Interface RepositoryElementType<T>

    • Method Detail

      • read

        Object read​(RepositoryData parentData,
                    String name)
             throws BadItemTypeException
        Read the value in the given repository data
        parentData - repository data containing the value
        name - the name of the element to read
        the value. Can return a T or a T[]. That's why the return type is Object
        BadItemTypeException - if the reading value doesn't match this element type
      • write

        void write​(ModifiableRepositoryData parentData,
                   String name,
                   Object value)
            throws BadItemTypeException
        Write the value into the given repository data
        parentData - repository where to store the value.
        name - the name of the element to write
        value - the value to write. Can be a T or a T[]. That's why it is an Object
        BadItemTypeException - If the given value doesn't match this element type
      • externalizableValueToSAX

        default Object externalizableValueToSAX​(Object value,
                                                DataContext context)
        Retrieve the value to SAX for externalizable data
        value - the value to SAX This view item gives context for the SAX event that will be generated here.
        context - The context of the data to SAX
        the value to SAX for externalizable data