(jdbcParameterParser, column, column);
675            if (parameter != null)
676            {
677                _model.put(parameter.getId(), parameter);
678            }
679        }
681        try
682        {
683            jdbcParameterParser.lookupComponents();
684        }
685        catch (Exception e)
686        {
687            getLogger().error("Unable to lookup parameter local components", e);
688        }
689    }
691    /**
692     * Configure the parameter (for special handling)
693     * @param jdbcParameterParser the {@link JdbcParameter} parser.
694     * @param id Id the of the parameter
695     * @param column Column name of the parameter
696     * @return The parameter created
697     */
698    protected JdbcParameter _configureParameter(JdbcParameterParser jdbcParameterParser, String id, final String column)
699    {
700        JdbcParameter parameter = new JdbcParameter();
702        String catalog = "plugin." + BASE_PLUGIN_NAME;
704        if ("password".equals(id))
705        {
706            parameter.setPluginName(BASE_PLUGIN_NAME);
707            parameter.setLabel(new I18nizableText(catalog, "PLUGINS_CORE_USERS_JDBC_FIELD_PASSWORD_LABEL"));
708            parameter.setDescription(new I18nizableText(catalog, "PLUGINS_CORE_USERS_JDBC_FIELD_PASSWORD_DESCRIPTION"));
709            parameter.setType(ParameterType.PASSWORD);
710            parameter.setValidator(new DefaultValidator(null, true));
711        }
712        else if ("login".equals(id))
713        {
714            parameter.setPluginName(BASE_PLUGIN_NAME);
715            parameter.setLabel(new I18nizableText(catalog, "PLUGINS_CORE_USERS_JDBC_FIELD_LOGIN_LABEL"));
716            parameter.setDescription(new I18nizableText(catalog, "PLUGINS_CORE_USERS_JDBC_FIELD_LOGIN_DESCRIPTION"));
717            parameter.setType(ParameterType.STRING);
718            I18nizableText invalidText = new I18nizableText(catalog, "PLUGINS_CORE_USERS_JDBC_FIELD_LOGIN_INVALID");
719            parameter.setValidator(new DefaultValidator("^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.@]{3,64}$", invalidText, true));
720        }
721        else if ("lastname".equals(id))
722        {
723            parameter.setPluginName(BASE_PLUGIN_NAME);
724            parameter.setLabel(new I18nizableText(catalog, "PLUGINS_CORE_USERS_JDBC_FIELD_LASTNAME_LABEL"));
725            parameter.setDescription(new I18nizableText(catalog, "PLUGINS_CORE_USERS_JDBC_FIELD_LASTNAME_DESCRIPTION"));
726            parameter.setType(ParameterType.STRING);
727            parameter.setValidator(new DefaultValidator(null, true));
728        }
729        else if ("firstname".equals(id))
730        {
731            parameter.setPluginName(BASE_PLUGIN_NAME);
732            parameter.setLabel(new I18nizableText(catalog, "PLUGINS_CORE_USERS_JDBC_FIELD_FIRSTNAME_LABEL"));
733            parameter.setDescription(new I18nizableText(catalog, "PLUGINS_CORE_USERS_JDBC_FIELD_FIRSTNAME_DESCRIPTION"));
734            parameter.setType(ParameterType.STRING);
735            parameter.setValidator(new DefaultValidator(null, true));
736        }
737        else if ("email".equals(id))
738        {
739            parameter.setPluginName(BASE_PLUGIN_NAME);
740            parameter.setLabel(new I18nizableText(catalog, "PLUGINS_CORE_USERS_JDBC_FIELD_EMAIL_LABEL"));
741            parameter.setDescription(new I18nizableText(catalog, "PLUGINS_CORE_USERS_JDBC_FIELD_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION"));
742            parameter.setType(ParameterType.STRING);
743            I18nizableText invalidText = new I18nizableText(catalog, "PLUGINS_CORE_USERS_JDBC_FIELD_EMAIL_INVALID");
744            parameter.setValidator(new DefaultValidator("^([\\w\\-\\.])+@([\\w\\-\\.])+\\.([a-zA-Z])+$", invalidText, false));
745        }
746        else
747        {
748            return null;
749        }
751        parameter.setId(id);
752        parameter.setColumn(column);
754        return parameter;
755    }
757    /**
758     * Get the mandatory predicate to use when querying users by pattern.
