Interface ViewItemContainer

    • Method Detail

      • addViewItem

        void addViewItem​(ViewItem item)
        Add a view item in the container
        item - the item to add
      • insertViewItem

        void insertViewItem​(ViewItem item,
                            int index)
        Insert a view item in the container at the given index
        item - the item to insert
        index - index at which the item has to be inserted
      • hasModelViewItem

        default boolean hasModelViewItem​(String itemName)
        Checks if there is a model view item with the given name Usually, a container can't have more than one references to the same model item. But it can have view items with the same name if they are not references to the model (model view items).
        itemName - the name of the item
        true if the container contains an item with the given name, false otherwise
      • getModelViewItem

        default ModelViewItem getModelViewItem​(String itemName)
        Retrieves the model view item with the given name Usually, a container can't have more than one references to the same model item. But it can have view items with the same name if they are not references to the model (model view items).
        itemName - the name of the item
        the model view item, or null if none was found