Package org.ametys.odf.lheo
Class ExportToLHEOManager
- java.lang.Object
- org.ametys.runtime.plugin.component.AbstractLogEnabled
- org.ametys.odf.lheo.ExportToLHEOManager
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class ExportToLHEOManager extends AbstractLogEnabled implements Serviceable, Component
Manager to generate programs to LHEO XML
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description protected AmetysObjectResolver
The ametys object resolverprotected RichTextHelper
The rich text helperstatic String
The Avalon role
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description ExportToLHEOManager()
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description protected String
_convertDistanceLearning2LHEO(String code)
Convert the ametys code in LHEO codeprotected String
_convertEducationEntryLevel2LHEO(String code)
Convert the Ametys education entry level code to LHEOprotected OrgUnit
_getOrgUnit(String id)
Get orgUnit from idprotected Person
_getPerson(String id)
Get person from idprotected Content
_getRefContent(String id)
Get ref content from idprotected String
_richText2String(RichText richText)
Convert rich-text to string for LHEOprotected void
_saxActionExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for action the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elementsprotected void
_saxCertificationExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for certification the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elementsprotected void
_saxContactOrgUnitCoordinates(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for contact orgUnit the XML tag <coordonnees>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[0,1] <civilite>
[0,1] <nom>
[0,1] <prenom>
[0,3] <ligne>
[0,1] <adresse>
[0,1] <telfixe>
[0,1] <portable>
[0,1] <fax>
[0,1] <courriel>
[0,1] <web>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxContactOrgUnitExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for contact orgUnit the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elementsprotected void
_saxFORMACODE(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <code-FORMACODE>
The code contains exactly 5 characters
The tag must contains the attribute "ref"protected void
_saxNSF(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <code-NSF>
The code contains exactly 3 charactersprotected void
_saxOffers(ContentHandler contentHandler, List<Program> programs, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <offres>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,N] <formation>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxOffersExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, List<Program> programs, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for offers the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elementsprotected void
_saxOrgUnitDetailsCoordinates(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for orgUnit details the XML tag <coordonnees>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[0,1] <civilite>
[0,1] <nom>
[0,1] <prenom>
[0,3] <ligne>
[0,1] <adresse>
[0,1] <telfixe>
[0,1] <portable>
[0,1] <fax>
[0,1] <courriel>
[0,1] <web>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxOrgUnitDetailsExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for orgUnit details the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elementsprotected void
_saxPeriodExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for period the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elementsprotected void
_saxPersonCoordinate(ContentHandler contentHandler, Person contact, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax LHEO elements of a ametys person for the XML tag >coordonnees<protected void
_saxPlacesCoordonnees(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for places the XML tag <coordonnees>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[0,1] <civilite>
[0,1] <nom>
[0,1] <prenom>
[0,3] <ligne>
[0,1] <adresse>
[0,1] <telfixe>
[0,1] <portable>
[0,1] <fax>
[0,1] <courriel>
[0,1] <web>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxPlacesExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for places the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elementsprotected void
_saxProgram(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax a XML tag <formation>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <domaine-formation>
[1,1] <intitule-formation>
[1,1] <objectif-formation>
[1,1] <resultats-attendus>
[1,1] <contenu-formation>
[1,1] <certifiante>
[1,1] <contact-formation>
[1,1] <parcours-de-formation>
[1,1] <code-niveau-entree>
[0,1] <objectif-general-formation>
[0,5] <certification>
[0,1] <code-niveau-sortie>
[0,1] <url-formation>
[1,N] <action>
[1,1] <organisme-formation-responsable>
[0,1] <identifiant-module>
[0,1] <positionnement>
[0,1] <sous-modules>
[0,1] <modules-prerequis>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxProgramAccessCondition(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <modalites-recrutement>
The value contains between 1 to 3000 charactersprotected void
_saxProgramAction(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <action>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <rythme-formation>
[1,10] <code-public-vise>
[0,1] <info-public-vise>
[1,1] <niveau-entree-obligatoire>
[1,1] <modalites-alternance>
[1,1] <modalites-enseignement>
[1,1] <conditions-specifiques>
[1,1] <prise-en-charge-frais-possible>
[1,1] <lieu-de-formation>
[1,1] <modalites-entrees-sorties>
[0,1] <url-action>
[1,N] <session>
[0,1] <adresse-information>
[0,3] <date-information>
[0,1] <restauration>
[0,1] <hebergement>
[0,1] <transport>
[0,1] <acces-handicapes>
[0,1] <langue-formation>
[0,1] <modalites-recrutement>
[0,1] <modalites-pedagogiques>
[0,5] <code-modalite-pedagogique>
[0,1] <frais-restants>
[0,1] <code-perimetre-recrutement>
[0,1] <infos-perimetre-recrutement>
[0,1] <prix-horaire-TTC>
[0,1] <prix-total-TTC>
[0,1] <duree-indicative>
[0,1] <nombre-heures-centre>
[0,1] <nombre-heures-entreprise>
[0,1] <nombre-heures-total>
[0,1] <detail-conditions-prise-en-charge>
[0,1] <conventionnement>
[0,1] <duree-conventionnee>
[0,1] <organisme-formateur>
[0,8] <organisme-financeur>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxProgramActivityNumber(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <numero-activite>
The value contains exactly 11 charactersprotected void
_saxProgramAlternationModality(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <modalites-alternance>