759     * @param pattern The pattern to match, can be null.
760     * @return a {@link JdbcPredicate}, can be null.
761     */
762    protected JdbcPredicate _getMandatoryPredicate(String pattern)
763    {
764        return null;
765    }
767    /**
768     * Get the pattern to match user login
769     * @param pattern the pattern
770     * @return the pattern to match user login
771     */
772    protected String _getPatternToMatch(String pattern)
773    {
774        if (pattern != null)
775        {
776            return "%" + pattern + "%";
777        }
778        return null;
779    }
781    /**
782     * Determines if the password is encrypted with MD5 algorithm
783     * @param password The encrypted password
784     * @return true if the password is encrypted with MD5 algorithm
785     */
786    protected boolean _isMD5Encrypted(String password)
787    {
788        return password.length() == 24;
789    }
791    /**
792     * Generate a salt key and encrypt the password with the sha2 algorithm
793     * @param login The user login
794     * @param password The user pasword
795     */
796    protected void _updateToSSHAPassword(String login, String password)
797    {
798        Connection con = null;
799        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
800        ResultSet rs = null;
802        try
803        {
804            con = getSQLConnection();
806            String generateSaltKey = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(48);
807            String newEncryptedPassword = DigestUtils.sha512Hex(generateSaltKey + password);
809            String sqlUpdate = "UPDATE " + _userTableName + " SET " + __COLUMN_PASSWORD + " = ?, " + __COLUMN_SALT + " = ? WHERE " + __COLUMN_LOGIN + " = ?";
810            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
811            {
812                getLogger().debug(sqlUpdate);
813            }
815            stmt = con.prepareStatement(sqlUpdate);
816            stmt.setString(1, newEncryptedPassword);
817            stmt.setString(2, generateSaltKey);
818            stmt.setString(3, login);
820            stmt.execute();
821        }
822        catch (SQLException e)
823        {
824            getLogger().error("Error during the connection to the database", e);
825        }
826        finally
827        {
828            // Close connections
829            ConnectionHelper.cleanup(rs);
830            ConnectionHelper.cleanup(stmt);
831            ConnectionHelper.cleanup(con);
832        }
833    }
835     /**
836      * Create Add statement
837      * @param con The sql connection
838      * @param userInformation the user informations
839      * @return The statement
840      * @throws SQLException if an error occurred
841      */
842    protected PreparedStatement createAddStatement(Connection con, Map<String, String> userInformation) throws SQLException
843    {
844        String beginClause = "INSERT INTO " + _userTableName + " (";
845        String middleClause = ") VALUES (";
846        String endClause = ")";
848        StringBuffer intoClause = new StringBuffer();
849        StringBuffer valueClause = new StringBuffer();
851        intoClause.append(__COLUMN_SALT);
852        valueClause.append("?");
854        for (String column : __COLUMNS)
855        {
856            intoClause.append(", " + column);
857            valueClause.append(", ?");
858        }
860        String sqlRequest = beginClause + intoClause.toString() + middleClause + valueClause + endClause;
861        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
862        {
863            getLogger().debug(sqlRequest);
864        }
866        PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(sqlRequest);
868        int i = 1;
869        boolean clearText = !userInformation.containsKey("clearText") || !"false".equals(userInformation.get("clearText")) || !userInformation.containsKey(__COLUMN_SALT);
870        String generatedSaltKey = clearText ? RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(48) : userInformation.get(__COLUMN_SALT);
872        stmt.setString(i++, generatedSaltKey);
874        for (String column : __COLUMNS)
875        {
876            if ("password".equals(column))
877            {
878                String encryptedPassword;
879                if (clearText)
880                {
881                    encryptedPassword = DigestUtils.sha512Hex(generatedSaltKey + userInformation.get(column));
882                    if (encryptedPassword == null)
883                    {
884                        String message = "Cannot encode password";
885                        getLogger().error(message);
886                        throw new SQLException(message);
887                    }
888                }
889                else
890                {
891                    encryptedPassword = userInformation.get(column);
892                }
893                stmt.setString(i++, encryptedPassword);
894            }
895            else
896            {
897                stmt.setString(i++, userInformation.get(column));
898            }
899        }
901        return stmt;
902    }
904     /**
