Class URIPrefixInputModule

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Component, Serviceable, InputModule

    public class URIPrefixInputModule
    extends Object
    implements InputModule, Serviceable
    This input module gives access to various URI prefixes used for computing actual URIs depending on the rendering context (front, preview, back), on the current path prefix (live/, preview/, ...) and other environment constraints. It provides the following attributes: <blockquote><table border="1" cellpadding="2"> <tr><th>Attribute</th> <th>Description</th> <th>Usage</th> <th>CMS (BO) value</th> <th>Front-office value</th></tr> <tr><th rowspan="2"><i>uri-prefix</i></th> <td rowspan="2">the uri prefix, with or without site name</td> <td><code>{uri-prefix:uri-prefix}</code></td> <td>/cmscontext/prefix</td> <td>/sitecontext</td></tr> <tr><td><code>{uri-prefix:uri-prefix:site}</code></td> <td>/cmscontext/prefix/site</td> <td>/sitecontext</td></tr> <tr><th rowspan="2"><i>absolute-uri-prefix</i></th> <td rowspan="2">the absolute uri prefix, with or without site name</td> <td><code>{uri-prefix:absolute-uri-prefix}</code></td> <td></td> <td></td></tr> <tr><td><code>{uri-prefix:absolute-uri-prefix:site}</code></td> <td></td> <td></td></tr> </table></blockquote> <h4>uri-prefix</h4> <p>Represents the full prefix, with or without site name. It comes in two forms: with and without the site name. Use the first form when creating site-independent links, such as plugin URIs. Use the first form when creating links within a given site, for instance when linking to a page. <blockquote>Examples: <i>/app/_cms</i> (without site), <i>/app/_cms/www</i> (with site)</blockquote> </p> <h4>absolute-uri-prefix</h4> <p>Absolutized version of the previous variable. Use it when linking to a page or an URI from outside the server, for instance when sending a link to a specific page in an e-mail. <blockquote>Example: <i>http://cms.server:8080/app/_cms/www</i></blockquote> </p>