Class User

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class User
    extends Object
    implements Principal
    Implementation of the principal abstraction to represent an user with a login and eventually a fullname and an email.
    • Constructor Detail

      • User

        public User​(String login,
                    String populationId)
        Construct a new UserPrincipal, associated with the specified login et population id.
        login - The login of the principal.
        populationId - The id of the population
      • User

        public User​(UserIdentity identity)
        Construct a new UserPrincipal, associated with the specified identity.
        identity - The identity of this user. Cannot be null
      • User

        public User​(UserIdentity identity,
                    String lastName,
                    String firstName,
                    String email,
                    UserDirectory userDirectory)
        Construct a new UserPrincipal, associated with a last name, a first name, an email and identified by a login.
        identity - The identity of this user. Cannot be null
        lastName - The last name
        firstName - The first name
        email - The email
        userDirectory - The user directory the use rbelongs to. Can be null.
    • Method Detail

      • getLastName

        public String getLastName()
        The last name of the user
        The last name.
      • getFirstName

        public String getFirstName()
        The first name of the user
        The first name.
      • getEmail

        public String getEmail()
        The email of the user represented by this Principal.
        The email.
      • getFullName

        public String getFullName()
        The fullname of this user.
        The full name
      • getSortableName

        public String getSortableName()
        The fullname to use to display if sort is needed. Ensure the sort will be on
        The sortable name
      • _getFullName

        protected String _getFullName​(boolean firstLast)
        The full name of the user represented by this Principal.
        firstLast - Define the name order if the full name. If true, first name then last name. If false, the contrary.
        The full name.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return a String representation of this object, which exposes only information that should be public.
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Principal
        toString in class Object
        A string representing the user.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object another)
        Test if two principal are equals.
        Specified by:
        equals in interface Principal
        equals in class Object
        true if the given Object represents the same Principal.