The value contains between 1 to 3000 charactersprotected void
_saxProgramCertification(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <certification>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[0,1] <code-RNCP>
[0,1] <code-CERTIFINFO>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxProgramCERTIFINFOCode(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <code-CERTIFINFO>
The value contains between 1 and 6 charactersprotected void
_saxProgramCertifying(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <certifiante>
0 for false and 1 for trueprotected void
_saxProgramContact(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <contact-formation>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <coordonnees>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxProgramContactCoordonnees(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for program contact the XML tag <coordonnees>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[0,1] <civilite>
[0,1] <nom>
[0,1] <prenom>
[0,3] <ligne>
[0,1] <adresse>
[0,1] <telfixe>
[0,1] <portable>
[0,1] <fax>
[0,1] <courriel>
[0,1] <web>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxProgramContactExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for program contact the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elementsprotected void
_saxProgramContactOrgUnit(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <contact-organisme>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <coordonnees>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxProgramCorporateName(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <raison-sociale>
The value contains between 1 to 255 charactersprotected void
_saxProgramCostBearing(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <prise-en-charge-frais-possible>
0 for false and 1 for trueprotected void
_saxProgramDomain(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <domaine-formation>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[0,5] <cpde-FORMACODE>
[0,3] <code-NSF>
[0,5] <code-ROME>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxProgramDomainExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for program domain the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elementsprotected void
_saxProgramEducationEntryLevel(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <code-niveau-entree>protected void
_saxProgramEducationLanguage(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <langue-formation>
The value contains exactly 2 charactersprotected void
_saxProgramEntryExitModalities(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <modalites-entrees-sorties>protected void
_saxProgramExpectedResults(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <resultats-attendus>
The value contains between 1 to 3000 charactersprotected void
_saxProgramMandatoryEntryLevel(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <niveau-entree-obligatoire>
0 for false and 1 for trueprotected void
_saxProgramNeededPrerequisite(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <conditions-specifiques>
The value contains between 1 to 3000 charactersprotected void
_saxProgramObjectives(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <objectif-formation>
The value contains between 1 to 3000 charactersprotected void
_saxProgramOrgUnitDetails(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <coordonnees-organisme>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <coordonnees>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxProgramOrgUnitName(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <nom-organisme>
The value contains between 1 to 255 charactersprotected void
_saxProgramPath(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <parcours-de-formation>protected void
_saxProgramPeriod(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <periode>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <debut>
[1,1] <fin>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxProgramPeriodEndDate(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <fin>
99999999 if the end date is not known.protected void
_saxProgramPeriodStartDate(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <debut>
00000000 if the start date is not known.protected void
_saxProgramPlaces(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <lieu-de-formation>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <coordonnees>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxProgramPresentation(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <contenu-formation>
The value contains between 1 to 3000 charactersprotected void
_saxProgramRegistrationAddress(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <adresse-inscription>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <adresse>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxProgramResponsibleOrgUnit(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <organisme-formation-responsable>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <numero-activite>
[1,1] <SIRET-organisme-formation>
[1,1] <nom-organisme>
[1,1] <raison-sociale>
[1,1] <coordonnees-organisme>
[1,1] <contact-organisme>
[0,1] <renseignements-specifiques>
[0,1] <potentiel>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxProgramRNCPCode(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <code-RNCP>
The value contains between 1 and 6 charactersprotected void
_saxPrograms(ContentHandler contentHandler, List<Program> programs, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for each program a XML tag <formation>protected void
_saxProgramSession(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <session>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <periode>
[1,1] <adresse-inscription>
[0,1] <modalites-inscription>
[0,1] <periode-inscription>
[0,1] <etat-recrutement>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxProgramsExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for programs the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elementsprotected void
_saxProgramSIRET(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <SIRET>
The value contains exactly 14 charactersprotected void
_saxProgramSIRETInformation(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <SIRET-organisme-formation>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <SIRET>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxProgramTargetAudience(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <code-public-vise>
The code contains exactly 5 characters