905      * Create statement to update database
906      * @param con The sql connection
907      * @param userInformation The user information
908      * @return The statement
909      * @throws SQLException if an error occurred
910      */
911    protected PreparedStatement createModifyStatement(Connection con, Map<String, String> userInformation) throws SQLException
912    {
913        // Build request for editing the user
914        String beginClause = "UPDATE " + _userTableName + " SET ";
915        String endClause = " WHERE " + __COLUMN_LOGIN + " = ?";
917        StringBuffer columnNames = new StringBuffer("");
919        boolean passwordUpdate = false;
920        for (String id : userInformation.keySet())
921        {
922            if (ArrayUtils.contains(__COLUMNS, id) && !"login".equals(id) && !("password".equals(id) && (userInformation.get(id) == null)))
923            {
924                if ("password".equals(id))
925                {
926                    passwordUpdate = true;
927                }
929                if (columnNames.length() > 0)
930                {
931                    columnNames.append(", ");
932                }
933                columnNames.append(id + " = ?");
934            }
935        }
937        if (passwordUpdate)
938        {
939            columnNames.append(", " + __COLUMN_SALT + " = ?");
940        }
942        String sqlRequest = beginClause + columnNames.toString() + endClause;
943        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
944        {
945            getLogger().debug(sqlRequest);
946        }
948        PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(sqlRequest);
949        _fillModifyStatement(stmt, userInformation);
951        return stmt;
952    }
954     /**
955      * Fill the statement with the user informations
956      * @param stmt The statement of the sql request
957      * @param userInformation the user informations
958      * @throws SQLException if an error occurred
959      */
960    protected void _fillModifyStatement(PreparedStatement stmt, Map<String, String> userInformation) throws SQLException
961    {
962        int index = 1;
964        boolean clearText = !userInformation.containsKey("clearText") || !"false".equals(userInformation.get("clearText")) || !userInformation.containsKey(__COLUMN_SALT);
965        String generatedSaltKey = clearText ? RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(48) : userInformation.get(__COLUMN_SALT);
967        boolean passwordUpdate = false;
969        for (String id : userInformation.keySet())
970        {
971            if (ArrayUtils.contains(__COLUMNS, id) && !"login".equals(id))
972            {
973                if ("password".equals(id))
974                {
975                    if (userInformation.get(id) != null)
976                    {
977                        String encryptedPassword;
978                        if (clearText)
979                        {
980                            encryptedPassword = DigestUtils.sha512Hex(generatedSaltKey + userInformation.get(id));
981                            if (encryptedPassword == null)
982                            {
983                                String message = "Cannot encrypt password";
984                                getLogger().error(message);
985                                throw new SQLException(message);
986                            }
987                        }
988                        else
989                        {
990                            encryptedPassword = userInformation.get(id);
991                        }
992                        stmt.setString(index++, encryptedPassword);
993                        passwordUpdate = true;
994                    }
995                }
996                else
997                {
998                    stmt.setString(index++, userInformation.get(id));
999                }
1000            }
1001        }
1003        if (passwordUpdate)
1004        {
1005            stmt.setString(index++, generatedSaltKey);
1006        }
1008        stmt.setString(index++, userInformation.get("login"));
1009    }
1011     /**
1012      * Populate the user list with the result set
1013      * @param rs The result set
1014      * @return The user list
1015      * @throws SQLException If an SQL exception occurs
1016      */
1017    protected List<User> _getUsersProcessResultSet(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException
1018    {
1019        List<User> users = new ArrayList<>();
1021        while (rs.next())
1022        {
1023            User user = null;
1025            // Try to get in cache
1026            if (isCacheEnabled())
1027            {
1028                String login = rs.getString(__COLUMN_LOGIN);
1029                user = getObjectFromCache(login);
1030            }
1032            // Or create from result set
1033            if (user == null)
1034            {
1035                user = _createUserFromResultSet(rs);
1037                if (isCacheEnabled())
1038                {
1039                    addObjectInCache(user.getIdentity().getLogin(), user);
1040                }
