Class AdditionalParameterValueMap

    • Constructor Detail

      • AdditionalParameterValueMap

        protected AdditionalParameterValueMap​(Map<String,​Object> values,
                                              Set<String> notDisplayableParameterIds)
        Builds an AdditionalParameterValueMap
        values - The values
        notDisplayableParameterIds - The parameter ids which are not displayable to an end-user
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public <T> T getValue​(String parameterId)
                       throws ClassCastException
        Gets the value of the given additional parameter
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the value
        parameterId - The id of the parameter
        the value of the given additional parameter
        ClassCastException - if the value cannot be cast to the expected type
      • getParameterIds

        public Set<StringgetParameterIds()
        Gets the parameter ids that have a value
        the parameter ids that have a value
      • getDisplayableValue

        public String getDisplayableValue​(String parameterId,
                                          String defaultValue)
        Expert method, for debug purpose, use only if you know what you do
        Gets the value for display purpose.
        parameterId - The id of the parameter
        defaultValue - The value to display if it is not displayable (for security purpose for instance)
        the value for display purpose.