Class LDAPConnector

    • Method Detail

      • _hasResults

        protected boolean _hasResults​(int pageSize,
                                      String name,
                                      String filter,
                                      Object[] filterArgs,
                                      SearchControls searchControls)
                               throws NamingException
        Count the number of results
        pageSize - The number of entries in a page
        name - the name of the context or object to search
        filter - the filter expression to use for the search
        filterArgs - the array of arguments to substitute for the variables in filter. Can be null.
        searchControls - the search controls that control the search.
        The number of results
        NamingException - If an error occurred
      • _count

        protected int _count​(int pageSize,
                             String name,
                             String filter,
                             Object[] filterArgs,
                             SearchControls searchControls)
                      throws NamingException
        Count the number of results
        pageSize - The number of entries in a page
        name - the name of the context or object to search
        filter - the filter expression to use for the search
        filterArgs - the array of arguments to substitute for the variables in filter. Can be null.
        searchControls - the search controls that control the search.
        The number of results
        NamingException - If an error occurred