Interface Broker

    • Field Detail

      • ROLE

        static final String ROLE
        For avalon service manager
    • Method Detail

      • send

        void send​(Set<String> phoneNumbersList,
                  String message,
                  String listId)
           throws Exception
        Send the message from the sender to all the phones in the list
        phoneNumbersList - the list of phone numbers
        message - the message to send
        listId - the jcr id of the list to send mail to
        Exception - If the message was not sent correctly
      • getPhoneNumberFromStopRequest

        String getPhoneNumberFromStopRequest()
                                      throws Exception
        When a stop request is arriving from broker, the implementation extract the phone number associated
        the phone number from the 'stop' sender at format +{countryCode}{number} (ex: +33612345678), it can be null if the phone number cannot be extracted from the stop request
        Exception - if the phone number was not provided within the stop request