AttachmentURIResolver |
URIResolver for type "attachment-content".
These links point to a file from the attachments of the current Content.
AttributeURIResolver |
URIResolver for type "attribute".
These links or images point to a file from the attribute of the current Content.
LocalURIResolver |
PageAttachmentURIResolver |
URIResolver for type "attachment-page".
These links point to a file from the attachments of the current Page.
PageURIResolver |
URIResolver for type "page".
These links point to a CMS page.
RemoteURIResolver |
URIResolver for type "remote".
This resolver is a proxy to another type to be called from remote url.
ResourceURIResolver |
SiteParameterSourceFactory |
SiteParameterUriResolver |
URIResolver for type "site-parameter".
These links point to a file of a site
UploadedLinksHTMLEditionHandler |
This transformer stores linked files as attachment from the incoming HTML.
WebHTMLEditionHandler |
Do stuffs during save process such as repairing copy/paste links