Class FormCredentialProvider

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    BlockingCredentialProvider, CredentialProvider, LogoutCapable, NonBlockingCredentialProvider, LogEnabled, Component, Configurable, Contextualizable, Serviceable

    public class FormCredentialProvider
    extends AbstractCredentialProvider
    implements NonBlockingCredentialProvider, BlockingCredentialProvider, LogoutCapable, Contextualizable, Configurable, Serviceable
    This manager gets the credentials coming from an authentication form.
    This manager can create a cookie to save credentials
    Parameters are : - The name of the pool
    - The html field name for user name
    - The html field name for user password
    - The html field name for the check box which allow to create a cookie, must return 'true' when checked
    - A boolean, to activate or not the user info saving by cookie
    - The cookie name, to retrieve info
    - The cookie duration (in seconds), by default set to 1 week
    - A login url (do not start with a "/")
    - A failure login url (do not start with a "/"). The failure Url can receive the login entered by the visitor.
    - A list of URL prefixes that are accessible without authentication. The login and failure URLs are always accessible without authentication.

    For example :
    <loginUrl internal="true">login.html</loginUrl>
    <loginFailedUrl provideLoginParameter="true" internal="true">login_failed.html</loginFailedUrl>