Class PageElementResourceStatistics

    • Constructor Detail

      • PageElementResourceStatistics

        public PageElementResourceStatistics​(String pageElementId,
                                             String pageId,
                                             String renderingContext,
                                             String jcrWorkspace,
                                             boolean cacheable,
                                             boolean cacheHit,
                                             int increment)
        Creates a statistics
        pageElementId - The page element id
        pageId - The page id
        renderingContext - The rendering context
        jcrWorkspace - The jcr workspace
        cacheable - The cacheable status
        cacheHit - The cache hit status
        increment - The number of increment
    • Method Detail

      • statExists

        public boolean statExists​(org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession sqlSession)
        Description copied from interface: ResourceStatistics
        Creates and configure a statement with a find query.
        Specified by:
        statExists in interface ResourceStatistics
        sqlSession - The sql session
        A non null ready to execute prepared statement
      • createStat

        public void createStat​(org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession sqlSession)
        Description copied from interface: ResourceStatistics
        Creates and configure a statement with an insert query.
        Specified by:
        createStat in interface ResourceStatistics
        sqlSession - The sql session
      • updateStat

        public void updateStat​(org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession sqlSession)
        Description copied from interface: ResourceStatistics
        Creates and configure a statement with an update query.
        Specified by:
        updateStat in interface ResourceStatistics
        sqlSession - The sql session