Class ContentHelper

    • Method Detail

      • addContentType

        public Map<String,​ObjectaddContentType​(String contentId,
                                                       String contentTypeId,
                                                       int actionId)
                                                throws AmetysRepositoryException,
        Add a content type to an existing content
        contentId - The content id
        contentTypeId - The content type to add
        actionId - The workflow action id
        The result in a Map
        com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException - if
        AmetysRepositoryException - if an error occurred
      • removeContentType

        public Map<String,​ObjectremoveContentType​(String contentId,
                                                          String contentTypeId,
                                                          int actionId)
                                                   throws AmetysRepositoryException,
        Remove a content type to an existing content
        contentId - The content id
        contentTypeId - The content type to add
        actionId - The workflow action id
        The result in a Map
        com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException - if
        AmetysRepositoryException - if an error occurred
      • addMixinType

        public Map<String,​ObjectaddMixinType​(String contentId,
                                                     String mixinId,
                                                     int actionId)
                                              throws AmetysRepositoryException,
        Add a mixin type to an existing content
        contentId - The content id
        mixinId - The mixin type to add
        actionId - The workflow action id
        The result in a Map
        com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException - if
        AmetysRepositoryException - if an error occurred
      • removeMixinType

        public Map<String,​ObjectremoveMixinType​(String contentId,
                                                        String mixinId,
                                                        int actionId)
                                                 throws AmetysRepositoryException,
        Remove a mixin type to an existing content
        contentId - The content id
        mixinId - The mixin type to add
        actionId - The workflow action id
        The result in a Map
        com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException - if
        AmetysRepositoryException - if an error occurred
      • hasIndexingReferences

        public boolean hasIndexingReferences​(Content content)
        Test if the given content has indexing references, i.e. if modifying it potentially implies reindexing other contents.
        content - the content to test.
        true if one of the content types or mixins has indexing references, false otherwise.
      • isReferenceTable

        public boolean isReferenceTable​(Content content)
        Determines if the content is a reference table content type
        content - The content
        true if content is a reference table
      • isMultilingual

        public boolean isMultilingual​(Content content)
        Determines if a content is a multilingual content
        content - The content
        true if the content is an instance of content type
      • isSimple

        public boolean isSimple​(Content content)
        Determines if the content is a simple content type
        content - The content
        true if content is simple
      • getValue

        public Object getValue​(Content content,
                               String fieldPath,
                               Locale defaultLocale,
                               boolean resolveReferences)
        Get the typed value(s) of a content at given path. The path can represent a system property id or a path of a metadata into the content or a metadata on one or more linked contents, such as 'composite/linkedContent/secondContent/composite/metadata'. The returned value is typed.
        content - The content
        fieldPath - The field id or the path to the metadata, separated by '/'
        defaultLocale - The default locale to resolve localized values if the content's language is null. Can be null.
        resolveReferences - true true to resolve references (such as resource or content)
        The typed final value. If the final field is multiple, or contains into a repeater or multiple 'CONTENT' metadata, the returned value will be a Collection
      • getValue

        public Object getValue​(Content content,
                               String fieldPath,
                               Locale defaultLocale,
                               boolean resolveReferences,
                               boolean returnNullValues)
        Get the typed value(s) of a content at given path. The path can represent a system property id or a path of an attribute into the content or an attribute on one or more linked contents, such as 'composite/linkedContent/secondContent/composite/attribute'. The returned value is typed.
        content - The content
        fieldPath - The field id or the path to the attribute, separated by '/'
        defaultLocale - The default locale to resolve localized values if the content's language is null. Can be null.
        resolveReferences - true true to resolve references (such as resource or content)
        returnNullValues - true true to return null values when the attribute does not exists in a repeater or linked content.
        The typed final value. If the final field is multiple, or contained into a repeater or multiple 'CONTENT' attribute, the returned value will be a Collection
      • getTargetContent

        public Content getTargetContent​(Content sourceContent,
                                        String fieldPath)
        Get the content from which to get the system property.
        sourceContent - The source content.
        fieldPath - The field path
        The target content.
      • getTargetContents

        public List<ContentgetTargetContents​(Content sourceContent,
                                               String fieldPath)
        Get the contents from which to get the system property.
        sourceContent - The source content.
        fieldPath - The field path
        The target contents.
      • getMetadataValue

        public Object getMetadataValue​(Content content,
                                       String metadataPath,
                                       Locale defaultLocale,
                                       boolean resolveReferences)
        Get the typed metadata value(s) of a content at given path. The path can represent a path of a metadata into the content or a metadata on one or more linked contents, such as 'composite/linkedContent/secondContent/composite/metadata'. The returned value is typed.
        content - The content
        metadataPath - The path to the metadata, separated by '/'
        defaultLocale - The locale to use to sax localized values such as multilingual content or multilingual string. Only to be valued if initial content's language is null, otherwise set this parameter to null.
        resolveReferences - true true to resolve references (such as resource or content)
        The typed final value. If the final metadata is multiple, or contains into a repeater or multiple 'CONTENT' metadata, the returned value will be a Collection
      • getMetadataValue

