Class ContentTypesTreeComponent

    • Field Detail

      • ROLE

        public static final String ROLE
        Avalon Role.
    • Method Detail

      • getContentTypes

        public Map<String,​ObjectgetContentTypes​(Map<String,​Object> params)
        Get content types to hierarchical or flat representation according to given parameters
        params - The parameters :
        • {Boolean} excludeReferenceTable : to exclude reference table. Defaults to true.
        • {Boolean} excludePrivate : to exclude private content types. Defaults to false.
        • {Boolean} excludeMixin : to exclude mixins. Defaults to false.
        • {Boolean} excludeAbstract : to exclude asbtract content types. Defaults to false.
        • {String} excludeMode : 'hide' or 'disabled'. The mode of exclusion. Defaults to 'disabled'.
        • {Boolean} hierarchicalView: true to get a hierarchical representation of content types, or false to get a flat representation. Defaults to true.
        • {List<String>} contentTypes: the ids of content types to restrict the list. The child content types will be also returned
        • {List<String>} strictContentTypes: the ids of content types to restrict the list. Only these content types will be returned
        The content types according to received parameters
      • getMatchingContentTypes

        public Set<ContentTypegetMatchingContentTypes​(boolean excludeReferenceTable,
                                                        boolean excludePrivate,
                                                        boolean excludeAbstract,
                                                        boolean excludeMixin,
                                                        boolean mixinOnly,
                                                        boolean referenceTableOnly)
        Get the matching content types
        excludeReferenceTable - true to exclude reference table
        excludePrivate - true to exclude the private content types
        excludeAbstract - true to exclude the abstract content types
        excludeMixin - true to exclude the mixins
        mixinOnly - true to include the mixins only
        referenceTableOnly - true to include the reference table only
        matching content types
      • getMatchingContentTypes

        public Set<ContentTypegetMatchingContentTypes​(String[] contentTypesIds,
                                                        boolean browseChildren,
                                                        boolean excludeReferenceTable,
                                                        boolean excludePrivate,
                                                        boolean excludeAbstract,
                                                        boolean excludeMixin,
                                                        boolean mixinOnly,
                                                        boolean referenceTableOnly)
        Get the matching content types among the given list
        contentTypesIds - The list of content types to browse. Can be null to browse all available content types
        browseChildren - to browse the child content types
        excludeReferenceTable - true to exclude reference table
        excludePrivate - true to exclude the private content types
        excludeAbstract - true to exclude the abstract content types
        excludeMixin - true to exclude the mixins
        mixinOnly - true to include the mixins only
        referenceTableOnly - true to include the reference table only
        matching content types