Interface SearchCriterion

    • Method Detail

      • getId

        String getId()
        Get the SearchCriterion ID.
        the SearchCriterion ID.
      • isSortable

        default boolean isSortable()
        Test if the SearchCriterion is sortable.
        true if the criterion is sortable, false otherwise.
      • isSortable

        static boolean isSortable​(Field field)
        Test if a field is sortable.
        field - the field to test.
        true if the field is sortable, false otherwise.
      • isFacetable

        default boolean isFacetable()
        Test if the criterion can be set as a facet (i.e. it has a defined list of discrete values).
        true if the criterion can be set as a facet, false otherwise.
      • isFacetable

        static boolean isFacetable​(MetadataType type,
                                   boolean isEnumerated)
        Test if a field is facetable.
        type - the type of the metadata
        isEnumerated - is the metadata enumerated ?
        true if the field can be used as a facet, false otherwise.
      • getQuery

        default Query getQuery​(Object value,
                               Map<String,​Object> allValues,
                               String language,
                               Map<String,​Object> contextualParameters)
        Get the Query associated to the given value.
        value - The user-submitted value (or the default value if not set) for this criterion.
        allValues - All the user-submitted values.
        language - The current search language.
        contextualParameters - the search contextual parameters.
        Query associated to the given value.
      • getQuery

        Query getQuery​(Object value,
                       Query.Operator customOperator,
                       Map<String,​Object> allValues,
                       String language,
                       Map<String,​Object> contextualParameters)
        Get the Query associated to the given value.
        value - The user-submitted value (or the default value if not set) for this criterion.
        customOperator - In advanced search mode, the operator chosen by the user. null to use the criterion-defined operator (simple search mode).
        allValues - All the user-submitted values.
        language - The current search language.
        contextualParameters - the search contextual parameters.
        Query associated to the given value.