Class NoeudHelper

  • public final class NoeudHelper
    extends Object
    Helper to build queries to manage the NOEUD table.
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public static List<ParameterizableQueryinitialize()
        Queries to create the table and associated view.
        List of queries for table and view creation
      • insertInto

        public static ParameterizableQuery insertInto​(String nodeId,
                                                      String code,
                                                      boolean isEtape,
                                                      String title,
                                                      Long oseCatalog)
        Query to insert a line in the table.
        nodeId - The identifier (concatenation of the catalog and the code)
        code - The code
        isEtape - true if it is a step, otherwise set it to false
        title - The title
        oseCatalog - The OSE catalog
        The query to insert values in the table