Class Style

  • public class Style
    extends Object
    This class handle style for paragraphs
    • Constructor Detail

      • Style

        public Style​(I18nizableText buttonLabel,
                     I18nizableText buttonDescription,
                     String buttonSmallIcon,
                     String buttonMediumIcon,
                     String buttonLargeIcon,
                     String buttonCSSClass,
                     String inlineEditorRender)
        Create a style for paragraphs
        buttonLabel - Label of the backoffice button to apply this style
        buttonDescription - Description of the backoffice button to apply this style
        buttonSmallIcon - Image in 16x16 pixels (can be null) of the backoffice button to apply this style
        buttonMediumIcon - Image in 32x32 pixels (can be null) of the backoffice button to apply this style
        buttonLargeIcon - Image in 48x48 pixels (can be null) of the backoffice button to apply this style
        buttonCSSClass - CSS class of the backoffice button to apply this style (used to give a preview appearance to the button) The CSS class has to be defined in the imported files (See HTMLEditorStyleExtensionPoint)
        inlineEditorRender - Information necessary in the inline editor to "apply" the style. Can be a "tagname.classname" or just a "classname" depending on the element to style