Interface AccessController

    • Method Detail

      • getPermission

        AccessController.AccessResult getPermission​(UserIdentity user,
                                                    Set<GroupIdentity> userGroups,
                                                    String rightId,
                                                    Object object)
        Gets the kind of access a user has on an object for a given right
        user - The user. Cannot be null.
        userGroups - The groups the user belongs to
        rightId - The id of the right of the user
        object - The context object to check the access
        the kind of access a user has on an object for a right
      • getPermissionForAnonymous

        AccessController.AccessResult getPermissionForAnonymous​(String rightId,
                                                                Object object)
        Gets the permission for Anonymous only on an object for a given right
        rightId - The id of the right to check
        object - The object
        the permission for Anonymous only on an object for a given right
      • getPermissionForAnyConnectedUser

        AccessController.AccessResult getPermissionForAnyConnectedUser​(String rightId,
                                                                       Object object)
        Gets the permission for any connected user only on an object for a given right
        rightId - The id of the right to check
        object - The object
        the permission for any connected user only on an object for a given right
      • getPermissionByUser

        Map<UserIdentity,​AccessController.AccessResultgetPermissionByUser​(String rightId,
                                                                                  Object object)
        Gets the permission by user only on an object for the given right. It does not take account of the groups of the user, etc.
        rightId - The id of the right to check
        object - The object
        the permission by user only on an object for the given right
      • hasUserAnyPermissionOnWorkspace

        boolean hasUserAnyPermissionOnWorkspace​(Set<Object> workspacesContexts,
                                                UserIdentity user,
                                                Set<GroupIdentity> userGroups,
                                                String rightId)
        Returns true if the user has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given rights and if the object is attached to the given context that is /${WorkspaceName} and its conversions.
        workspacesContexts - The contexts to tests such as {"/${WorkspaceName}", "/repository", "/admin"}
        user - The user
        userGroups - The groups
        rightId - The id of the right to check
        true if the user has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given right
      • hasUserAnyReadAccessPermissionOnWorkspace

        boolean hasUserAnyReadAccessPermissionOnWorkspace​(Set<Object> workspacesContexts,
                                                          UserIdentity user,
                                                          Set<GroupIdentity> userGroups)
        Returns true if the user has a read access permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given rights and if the object is attached to the given context that is /${WorkspaceName} and its conversions.
        workspacesContexts - The contexts to tests such as {"/${WorkspaceName}", "/repository", "/admin"}
        user - The user
        userGroups - The groups
        true if the user has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given right
      • hasAnonymousAnyPermissionOnWorkspace

        boolean hasAnonymousAnyPermissionOnWorkspace​(Set<Object> workspacesContexts,
                                                     String rightId)
        Returns true if anonymous has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given rights and if the object is attached to the given context that is /${WorkspaceName} and its conversions.
        workspacesContexts - The contexts to tests such as {"/${WorkspaceName}", "/repository", "/admin"}
        rightId - The id of the right to check
        true if anonymous has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given right
      • hasAnonymousAnyReadAccessPermissionOnWorkspace

        boolean hasAnonymousAnyReadAccessPermissionOnWorkspace​(Set<Object> workspacesContexts)
        Returns true if anonymous has a read access permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given rights and if the object is attached to the given context that is /${WorkspaceName} and its conversions.
        workspacesContexts - The contexts to tests such as {"/${WorkspaceName}", "/repository", "/admin"}
        true if anonymous has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given right
      • hasAnyConnectedUserAnyPermissionOnWorkspace

        boolean hasAnyConnectedUserAnyPermissionOnWorkspace​(Set<Object> workspacesContexts,
                                                            String rightId)
        Returns true if any connected user has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given rights and if the object is attached to the given context that is /${WorkspaceName} and its conversions.
        workspacesContexts - The contexts to tests such as {"/${WorkspaceName}", "/repository", "/admin"}
        rightId - The id of the right to check
        true if any connected user has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given right
      • hasAnyConnectedUserAnyReadAccessPermissionOnWorkspace

        boolean hasAnyConnectedUserAnyReadAccessPermissionOnWorkspace​(Set<Object> workspacesContexts)
        Returns true if any connected user has a read access permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given rights and if the object is attached to the given context that is /${WorkspaceName} and its conversions.
        workspacesContexts - The contexts to tests such as {"/${WorkspaceName}", "/repository", "/admin"}
        true if any connected user has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given right
      • isSupported

        boolean isSupported​(Object object)
        Returns true if this access controller supports the given object
        object - The object to test
        true if this access controller supports the given object