Class CopyContentMedatataComponent

    • Method Detail

      • _getInputsForCopy

        protected Map<String,​Object_getInputsForCopy​(Content baseContent,
                                                             String title,
                                                             Map<String,​Object> copyMap,
                                                             String targetContentType,
                                                             String parentContentId,
                                                             String parentMetadataPath,
                                                             CopyReport copyReport)
        Description copied from class: CopyContentMetadataComponent
        Retrieve the inputs for the copy workflow function.
        _getInputsForCopy in class CopyContentMetadataComponent
        baseContent - The content to copy
        title - The title to set
        copyMap - The map with properties to copy
        targetContentType - The type of content to create. If null the type(s) of created content will be those of base content.
        parentContentId - The parent content ID, when copying a sub-content.
        parentMetadataPath - The parent metadata path, when copying a sub-content.
        copyReport - The report of the copy
        The map of inputs.