Class AmetysXSLTHelper

    • Method Detail

      • contentTypes

        public static NodeList contentTypes​(String contentId)
        Get the content types of a content
        contentId - The content id
        The content type or empty if the content does not exist
      • contentMixinTypes

        public static NodeList contentMixinTypes​(String contentId)
        Get the mixins of a content
        contentId - The content id
        The content type or empty if the content does not exist
      • isReferenceTableContent

        public static boolean isReferenceTableContent​(String contentId)
        Determines if the content of given id is a entry of reference table
        contentId - the content id
        true if the content type is a reference table
      • lang

        public static String lang()
        Returns the current language for rendering.
        the current language for rendering.
      • hasValue

        public static boolean hasValue​(String contentId,
                                       String dataPath)
        Determines if there is a value for the data at the given path
        contentId - The content id
        dataPath - the path of data
        true if the data exists
      • contentAttribute

        public static NodeList contentAttribute​(String contentId,
                                                String dataPath)
        Get the attribute of a content at the given path
        contentId - The content id
        dataPath - The data path
        The value into a "value" node or null if an error occurred
      • contentAttribute

        public static NodeList contentAttribute​(String contentId,
                                                String dataPath,
                                                String lang)
        Get the attribute of a content at the given path
        contentId - The content id
        dataPath - The data path
        lang - The language for localized attribute. Can be null for non-localized attribute or to get the values for all existing locales.
        The value into a "value" node or null if an error occurred
      • _getNodeValues

        protected static List<Node_getNodeValues​(ModelAwareDataHolder dataHolder,
                                                   String dataPath,
                                                   String lang)
        Get values of an attribute of a model aware data holder at the given path
        dataHolder - the data holder
        dataPath - The data path
        lang - The language for localized attribute. Can be null for non-localized attribute or to get the values for all existing locales.
        A Node for each values or null if an error occurred
      • _getNodeValues

        protected static List<Node_getNodeValues​(ModelAwareDataHolder dataHolder,
                                                   String dataPath,
                                                   String lang,
                                                   DataContext dataContext)
        Get values of an attribute of a model aware data holder at the given path
        dataHolder - the data holder
        dataPath - The data path
        lang - The language for localized attribute. Can be null for non-localized attribute or to get the values for all existing locales.
        dataContext - The data context
        A Node for each values or null if an error occurred
      • contentMetadata

        public static String contentMetadata​(String contentId,
                                             String metadataName,
                                             String lang)
        Get the metadata of a content
        contentId - The content id
        metadataName - The metadata name (/ for composite)
        lang - The language for localized metadata. Can be null to get the current language.
        The name or empty if the metadata or the content does not exist
      • contentMetadata

        public static String contentMetadata​(String contentId,
                                             String metadataName)
        Get the metadata of a content
        contentId - The content id
        metadataName - The metadata name (/ for composite)
        The name or empty if the metadata or the content does not exist
      • contentAttachments

        public static Node contentAttachments()
        Returns a DOM Element containing Resources representing the attachments of the current content.
        an Element containing the attachments of the current content as Resources.
      • contentAttachments

        public static Node contentAttachments​(String contentId)
        Returns a DOM Element containing Resources representing the attachments of a given content.
        contentId - the content ID.
        an Element containing the attachments of the given content as Resources.
      • setCurrentContent

        public static void setCurrentContent​(String contentId)
        Set the content of given id in request attribute
        contentId - the id of content
      • setCurrentContent

        public static void setCurrentContent​(String contentId,
                                             String versionLabel)
        Set the content of given id and version in request attribute
        contentId - the id of content
        versionLabel - The version label
      • contentTags

        public static NodeList contentTags()
        Returns all tags of the current content.
        a list of tags.
      • contentTags

        public static NodeList contentTags​(String contentId)
        Returns all tags of the given content
        contentId - The identifier of the content
        a list of tags.
      • _contentTags

        protected static NodeList _contentTags​(Content content)
        Returns all tags of the given content
        content - The content
        a list of tags.
      • tagParent

        public static String tagParent​(String siteName,
                                       String tagName)
        Get the name of the parent of a tag.
        siteName - the site name
        tagName - the tag's name
        The id of parent or empty if not found
      • tagPath

        public static String tagPath​(String siteName,
                                     String tagName)
        Get the path of a tag. The path contains the tag's parents seprated by '/'.
        siteName - The site name
        tagName - The unique tag's name
        The tag's path or empty string if tag does not exist
      • tagLabel

        public static String tagLabel​(String siteName,
                                      String tagName,
                                      String lang)
        Get the label of a tag
        siteName - the current site
        tagName - the name of the tag
        lang - the lang (if i18n tag)
        the label of the tag or empty if it cannot be found
      • tagDescription

        public static String tagDescription​(String siteName,
                                            String tagName,
                                            String lang)
        Get the description of a tag
        siteName - the current site
        tagName - the name of the tag
        lang - the lang (if i18n tag)
        the label of the tag or empty if it cannot be found
      • tagVisibility

        public static String tagVisibility​(String siteName,
                                           String tagName)
        Get the visibility of a tag
        siteName - the current site
        tagName - the name of the tag
        the lower-cased visibility of the tag ("public" or "private")
      • contentTypeTags

        public static NodeList contentTypeTags​(String contentTypeId)
        Returns all tags of a content type
        contentTypeId - The id of the content type
        a list of tags.
      • getContentView

        public static Node getContentView​(String contentId)
        Get the HTML view of a content
        contentId - the id of content
        the content html view wrapped into a <content> tag
      • getContentView

        public static Node getContentView​(String contentId,
                                          int startHeadingsLevel)
        Get the HTML view of a content with offset on headings
        contentId - the id of content
        startHeadingsLevel - The start level for headings (h1, h2, h3, ...). For example, set to 2 so that the highest level headings are <h2>. Set to 1 for no offset.
        the content html view wrapped into a <content> tag
      • getContentView

        public static Node getContentView​(String contentId,
                                          String viewName)
        Get the HTML view of a content
        contentId - the id of content
        viewName - The content view name
        the content html view wrapped into a <content> tag
      • getContentView

        public static Node getContentView​(String contentId,
                                          String viewName,
                                          int startHeadingsLevel)
        Get the HTML view of a content
        contentId - the id of content
        viewName - The content view name
        startHeadingsLevel - The start level for headings (h1, h2, h3, ...). For example, set to 2 so that the highest level headings are <h2>. Set to 1 for no offset.
        the content html view wrapped into a <content> tag
      • getContentView

        public static Node getContentView​(String contentId,
                                          String viewName,
                                          int startHeadingsLevel,
                                          String lang,
                                          boolean checkReadAccess)
        Get the HTML view of a content with offset on headings
        contentId - the id of content
        viewName - The content view name
        lang - the language. Can be null. Useful only if the content has a multilingual title.
        startHeadingsLevel - The start level for headings (h1, h2, h3, ...). For example, set to 2 so that the highest level headings are <h2>. Set to 1 for no offset.
        checkReadAccess - Set to true to check the read access on content. Be careful, do not use with true on a cacheable element.
        the content html view wrapped into a <content> tag