        public Object getMetadataValue​(Content content,
                                       String metadataPath,
                                       Locale defaultLocale,
                                       boolean resolveReferences,
                                       boolean returnNullValues)
        Get the typed metadata value(s) of a content at given path. The path can represent a path of a metadata into the content or a metadata on one or more linked contents, such as 'composite/linkedContent/secondContent/composite/metadata'. The returned value is typed.
        content - The content
        metadataPath - The path to the metadata, separated by '/'
        defaultLocale - The locale to use to sax localized values such as multilingual content or multilingual string. Only to be valued if initial content's language is null, otherwise set this parameter to null.
        resolveReferences - true true to resolve references (such as resource or content)
        returnNullValues - true true to return null values when the metadata does not exists in a repeater or linked content.
        The typed final value. If the final metadata is multiple, or contains into a repeater or multiple 'CONTENT' metadata, the returned value will be a Collection
      • getMetadataValues

        public List<ObjectgetMetadataValues​(String contentId,
                                              String metadataPath)
        Get the typed values of a content at given path. The value is always returned into a collection of object event if the metadata is a single metadata. The path can represent a path of a metadata into the content or a metadata on one or more linked contents, such as 'composite/linkedContent/secondContent/composite/metadata'. The returned value is typed.
        contentId - The ID of the content
        metadataPath - The Path to the metadata, separated by '/'
        The typed final value. If the final metadata is single, the returned value will be a Collection of one element
      • getMetadataValues

        public List<ObjectgetMetadataValues​(Content content,
                                              String metadataPath,
                                              Locale defaultLocale,
                                              boolean resolveReferences,
                                              boolean returnNullValues)
        Get the typed values of a content at given path. The value is always returned into a collection of object event if the metadata is a single metadata. The path can represent a path of a metadata into the content or a metadata on one or more linked contents, such as 'composite/linkedContent/secondContent/composite/metadata'. The returned value is typed.
        content - The content
        metadataPath - The path to the metadata, separated by '/'
        defaultLocale - The locale to use to sax localized values such as multilingual content or multilingual string. Only to be valued if initial content's language is null, otherwise set this parameter to null.
        resolveReferences - true true to resolve references (such as resource or content)
        returnNullValues - true true to return null values when the metadata does not exists in a repeater or linked content.
        The typed final value. If the final metadata is single, the returned value will be a Collection of one element
      • getTitle

        public String getTitle​(Content content)
        Get the title of a content.<br> If the content is a multilingual content, the title will be retrieved for the current locale if exists, or for default locale 'en' if exists, or for the first found locale.
        content - The content
        The title of the content
      • getMetadataValue

        public Object getMetadataValue​(CompositeMetadata metadataHolder,
                                       MetadataDefinition definition,
                                       String metadataPath,
                                       Locale locale,
                                       boolean resolveReferences,
                                       boolean returnNullValues)
        Get the typed value(s) at given path. The path can represent a path of a metadata in the parent composite metadata or a path of a metadata into a linked content. The returned value is typed.
        metadataHolder - The parent composite metadata
        definition - The definition of the first metadata in path
        metadataPath - The path to the metadata, separated by '/'
        locale - The locale to used to resolve localized metadata
        resolveReferences - true true to resolve references (such as resource or content)
        returnNullValues - true true to return null values when metadata does not exists.
        The typed final value. If the final metadata is multiple, or contains into a repeater or multiple 'CONTENT' metadata, the returned value will be a Collection
      • getSimpleMetadataValue

        public Object getSimpleMetadataValue​(CompositeMetadata metadataHolder,
                                             MetadataDefinition definition,
                                             String metadataName,
                                             Locale locale,
                                             boolean resolveReferences)
        Get the typed value(s) of a simple metadata.
        metadataHolder - The parent composite metadata
        definition - The definition of the first metadata in path
        metadataName - The name of the metadata
        locale - The locale to used to resolve localized metadata
        resolveReferences - true true to resolve references (such as resource or content)
        The typed final value.
      • hasReferencingContents

        public boolean hasReferencingContents​(Content content,
                                              List<String> ignoreContentTypes,
                                              boolean includeSubTypes)
        Determines if the content has referencing contents other than whose type is in content types to ignore.
        content - The content to check
        ignoreContentTypes - The content types to ignore for referencing contents
        includeSubTypes - True if sub content types are take into account in ignore content types
        true if there is at least one Content referencing the content
      • getReferencingContents

        public List<Pair<String,​Content>> getReferencingContents​(Content content)
        Returns all Contents referencing the given content with their value path
        content - The content to get references
        the list of pair path / contents