Class AllowedUsers

  • public class AllowedUsers
    extends Object
    Wrapper class to represent a set of allowed users, which can eventually be anonymous or any connected user.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AllowedUsers

        AllowedUsers​(boolean anonymousAllowed,
                     boolean anyConnectedUserAllowed,
                     Set<UserIdentity> allowedUsers,
                     Set<UserIdentity> deniedUsers,
                     Set<GroupIdentity> allowedGroups,
                     Set<GroupIdentity> deniedGroups,
                     UserManager userManager,
                     GroupManager groupManager,
                     Set<String> populationContexts)
        Creates an object representing allowed users.
        anonymousAllowed - true to indicate any anonymous user is allowed
        anyConnectedUserAllowed - if anonymous is false, true to indicate any connected user is allowed
        allowedUsers - the allowed users, not taking into account the denied users. Must be null if anonymous or anyConnectedUser is true, must not otherwise.
        deniedUsers - the denied users. Must be null if anonymous is true, must not otherwise.
        allowedGroups - the allowed groups, not taking into account the denied groups. Must be null if anonymous or anyConnectedUser is true, must not otherwise.
        deniedGroups - the denied groups. Must be null if anonymous is true, must not otherwise.
        userManager - The user manager
        groupManager - The group manager
        populationContexts - The population contexts for retrieving users from user manager. Can be null if anyConnectedUser is false
    • Method Detail

      • isAnonymousAllowed

        public boolean isAnonymousAllowed()
        Returns true if any anonymous user is allowed
        true if any anonymous user is allowed
      • isAnyConnectedUserAllowed

        public boolean isAnyConnectedUserAllowed()
        Returns true if any connected user is allowed
        true if any connected user is allowed
      • resolveAllowedUsers

        public Set<UserIdentityresolveAllowedUsers​(boolean returnAll)
        Resolve the actual allowed users, taking into account the anyconnected, allowed and denied users and groups. If anonymous is allowed, it will return an empty list.
        returnAll - Set to true to resolve all users if any connected user is allowed. If false, returns an empty Set if any connected user is allowed.
        the computed actual allowed users