1041            }
1043            users.add(user);
1044        }
1046        return users;
1047    }
1049     /**
1050      * Create the user implementation from the result set of the request
1051      * 
1052      * @param rs The result set where you can use get methods
1053      * @return The user refleting the current cursor position in the result set
1054      * @throws SQLException if an error occurred
1055      */
1056    protected User _createUserFromResultSet(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException
1057    {
1058        String login = rs.getString(__COLUMN_LOGIN);
1059        String lastName = rs.getString(__COLUMN_LASTNAME);
1060        String firstName = rs.getString(__COLUMN_FIRSTNAME);
1061        String email = rs.getString(__COLUMN_EMAIL);
1063        return new User(new UserIdentity(login, _populationId), lastName, firstName, email, this);
1064    }
1066     /**
1067      * Retrieve an user from a result set
1068      * @param rs The result set
1069      * @param login The user login
1070      * @return The retrieved user or null if not found
1071      * @throws SQLException If an SQL Exception occurs
1072      */
1073    protected User _getUserProcessResultSet(ResultSet rs, String login) throws SQLException
1074    {
1075        if (rs.next())
1076        {
1077            // Retrieve information of the user
1078            User user = _createUserFromResultSet(rs);
1080            if (isCacheEnabled())
1081            {
1082                addObjectInCache(login, user);
1083            }
1085            return user;
1086        }
1087        else
1088        {
1089            // no user with this login in the database
1090            return null;
1091        }
1092    }
1094     // ------------------------------
1095     //          INNER CLASSE
1096     // ------------------------------
1097     /**
1098      * An internal query executor.
1099      * @param <T> The type of the queried object
1100      */
1101    protected abstract class AbstractJdbcQueryExecutor<T>
1102    {
1103        /**
1104         * Main function, run the query process. Will not throw exception. Use
1105         * runWithException to catch non SQL exception thrown by
1106         * {@link #processResultSet(ResultSet)}
1107         * @return The queried object or null
1108         */
1109        @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access")
1110        public T run()
1111        {
1112            try
1113            {
1114                return runWithException();
1115            }
1116            catch (Exception e)
1117            {
1118                getLogger().error("Exception during a query execution", e);
1119                throw new RuntimeException("Exception during a query execution", e);
1120            }
1121        }
1123        /**
1124         * Main function, run the query process.
1125         * @return The queried object or null
1126         * @throws Exception All non SQLException will be thrown
1127         */
1128        @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access")
1129        public T runWithException() throws Exception
1130        {
1131            Connection connection = null;
1132            PreparedStatement stmt = null;
1133            ResultSet rs = null;
1135            try
1136            {
1137                connection = getSQLConnection();
1139                String sql = getSqlQuery(connection);
1141                if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
1142                {
1143                    getLogger().debug("Executing SQL query: " + sql);
1144                }
1146                stmt = prepareStatement(connection, sql);
1147                rs = executeQuery(stmt);
1149                return processResultSet(rs);
1150            }
1151            catch (SQLException e)
1152            {
1153                getLogger().error("Error during the communication with the database", e);
1154                throw new RuntimeException("Error during the communication with the database", e);
1155            }
1156            finally
1157            {
1158                ConnectionHelper.cleanup(rs);
1159                ConnectionHelper.cleanup(stmt);
1160                ConnectionHelper.cleanup(connection);
1161            }
1162        }
1164        /**
1165         * Must return the SQL query to execute
1166         * @param connection The pool connection
1167         * @return The SQL query
1168         */
1169        protected abstract String getSqlQuery(Connection connection);
1171        /**
1172         * Prepare the statement to execute
1173         * @param connection The pool connection
1174         * @param sql The SQL query
1175         * @return The prepared statement, ready to be executed
1176         * @throws SQLException If an SQL Exception occurs
1177         */
1178        protected PreparedStatement prepareStatement(Connection connection, String sql) throws SQLException
1179        {
1180            return connection.prepareStatement(sql);
1181        }
1183        /**
1184         * Execute the prepared statement and retrieves the result set.
