Interface CommentManagerExtensionPoint

    • Field Detail

    • Method Detail

      • isValidatedByDefault

        boolean isValidatedByDefault​(Content content)
        Get the validation flag default value for a content asking all listeners
        content - The content having a new comment
        a positive value if the comments have to be validated by default or a negative value in the other case. The absolute value is the priority of your listener. E.G. If a listener set +1 and another -10: the sum is negative (so comments not validated be default).
      • isCaptchaRequired

        boolean isCaptchaRequired​(Content content,
                                  Map objectModel)
        Checks if a captcha have to be checked. See @author Raphael Franchet for details.
        content - The content to comment
        objectModel - The cocoon object model
        true if the comments have to be protected by a captcha or false otherwise
      • getErrors

        List<I18nizableTextgetErrors​(CommentableContent content,
                                       Map objectModel)
        Call the validityCheck method on all listeners and add the results
        content - The content to comment
        objectModel - The cocoon object model
        An list of error messages (empty if no errors)