Class ECTSSumAnalysis

    • Method Detail

      • _getErrorMessage

        protected Map<String,​Object_getErrorMessage​(ProgramItem programItem,
                                                            Double parentECTS,
                                                            Double childrenECTS,
                                                            int level)
        Get the I18nizableText representing the error message to display (with parameters).
        programItem - The program element which is inconsistency
        parentECTS - Number of ECTS on the parent
        childrenECTS - Number of ECTS on the children
        level - the level of the line to retrieve (hierarchical level begins at 0 for the program)
        The error message
      • _controlECTS

        protected List<Map<String,​Object>> _controlECTS​(ProgramItem programItem,
                                                              int level)
        Control the ECTS consistency between the current content and its children.
        programItem - The ProgramItem to check ECTS consistency
        level - the level of the program item to control (hierarchical level begins at 0 for the program)
        The List of error messages
      • _getECTS

        protected Double _getECTS​(Content content)
        Get the ECTS of the current Content. The method is different if it's a Program or a Course for example.
        content - The content
        The value in the ECTS field