The tag must contains the attribute "ref"protected void
_saxProgramTiming(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <rythme-formation>
The value contains between 1 to 3000 charactersprotected void
_saxProgramTitle(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <intitule-formation>
The value contains between 1 to 255 charactersprotected void
_saxProrgamDistanceLearning(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <modalites-enseignement>protected void
_saxRegistrationAddress(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <adresse>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,4] <ligne>
[1,1] <codepostal>
[1,1] <ville>
[0,1] <departement>
[0,1] <code-INSEE-commune>
[0,1] <code-INSEE-canton>
[0,1] <region>
[0,1] <pays>
[0,1] <geolocalisation>
[0,N] <extras>protected void
_saxRegistrationAddressExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for registration address the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elementsprotected void
_saxResponsibleOrgUnitExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for responsible orgUnit the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elementsprotected void
_saxROME(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the XML tag <code-ROME>
The code contains exactly 5 characters
The tag can have the attribute "ref".protected void
_saxSessionExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for action the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elementsprotected void
_saxSIRETInformationExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax for SIRET information the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elementsvoid
saxLHEO(ContentHandler contentHandler, List<Program> programs)
Sax the LHEO xml for the list of programsvoid
saxLHEO(ContentHandler contentHandler, List<Program> programs, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters)
Sax the LHEO xml for the list of programsvoid
service(ServiceManager manager)
Methods inherited from class org.ametys.runtime.plugin.component.AbstractLogEnabled
getLogger, setLogger
Field Detail
protected AmetysObjectResolver _resolver
The ametys object resolver
protected RichTextHelper _richTextHelper
The rich text helper
Constructor Detail
public ExportToLHEOManager()
Method Detail
public void service(ServiceManager manager) throws ServiceException
- Specified by:
in interfaceServiceable
- Throws:
public void saxLHEO(ContentHandler contentHandler, List<Program> programs) throws SAXException
Sax the LHEO xml for the list of programs- Parameters:
- the content handlerprograms
- the list of program to sax- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
public void saxLHEO(ContentHandler contentHandler, List<Program> programs, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the LHEO xml for the list of programs- Parameters:
- the content handlerprograms
- the list of program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxOffers(ContentHandler contentHandler, List<Program> programs, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <offres>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,N] <formation>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprograms
- the list of program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxPrograms(ContentHandler contentHandler, List<Program> programs, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for each program a XML tag <formation>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprograms
- the list of program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgram(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax a XML tag <formation>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <domaine-formation>
[1,1] <intitule-formation>
[1,1] <objectif-formation>
[1,1] <resultats-attendus>
[1,1] <contenu-formation>
[1,1] <certifiante>
[1,1] <contact-formation>
[1,1] <parcours-de-formation>
[1,1] <code-niveau-entree>
[0,1] <objectif-general-formation>
[0,5] <certification>
[0,1] <code-niveau-sortie>
[0,1] <url-formation>
[1,N] <action>
[1,1] <organisme-formation-responsable>
[0,1] <identifiant-module>
[0,1] <positionnement>
[0,1] <sous-modules>
[0,1] <modules-prerequis>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramDomain(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <domaine-formation>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[0,5] <cpde-FORMACODE>
[0,3] <code-NSF>
[0,5] <code-ROME>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxFORMACODE(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <code-FORMACODE>
The code contains exactly 5 characters
The tag must contains the attribute "ref"- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxNSF(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <code-NSF>
The code contains exactly 3 characters- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxROME(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <code-ROME>
The code contains exactly 5 characters
The tag can have the attribute "ref". If not, the default value is "V3"- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramDomainExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for program domain the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elements- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramTitle(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <intitule-formation>
The value contains between 1 to 255 characters- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramObjectives(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <objectif-formation>
The value contains between 1 to 3000 characters- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramExpectedResults(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <resultats-attendus>
The value contains between 1 to 3000 characters- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramPresentation(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <contenu-formation>
The value contains between 1 to 3000 characters- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramCertifying(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <certifiante>
0 for false and 1 for true- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramContact(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <contact-formation>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <coordonnees>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramContactCoordonnees(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for program contact the XML tag <coordonnees>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[0,1] <civilite>