1185         * @param stmt The prepared statement
1186         * @return The result set
1187         * @throws SQLException If an SQL Exception occurs 
1188         */
1189        protected ResultSet executeQuery(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException
1190        {
1191            return stmt.executeQuery();
1192        }
1194        /**
1195         * Process the result set
1196         * @param rs The result set
1197         * @return The queried object or null
1198         * @throws SQLException If an SQL exception occurs
1199         * @throws Exception Other exception will be thrown when using {@link #runWithException()}
1200         */
1201        protected T processResultSet(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, Exception
1202        {
1203            return null;
1204        }
1205    }
1207    /**
1208     * Query executor in order to select an user
1209     * @param <T> The type of the queried object
1210     */
1211    protected class SelectUserJdbcQueryExecutor<T> extends AbstractJdbcQueryExecutor<T>
1212    {
1213        /** The user login */
1214        protected String _login;
1216        /** 
1217         * The constructor
1218         * @param login The user login
1219         */
1220        protected SelectUserJdbcQueryExecutor(String login)
1221        {
1222            _login = login;
1223        }
1225        @Override
1226        protected String getSqlQuery(Connection connection)
1227        {
1228            // Build SQL request
1229            StringBuilder selectClause = new StringBuilder();
1230            for (String id : __COLUMNS)
1231            {
1232                if (selectClause.length() > 0)
1233                {
1234                    selectClause.append(", ");
1235                }
1236                selectClause.append(id);
1237            }
1239            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");
1240            sql.append(selectClause).append(" FROM ").append(_userTableName);
1241            sql.append(" WHERE login = ?");
1243            return sql.toString();
1244        }
1246        @Override
1247        protected PreparedStatement prepareStatement(Connection connection, String sql) throws SQLException
1248        {
1249            PreparedStatement stmt = super.prepareStatement(connection, sql);
1251            stmt.setString(1, _login);
1252            return stmt;
1253        }
1254    }
1256    /**
1257     * Query executor in order to select users
1258     * @param <T> The type of the queried object
1259     */
1260    protected class SelectUsersJdbcQueryExecutor<T> extends AbstractJdbcQueryExecutor<T>
1261    {
1262        /** The pattern to match (none if null) */
1263        protected String _pattern;
1264        /** The maximum number of users to select */
1265        protected int _length;
1266        /** The offset to start with, first is 0 */
1267        protected int _offset;
1269        /** The mandatory predicate to use when querying users by pattern */
1270        protected JdbcPredicate _mandatoryPredicate;
1271        /** The pattern to match, extracted from the pattern */
1272        protected String _patternToMatch;
1274        /** 
1275         * The constructor
1276         * @param pattern The pattern to match (none if null).
1277         * @param length The maximum number of users to select.
1278         * @param offset The offset to start with, first is 0.
