Class JavaActionData

    • Constructor Detail

      • JavaActionData

        public JavaActionData​(String id,
                              Version version,
                              String comment,
                              String from,
                              String type,
                              String pluginName,
                              Configuration configuration)
                       throws ConfigurationException
        Create the Upgrade based on the upgrade xml line Must contains id and type, plus a script or the file where to get the script May contain restartAfter, component and/or file
        id - id of the action
        version - version concerned by this upgrade
        comment - The comment about this action
        from - if this actions is the equivalent of multiple actions, this is the version id just before the 1st action impacted by this action
        type - type of action
        pluginName - name of the plugin
        configuration - the extension upgrade line to add
        ConfigurationException - something is missing