Class TagUpdatedObserver

    • Method Detail

      • supports

        public boolean supports​(Event event)
        Description copied from interface: Observer
        Checks if the event is supported. If true, the observe(Event) method will be called.
        event - the event.
        true for observing this event, false otherwise.
      • observe

        protected void observe​(Site site,
                               AmetysObject aoTag,
                               String tagName,
                               Event rawEvent)
        Description copied from class: AbstractTagObserver
        Typed observe method
        Specified by:
        observe in class AbstractTagObserver
        site - the site
        aoTag - the tag or its parent
        tagName - the tag name corresponding the the object tagOrParent when applicable.
        rawEvent - The raw event from which the previous arguments have been extracted.
      • _reindexContent

        protected void _reindexContent​(Content content)
                                throws Exception
        Re-index the given content
        content - the content to re-index
        Exception - if unable to create or update the index