Class Metadata2FlipbookUriResolver

    • Method Detail

      • setPluginInfo

        public void setPluginInfo​(String pluginName,
                                  String featureName,
                                  String id)
        Description copied from interface: PluginAware
        Sets the plugin info relative to the current component.
        Note : The feature name may be null if the targeted component in declared at plugin level.
        Specified by:
        setPluginInfo in interface PluginAware
        pluginName - Unique identifier for the plugin hosting the extension
        featureName - Unique feature identifier (unique for a given pluginName)
        id - Unique identifier of this component
      • resolve

        public String resolve​(String uri,
                              boolean download,
                              boolean absolute,
                              boolean internal)
        Description copied from interface: URIResolver
        Resolves a link URI for rendering purposes.
        The output must be a properly encoded path, relative to the webapp context, accessible from a browser.
        Specified by:
        resolve in interface URIResolver
        resolve in class MetadataURIResolver
        uri - the link URI.
        download - true if the pointed resource is to be downloaded.
        absolute - true if the url must be absolute
        internal - true to get an internal URI.
        the path to the resource.
      • resolveImage

        public String resolveImage​(String uri,
                                   int height,
                                   int width,
                                   boolean download,
                                   boolean absolute,
                                   boolean internal)
        Description copied from interface: URIResolver
        Resolves a link URI for rendering image.
        The output must be a properly encoded path, relative to the webapp context, accessible from a browser.
        Specified by:
        resolveImage in interface URIResolver
        resolveImage in class MetadataURIResolver
        uri - the link URI.
        height - the height of the image.
        width - the width of the image
        download - true if the pointed resource is to be downloaded.
        absolute - true if the url must be absolute
        internal - true to get an internal URI.
        the path to the image.
      • resolveBoundedImage

        public String resolveBoundedImage​(String uri,
                                          int maxHeight,
                                          int maxWidth,
                                          boolean download,
                                          boolean absolute,
                                          boolean internal)
        Description copied from interface: URIResolver
        Resolves a link URI for rendering image.
        The output must be a properly encoded path, relative to the webapp context, accessible from a browser.
        Specified by:
        resolveBoundedImage in interface URIResolver
        resolveBoundedImage in class MetadataURIResolver
        uri - the link URI.
        maxHeight - the max height
        maxWidth - the max width
        download - true if the pointed resource is to be downloaded.
        absolute - true if the url must be absolute
        internal - true to get an internal URI.
        the path to the image.