[0,1] <nom>
[0,1] <prenom>
[0,3] <ligne>
[0,1] <adresse>
[0,1] <telfixe>
[0,1] <portable>
[0,1] <fax>
[0,1] <courriel>
[0,1] <web>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramContactExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for program contact the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elements- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramPath(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <parcours-de-formation>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramEducationEntryLevel(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <code-niveau-entree>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected String _convertEducationEntryLevel2LHEO(String code)
Convert the Ametys education entry level code to LHEO- Parameters:
- the ametys code- Returns:
- the LHEO key value
protected void _saxProgramCertification(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <certification>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[0,1] <code-RNCP>
[0,1] <code-CERTIFINFO>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramAction(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <action>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <rythme-formation>
[1,10] <code-public-vise>
[0,1] <info-public-vise>
[1,1] <niveau-entree-obligatoire>
[1,1] <modalites-alternance>
[1,1] <modalites-enseignement>
[1,1] <conditions-specifiques>
[1,1] <prise-en-charge-frais-possible>
[1,1] <lieu-de-formation>
[1,1] <modalites-entrees-sorties>
[0,1] <url-action>
[1,N] <session>
[0,1] <adresse-information>
[0,3] <date-information>
[0,1] <restauration>
[0,1] <hebergement>
[0,1] <transport>
[0,1] <acces-handicapes>
[0,1] <langue-formation>
[0,1] <modalites-recrutement>
[0,1] <modalites-pedagogiques>
[0,5] <code-modalite-pedagogique>
[0,1] <frais-restants>
[0,1] <code-perimetre-recrutement>
[0,1] <infos-perimetre-recrutement>
[0,1] <prix-horaire-TTC>
[0,1] <prix-total-TTC>
[0,1] <duree-indicative>
[0,1] <nombre-heures-centre>
[0,1] <nombre-heures-entreprise>
[0,1] <nombre-heures-total>
[0,1] <detail-conditions-prise-en-charge>
[0,1] <conventionnement>
[0,1] <duree-conventionnee>
[0,1] <organisme-formateur>
[0,8] <organisme-financeur>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramTiming(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <rythme-formation>
The value contains between 1 to 3000 characters- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramTargetAudience(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <code-public-vise>
The code contains exactly 5 characters
The tag must contains the attribute "ref"- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramMandatoryEntryLevel(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <niveau-entree-obligatoire>
0 for false and 1 for true- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramAlternationModality(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <modalites-alternance>
The value contains between 1 to 3000 characters- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProrgamDistanceLearning(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <modalites-enseignement>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected String _convertDistanceLearning2LHEO(String code)
Convert the ametys code in LHEO code- Parameters:
- the ametys code- Returns:
- the LHEO code
protected void _saxProgramNeededPrerequisite(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <conditions-specifiques>
The value contains between 1 to 3000 characters- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramCostBearing(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <prise-en-charge-frais-possible>
0 for false and 1 for true- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramPlaces(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <lieu-de-formation>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <coordonnees>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxPlacesCoordonnees(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for places the XML tag <coordonnees>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[0,1] <civilite>
[0,1] <nom>
[0,1] <prenom>
[0,3] <ligne>
[0,1] <adresse>
[0,1] <telfixe>
[0,1] <portable>
[0,1] <fax>
[0,1] <courriel>
[0,1] <web>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxPlacesExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for places the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elements- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramEntryExitModalities(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <modalites-entrees-sorties>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramSession(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <session>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <periode>
[1,1] <adresse-inscription>
[0,1] <modalites-inscription>
[0,1] <periode-inscription>
[0,1] <etat-recrutement>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramPeriod(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <periode>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <debut>
[1,1] <fin>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramPeriodStartDate(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <debut>
00000000 if the start date is not known. AAAA0000 for a year format, AAAAMM00 for a year/month format, AAAAMMDD for a year/month/day format- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramPeriodEndDate(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <fin>
99999999 if the end date is not known. AAAA0000 for a year format, AAAAMM00 for a year/month format, AAAAMMDD for a year/month/day format- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxPeriodExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for period the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elements- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramRegistrationAddress(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <adresse-inscription>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <adresse>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxRegistrationAddress(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <adresse>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,4] <ligne>
[1,1] <codepostal>
[1,1] <ville>
[0,1] <departement>
[0,1] <code-INSEE-commune>
[0,1] <code-INSEE-canton>
[0,1] <region>
[0,1] <pays>
