Interface CDMfrExtension

    • Method Detail

      • program2CDM

        void program2CDM​(ContentHandler contentHandler,
                         Program program,
                         Set<String> persons,
                         Set<String> orgUnits)
                  throws SAXException
        Send the content of an user defined ametys extension to be included in the CDM-fr representation the program.
        contentHandler - the receiving contentHandler.
        program - the program
        persons - collected Person ids.
        orgUnits - collected OrgUnit ids.
        SAXException - if an error occurs during CDM processing.
      • course2CDM

        void course2CDM​(ContentHandler contentHandler,
                        Course course,
                        Set<String> persons,
                        Set<String> orgUnits)
                 throws SAXException
        Send the content of an user defined ametys extension to be included in the CDM-fr representation the course.
        contentHandler - the receiving contentHandler.
        course - the course
        persons - collected Person ids.
        orgUnits - collected OrgUnit ids.
        SAXException - if an error occurs during CDM processing.
      • orgunit2CDM

        void orgunit2CDM​(ContentHandler contentHandler,
                         OrgUnit orgunit)
                  throws SAXException
        Send the content of an user defined ametys extension to be included in the CDM-fr representation the orgunit.
        contentHandler - the receiving contentHandler.
        orgunit - the orgunit
        SAXException - if an error occurs during CDM processing.
      • person2CDM

        void person2CDM​(ContentHandler contentHandler,
                        Person person)
                 throws SAXException
        Send the content of an user defined ametys extension to be included in the CDM-fr representation the orgunit.
        contentHandler - the receiving contentHandler.
        person - the orgunit
        SAXException - if an error occurs during CDM processing.
      • container2CDM

        void container2CDM​(ContentHandler contentHandler,
                           Container container,
                           Set<String> persons,
                           Set<String> orgUnits)
                    throws SAXException
        Send the content of an user defined ametys extension to be included in the CDM-fr representation the container.
        contentHandler - the receiving contentHandler.
        container - the container
        persons - collected Person ids.
        orgUnits - collected OrgUnit ids.
        SAXException - if an error occurs during CDM processing.