Class HierarchicalReferenceTablesHelper

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    LogEnabled, Disposable, Component, Serviceable

    public class HierarchicalReferenceTablesHelper
    extends AbstractLogEnabled
    implements Component, Serviceable, Disposable
    Helper component for computing information about hierarchy of reference table Contents.

    At the startup of the Ametys application, you must call registerRelation(ContentType, ContentType) in order to register a relation between a parent content type and its child content type.
    When all relations are registered, one or several hierarchy(ies) can be inferred, following some basic rules:
    • A hierarchy of two or more content types cannot be cyclic
    • A content type can have itself as its parent content type
    • A content type cannot have two different parent content types
    • A content type can have only one content type as children, plus possibly itself
    From each hierarchy of content types, a tree of contents can be inferred.

    For instance, the following examples of hierarchy are valid (where X←Y means 'X is the parent content type of Y';
    and ⤹Z means 'Z is the parent content type of Z'):
    • B←A
    • E←D←C←B←A
    • ⤹B←A (content type B defines two different child content types, but one is itself, which is allowed)
    • ⤹E←D←C←B←A
    • ⤹A
    ; and the following examples of hierarchy are invalid:
    • C←B and C←A (a content type cannot have multiple content types as children, which are not itself)
    • C←A and B←A (a content type cannot have two different parent content types)
    • ⤹A and B←A (a content type cannot have two different parent content types, even if one is itself)
    • A←B and B←A (cyclic hierarchy)
    • A←C←B←A (cyclic hierarchy)
    • Method Detail

      • registerRelation

        public boolean registerRelation​(ContentType parent,
                                        ContentType child)
        Register a relation between a parent and its child, and update the internal model if it is a valid one.
        parent - The parent content type
        child - The child content type
        true if the relation is valid, i.e. in accordance with what was registered before
      • hasAtLeastOneHierarchy

        public boolean hasAtLeastOneHierarchy()
        Returns true if at least one hierarchy was registered (i.e. at least one content type defines a valid "parent" metadata)
        true if at least one hierarchy was registered
      • getTopLevelType

        public ContentType getTopLevelType​(ContentType leafContentType)
        Gets the top level content type for the given leaf content type (which defines the hierarchy)
        leafContentType - the leaf cotnent type
        the top level content type for the given leaf content type
      • hasChildContentType

        public boolean hasChildContentType​(ContentType contentType)
        Returns true if the given content type has a child content type
        contentType - The content type
        true if the given content type has a child content type
      • isHierarchical

        public boolean isHierarchical​(Content content)
        Returns true if the given content has a hierarchical content type, i.e. is part of a hierarchy
        content - The content
        true if the given content is part of a hierarchical reference table
      • isHierarchical

        public boolean isHierarchical​(ContentType contentType)
        Returns true if the given content type is hierarchical, i.e. is part of a hierarchy
        contentType - The content type
        true if the given content type is hierarchical, i.e. is part of a hierarchy
      • isLeaf

        public boolean isLeaf​(ContentType contentType)
        Returns true if the given content type is a leaf content type
        contentType - The content type
        true if the given content type is a leaf content type
      • getHierarchicalContentTypes

        public Set<StringgetHierarchicalContentTypes​(String leafContentTypeId)
        Get the hierarchy of content types (distinct content types)
        leafContentTypeId - The id of leaf content type
        The content types of hierarchy
      • getPathInHierarchy

        public Map<String,​StringgetPathInHierarchy​(List<String> refTableEntryId)
        Get the path of reference table entry in its hierarchy
        refTableEntryId - The id of entry
        The path from root parent
      • getPathInHierarchy

        public String getPathInHierarchy​(String refTableEntryId)
        Get the path of reference table entry in its hierarchy
        refTableEntryId - The id of entry
        The path from root parent
      • getChildContentTypes

        public List<ContentTypegetChildContentTypes​(Content refTableEntry)
        Gets the content types the children of the given content can have. The result can contain 0, 1 or 2 content types
        refTableEntry - The content
        the content types the children of the given content can have.
      • getCandidateValues

        public Map<String,​ObjectgetCandidateValues​(String contentId)
        Get the metadata values of a candidate
        contentId - the id of candidate
        the candidate's values
      • getParentAttribute

        public String getParentAttribute​(String contentId)
        Get the parent metadata
        contentId - The content id
        the path of parent metadata or null if not found
      • getParentAttribute

        public String getParentAttribute​(Content content)
        Get the parent metadata
        content - The content
        the path of parent metadata or null if not found
      • getParent

        public String getParent​(Content content)
        Returns the "parent" attribute value for the given content, or null if it is not defined for its content types See also ContentType.getParentAttributeDefinition()
        content - The content
        the "parent" attribute value for the given content, or null
      • getAllParents

        public List<StringgetAllParents​(Content content)
        Recursively returns the "parent" metadata value for the given content, i.e; will return the parent, the parent of the parent, etc.
        content - The content
        all the parents of the given content
      • getDirectChildren

        public AmetysObjectIterable<ContentgetDirectChildren​(Content content)
        Returns the direct children of a content
        content - the content to get the direct children from
        the AmetysObjectIterable of the direct children of the content
      • getAllChildren

        public Set<StringgetAllChildren​(Content content)
        Returns a Set of all the descendants
        content - the content to get the children from
        the Set of children
      • isHierarchicalSimpleTree

        public boolean isHierarchicalSimpleTree​(String contentTypeLeaf)
        Return a boolean value to determine if all the contents are simple
        contentTypeLeaf - the contentType id of the leaf content
        true if all the contents in the tree are simple, false otherwise
      • getRootChildren

        public AmetysObjectIterable<ContentgetRootChildren​(ContentType rootContentType,
                                                             boolean excludeCandidates)
        Return the contents at the root
        rootContentType - the content type of the contents at the root
        excludeCandidates - true to exclude candidates
        the contents at the root
      • filterReferenceTablesByRegExp

        public List<StringfilterReferenceTablesByRegExp​(String value,
                                                          String contentId,
                                                          String leafContentType)
        Get the path of node which match filter regexp
        value - the value to match
        contentId - the content id from where we will filter
        leafContentType - the leaf content type
        the matching paths
      • supportCandidates

        public boolean supportCandidates​(ContentType contentType)
        Determines if this content type supports candidates
        contentType - the content type
        true if the the candidates are allowed, false otherwise
      • supportCandidates

        public boolean supportCandidates​(String contentTypeId)
        Determines if this content type supports candidates
        contentTypeId - the id of content type
        true if the the candidates are allowed, false otherwise
      • isCandidate

        public boolean isCandidate​(Content content)
        Check if the content is a candidate
        content - the content to test
        true if the content is a candidate, false otherwise
      • _isParent

        protected boolean _isParent​(String referencingContentId,
                                    Content content)
        Check if the referencing content is the parent of the content
        referencingContentId - The referencing content if to check if it's the parent or not
        content - the child content
        true if it's the parent, false otherwise
      • _isContentReferenced

        protected boolean _isContentReferenced​(Content content,
                                               List<String> contentsId)
        Test if content is referenced by other contents than its parent and children
        content - The content to test
        contentsId - The list of contents id to delete
        true if content is referenced