1279         */
1280        protected SelectUsersJdbcQueryExecutor(String pattern, int length, int offset)
1281        {
1282            _pattern = pattern;
1283            _length = length;
1284            _offset = offset;
1285        }
1287        @Override
1288        protected String getSqlQuery(Connection connection)
1289        {
1290            // Build SQL request
1291            StringBuilder selectClause = new StringBuilder();
1292            for (String column : __COLUMNS)
1293            {
1294                if (selectClause.length() > 0)
1295                {
1296                    selectClause.append(", ");
1297                }
1298                selectClause.append(column);
1299            }
1301            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");
1302            sql.append(selectClause).append(" FROM ").append(_userTableName);
1304            // Add the pattern
1305            _mandatoryPredicate = _getMandatoryPredicate(_pattern);
1306            if (_mandatoryPredicate != null)
1307            {
1308                sql.append(" WHERE ").append(_mandatoryPredicate.getPredicate());
1309            }
1311            _patternToMatch = _getPatternToMatch(_pattern);
1312            if (_patternToMatch != null)
1313            {
1314                if (ConnectionHelper.DATABASE_DERBY.equals(ConnectionHelper.getDatabaseType(connection)))
1315                {
1316                    // The LIKE operator in Derby is case sensitive
1317                    sql.append(_mandatoryPredicate != null ? " AND (" : " WHERE ")
1318                    .append("UPPER(").append(__COLUMN_LOGIN).append(") LIKE UPPER(?) OR ")
1319                    .append("UPPER(").append(__COLUMN_LASTNAME).append(") LIKE UPPER(?) OR ")
1320                    .append("UPPER(").append(__COLUMN_FIRSTNAME).append(") LIKE UPPER(?)");
1321                }
1322                else
1323                {
1324                    sql.append(_mandatoryPredicate != null ? " AND (" : " WHERE ")
1325                    .append(__COLUMN_LOGIN).append(" LIKE ? OR ")
1326                    .append(__COLUMN_LASTNAME).append(" LIKE ? OR ")
1327                    .append(__COLUMN_FIRSTNAME).append(" LIKE ?");
1328                }
1330                if (_mandatoryPredicate != null)
1331                {
1332                    sql.append(')');
1333                }
1334            }
1336            // Add length filters
1337            sql = _addQuerySize(_length, _offset, connection, selectClause, sql);
1339            return sql.toString();
1340        }
1342        @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access")
1343        private StringBuilder _addQuerySize(int length, int offset, Connection con, StringBuilder selectClause, StringBuilder sql)
1344        {
1345            // Do not add anything if not necessary
1346            if (length == Integer.MAX_VALUE && offset == 0)
1347            {
1348                return sql;
1349            }
1351            String dbType = ConnectionHelper.getDatabaseType(con);
1353            if (ConnectionHelper.DATABASE_MYSQL.equals(dbType) || ConnectionHelper.DATABASE_POSTGRES.equals(dbType) || ConnectionHelper.DATABASE_HSQLDB.equals(dbType))
1354            {
1355                sql.append(" LIMIT " + length + " OFFSET " + offset);
1356                return sql;
1357            }
1358            else if (ConnectionHelper.DATABASE_ORACLE.equals(dbType))
1359            {
1360                return new StringBuilder("select " + selectClause.toString() + " from (select rownum r, " + selectClause.toString() + " from (" + sql.toString()
1361                        + ")) where r BETWEEN " + (offset + 1) + " AND " + (offset + length));
1362            }
1363            else if (ConnectionHelper.DATABASE_DERBY.equals(dbType))
1364            {
1365                return new StringBuilder("select ").append(selectClause)
1366                        .append(" from (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER () AS ROWNUM, ").append(selectClause.toString())
1367                        .append(" from (").append(sql.toString()).append(") AS TR ) AS TRR where ROWNUM BETWEEN ")
1368                        .append(offset + 1).append(" AND ").append(offset + length);
1369            }
1370            else if (getLogger().isWarnEnabled())
1371            {
1372                getLogger().warn("The request will not have the limit and offset set, since its type is unknown");
1373            }
1375            return sql;
1376        }
1378        @Override
1379        protected PreparedStatement prepareStatement(Connection connection, String sql) throws SQLException
1380        {
1381            PreparedStatement stmt = super.prepareStatement(connection, sql);
1383            int i = 1;
1384            // Value the parameters if there is a pattern
1385            if (_mandatoryPredicate != null)
1386            {
1387                for (String value : _mandatoryPredicate.getValues())
1388                {
1389                    stmt.setString(i++, value);
1390                }
1391            }
1393            if (_patternToMatch != null)
1394            {
1395                // One for the login, one for the lastname.
