AbstractContentObserver |
Abstract Observer for observing validation of User content.
AbstractSolrContentAsyncObserver |
AbstractSolrContentObserver |
Abstract Observer for synchronizing the Solr indexes.
InvalidateCacheOnContentPageModificationObserver |
Observer for observing page creation or modification in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateCacheOnContentValidationObserver |
Observer for observing content validation or tagging in order to
invalidate cache on front-office.
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnContentModificationObserver |
Invalidates the ZoneItem containing a Content which has just been modified or synchronized.
InvalidateZoneItemCacheOnContentValidationObserver |
Invalidates the ZoneItem containing a Content which has just been modified or synchronized.
SolrContentDeletedObserver |
Observes user directory content deletion in order to synchronize the solr index.
SolrContentModifiedObserver |
Observes user directory content deletion in order to synchronize the solr index.
SolrContentRootPageDeletedObserver |
Observer for observing user directory root is being modified or deleted
SolrContentRootPageUpdatedObserver |
Observer for observing user directory root modification
in order to update Solr index
SolrContentUnpublishedObserver |
Observes user directory content deletion in order to synchronize the solr index.
SolrContentValidatedObserver |
Observes user directory content deletion in order to synchronize the solr index.
UserContentCacheObserver |
Observer when a user content is modified, deleted or validated.
UserContentCollectionSynchronizedObserver |
Observer after synchronization of the user collection
UserPageCacheObserver |
Observer when the user directory root is updated
Clear the cache for getting user page