CloneComponent |
Helper for common processing used while synchronizing.
ContentAttributeTypeExtensionPoint |
Extension point holding all ModelItemType classes for content attributes.
ContentDAO |
DAO for manipulating contents
ContentFactory |
ContentQueryHelper |
Helper for creating JCR XPath queries involving content predicates.
Created XPath queries are like : //element(*, ametys:content)[<content predicate>]
ContentTypeExpression |
Constructs an Expression testing the content type.
ContentTypeOrMixinExpression |
Constructs an Expression testing the content type.
CurrentStepExpression |
Constructs an Expression testing the current workflow step.
DefaultContent<F extends ContentFactory> |
Default implementation of a Content , also versionable, lockable and workflow-aware.
DefaultWorkflowAwareContent<F extends DefaultWorkflowAwareContentFactory> |
Default implementation of a Content , also versionable, lockable and workflow-aware.
DefaultWorkflowAwareContentFactory |
HistoryStepExpression |
Constructs an Expression testing the existence of a particular step on the workflow history.
ImportSimpleContentsAction |
Imports simple contents from a CSV file
LanguageExpression |
Constructs an Expression corresponding to a language comparison.
MixinTypeExpression |
ModifiableContentFactory |
ModifiableContentHelper |
ModifiableDefaultContent<F extends ModifiableContentFactory> |
Default implementation of a Content , also versionable, lockable and workflow-aware.
ReactionableObjectHelper |
Helper class which provides methods to manage reactions on a object
ReportableObjectHelper |
Helper class which provides methods to manage reports on a object
SelectWorkspaceAction |
Action for selecting the JCR workspace to use.
SubContentExpression |
Constructs an Expression for sub-content comparison
WorkflowAwareContentHelper |
WorkflowStepExpression |
Constructs an Expression testing the current workflow step of a content.