[0,1] <geolocalisation>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxRegistrationAddressExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for registration address the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elements- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxSessionExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for action the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elements- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramEducationLanguage(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <langue-formation>
The value contains exactly 2 characters- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramAccessCondition(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <modalites-recrutement>
The value contains between 1 to 3000 characters- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxActionExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for action the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elements- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramResponsibleOrgUnit(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <organisme-formation-responsable>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <numero-activite>
[1,1] <SIRET-organisme-formation>
[1,1] <nom-organisme>
[1,1] <raison-sociale>
[1,1] <coordonnees-organisme>
[1,1] <contact-organisme>
[0,1] <renseignements-specifiques>
[0,1] <potentiel>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramActivityNumber(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <numero-activite>
The value contains exactly 11 characters- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramSIRETInformation(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <SIRET-organisme-formation>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <SIRET>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramSIRET(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <SIRET>
The value contains exactly 14 characters- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxSIRETInformationExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for SIRET information the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elements- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramOrgUnitName(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <nom-organisme>
The value contains between 1 to 255 characters- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramCorporateName(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <raison-sociale>
The value contains between 1 to 255 characters- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramOrgUnitDetails(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <coordonnees-organisme>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <coordonnees>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxOrgUnitDetailsCoordinates(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for orgUnit details the XML tag <coordonnees>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[0,1] <civilite>
[0,1] <nom>
[0,1] <prenom>
[0,3] <ligne>
[0,1] <adresse>
[0,1] <telfixe>
[0,1] <portable>
[0,1] <fax>
[0,1] <courriel>
[0,1] <web>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxOrgUnitDetailsExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for orgUnit details the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elements- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramContactOrgUnit(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <contact-organisme>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[1,1] <coordonnees>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxContactOrgUnitCoordinates(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for contact orgUnit the XML tag <coordonnees>
Can contain the following XML tags:
[0,1] <civilite>
[0,1] <nom>
[0,1] <prenom>
[0,3] <ligne>
[0,1] <adresse>
[0,1] <telfixe>
[0,1] <portable>
[0,1] <fax>
[0,1] <courriel>
[0,1] <web>
[0,N] <extras>- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxContactOrgUnitExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for contact orgUnit the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elements- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxResponsibleOrgUnitExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for responsible orgUnit the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elements- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramRNCPCode(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <code-RNCP>
The value contains between 1 and 6 characters- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramCERTIFINFOCode(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax the XML tag <code-CERTIFINFO>
The value contains between 1 and 6 characters- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxCertificationExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for certification the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elements- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxProgramsExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, Program program, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for programs the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elements- Parameters:
- the content handlerprogram
- the program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxOffersExtras(ContentHandler contentHandler, List<Program> programs, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax for offers the XML tag <extras>
Can contains all not LHEO normalized elements- Parameters:
- the content handlerprograms
- the list of program to saxadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected void _saxPersonCoordinate(ContentHandler contentHandler, Person contact, Map<String,Object> additionalParameters) throws SAXException
Sax LHEO elements of a ametys person for the XML tag >coordonnees<- Parameters:
- the content handlercontact
- the person contactadditionalParameters
- the additional parameters- Throws:
- if a saxing exception occurred
protected Content _getRefContent(String id)
Get ref content from id- Parameters:
- the ref content id- Returns:
- the ref content. Null if no exist
protected Person _getPerson(String id)
Get person from id- Parameters:
- the person id- Returns:
- the person content. Null if no exist
protected OrgUnit _getOrgUnit(String id)
Get orgUnit from id- Parameters:
- the orgUnit id- Returns:
- the orgUnit content. Null if no exist
protected String _richText2String(RichText richText)
Convert rich-text to string for LHEO- Parameters:
- the rich-text- Returns:
- the transformed rich-text