Class PushNotificationManager

    • Method Detail

      • pushNotifications

        public void pushNotifications​(String title,
                                      String message,
                                      Set<String> tokens,
                                      Map<String,​Object> data)
                               throws io.github.jav.exposerversdk.PushClientException
        Push a notification to a list of registered devices
        title - title of the message
        message - message to send
        tokens - list of devicet tokens
        data - the data to push
        io.github.jav.exposerversdk.PushClientException - something went wrong
      • _handlePushError

        protected void _handlePushError​(io.github.jav.exposerversdk.PushNotificationException exception,
                                        String title,
                                        String message,
                                        Map<String,​Object> data)
                                 throws io.github.jav.exposerversdk.PushClientException
        Handle an exception essentially when trying to push notifications to multiple projects, to do it again for each project
        exception - the exception thrown
        title - title of the notification
        message - description of the notification
        data - data of the notification
        io.github.jav.exposerversdk.PushClientException - Something went very wrong