1396                stmt.setString(i++, _patternToMatch);
1397                stmt.setString(i++, _patternToMatch);
1398                // FIXME
1399                //if (_parameters.containsKey("firstname"))
1400                //{
1401                stmt.setString(i++, _patternToMatch);
1402                //}
1403            }
1405            return stmt;
1406        }
1407    }
1409    /**
1410     * {@link AbstractParameterParser} for parsing {@link JdbcParameter}.
1411     */
1412    protected static class JdbcParameterParser extends AbstractParameterParser<JdbcParameter, ParameterType>
1413    {
1414        JdbcParameterParser(ThreadSafeComponentManager<Enumerator> enumeratorManager, ThreadSafeComponentManager<Validator> validatorManager)
1415        {
1416            super(enumeratorManager, validatorManager);
1417        }
1419        @Override
1420        protected JdbcParameter _createParameter(Configuration parameterConfig) throws ConfigurationException
1421        {
1422            return new JdbcParameter();
1423        }
1425        @Override
1426        protected String _parseId(Configuration parameterConfig) throws ConfigurationException
1427        {
1428            return parameterConfig.getAttribute("id");
1429        }
1431        @Override
1432        protected ParameterType _parseType(Configuration parameterConfig) throws ConfigurationException
1433        {
1434            try
1435            {
1436                return ParameterType.valueOf(parameterConfig.getAttribute("type").toUpperCase());
1437            }
1438            catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
1439            {
1440                throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid type", parameterConfig, e);
1441            }
1442        }
1444        @Override
1445        protected Object _parseDefaultValue(Configuration parameterConfig, JdbcParameter jdbcParameter)
1446        {
1447            String defaultValue = parameterConfig.getChild("default-value").getValue(null);
1448            return ParameterHelper.castValue(defaultValue, jdbcParameter.getType());
1449        }
1450    }
1452    /**
1453     * Class representing a SQL predicate (to use in a WHERE or HAVING clause),
1454     * with optional string parameters.
1455     */
1456    public class JdbcPredicate
1457    {
1459        /** The predicate string with optional "?" placeholders. */
1460        protected String _predicate;
1461        /** The predicate parameter values. */
1462        protected List<String> _predicateParamValues;
1464        /**
1465         * Build a JDBC predicate.
1466         * @param predicate the predicate string.
1467         * @param values the parameter values.
1468         */
1469        public JdbcPredicate(String predicate, String... values)
1470        {
1471            this(predicate, Arrays.asList(values));
1472        }
1474        /**
1475         * Build a JDBC predicate.
1476         * @param predicate the predicate string.
1477         * @param values the parameter values.
1478         */
1479        public JdbcPredicate(String predicate, List<String> values)
1480        {
1481            this._predicate = predicate;
1482            this._predicateParamValues = values;
1483        }
1485        /**
1486         * Get the predicate.
1487         * @return the predicate
1488         */
1489        public String getPredicate()
1490        {
1491            return _predicate;
1492        }
1494        /**
1495         * Set the predicate.
1496         * @param predicate the predicate to set
1497         */
1498        public void setPredicate(String predicate)
1499        {
1500            this._predicate = predicate;
1501        }
1503        /**
1504         * Get the parameter values.
1505         * @return the parameter values.
1506         */
1507        public List<String> getValues()
1508        {
1509            return _predicateParamValues;
1510        }
1512        /**
1513         * Set the parameter values.
1514         * @param values the parameter values to set.
1515         */
1516        public void setValues(List<String> values)
1517        {
1518            this._predicateParamValues = values;
1519        }
1520    }