Class ApogeeWS

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    LogEnabled, Component, Serviceable

    public class ApogeeWS
    extends AbstractLogEnabled
    implements Serviceable, Component
    The component to create ODF element in Apogee In most cases : DIP / VDI (diplome / version de diplome) : it is a program ETP / VET (etape / version d'etape) : it is a subprogram or a container of type year LSE (liste d'elements) : it is a course list ELP (element pedagogique) : it is a course or a container of type semester
    • Method Detail

      • getCreationService

        public getCreationService()
                                                                                                              throws javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException
        Get the service to create element in Apogee
        the service
        javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException - if an error occurred getting the service
      • createDIP

        public void createDIP​(Content content,
                              String title,
                              String codDip)
                       throws RemoteException,
        Create a Apogee DIP from a content
        content - the content
        title - the DIP title. Can be null, in this case we take the content title
        codDip - the code DIP
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred
        javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException - if an error occurred getting the service
      • createDIP

        public void createDIP​(Content content,
                              String title,
                              String codDip,
                       throws RemoteException
        Create a Apogee DIP from a content
        content - the content
        title - the DIP title. Can be null, in this case we take the content title
        codDip - the code DIP
        creationSEMetierServiceInterface - the service to create element in Apogee
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred
      • createVDI

        public void createVDI​(Content content,
                              String title,
                              String codDip,
                              Long versionDIP)
                       throws RemoteException,
        Create a Apogee VDI from a content
        content - the content
        title - the VDI title. Can be null, in this case we take the content title
        codDip - the code of the diplome in Apogee
        versionDIP - the version of the diplome in Apogee
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred
        javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException - if an error occurred getting the service
      • createVDI

        public void createVDI​(Content content,
                              String title,
                              String codDip,
                              Long versionDIP,
                       throws RemoteException
        Create a Apogee VDI from a content
        content - the content
        title - the VDI title. Can be null, in this case we take the content title
        codDip - the code of the diplome in Apogee
        versionDIP - the version of the diplome in Apogee
        creationSEMetierServiceInterface - the service to create element in Apogee
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred
      • createETP

        public void createETP​(Content content,
                              String title,
                              String codETP)
                       throws RemoteException,
        Create a Apogee ETP from a content
        content - the content
        title - the ETP title. Can be null, in this case we take the content title
        codETP - the code ETP
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred
        javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException - if an error occurred getting the service
      • createETP

        public void createETP​(Content content,
                              String title,
                              String codETP,
                       throws RemoteException
        Create a Apogee ETP from a content
        content - the content
        title - the ETP title. Can be null, in this case we take the content title
        codETP - the code ETP
        creationSEMetierServiceInterface - the service to create element in Apogee
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred
      • createVET

        public void createVET​(Content content,
                              String title,
                              String codETP,
                              Long versionETP)
                       throws RemoteException,
        Create a Apogee VET from a content
        content - the content
        title - the VET title. Can be null, in this case we take the content title
        codETP - the ETP code in Apogee
        versionETP - the version ETP in Apogee
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred
        javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException - if an error occurred getting the service
      • createVET

        public void createVET​(Content content,
                              String title,
                              String codETP,
                              Long versionETP,
                       throws RemoteException
        Create a Apogee VET from a content
        content - the content
        title - the VET title. Can be null, in this case we take the content title
        codETP - the ETP code in Apogee
        versionETP - the version ETP in Apogee
        creationSEMetierServiceInterface - the service to create element in Apogee
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred
      • createLinkDIPETP

        public void createLinkDIPETP​(String codDIP,
                                     Long versionDIP,
                                     String codETP,
                                     Long versionETP)
                              throws RemoteException,
        Create in Apogee the link between a DIP and a ETP
        codDIP - the DIP code in Apogee
        versionDIP - the DIP version in Apogee
        codETP - the ETP code in Apogee
        versionETP - the ETP version in Apogee
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred
        javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException - if an error occurred getting the service
      • createLinkDIPETP

        public void createLinkDIPETP​(String codDIP,
                                     Long versionDIP,
                                     String codETP,
                                     Long versionETP,
                              throws RemoteException
        Create in Apogee the link between a DIP and a ETP
        codDIP - the DIP code in Apogee
        versionDIP - the DIP version in Apogee
        codETP - the ETP code in Apogee
        versionETP - the ETP version in Apogee
        creationSEMetierServiceInterface - the service to create element in Apogee
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred
      • createLinkETPELPLSE

        public void createLinkETPELPLSE​(String codETP,
                                        Long versionETP,
                                        String codLSE,
                                        String codELP,
                                        Long nbELP,
                                        Double ectsMin,
                                        Double ectsMax)
                                 throws RemoteException,
        Create in Apogee the link between a ETP and a LSE or ELP
        codETP - the ETP code in Apogee. Can be null if codELP is set.
        versionETP - the ETP version in Apogee. Can be null if codELP is set.
        codLSE - the LSE code in Apogee.
        codELP - the ELP version in Apogee. Can be null if codETP and versionETP is set.
        nbELP - the number of ELP. Can be null if the LSE is mandatory or optional.
        ectsMin - the min number of ects. Can be null if the LSE is mandatory or optional.
        ectsMax - the max number of ects. Can be null if the LSE is mandatory or optional.
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred
        javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException - if an error occurred getting the service
      • createLinkETPELPLSE

        public void createLinkETPELPLSE​(String codETP,
                                        Long versionETP,
                                        String codLSE,
                                        String codELP,
                                        Long nbELP,
                                        Double ectsMin,
                                        Double ectsMax,
                                 throws RemoteException
        Create in Apogee the link between a ETP and a LSE or ELP
        codETP - the ETP code in Apogee. Can be null if codELP is set.
        versionETP - the ETP version in Apogee. Can be null if codELP is set.
        codLSE - the LSE code in Apogee.
        codELP - the ELP version in Apogee. Can be null if codETP and versionETP is set.
        nbELP - the number of ELP. Can be null if the LSE is mandatory or optional.
        ectsMin - the min number of ects. Can be null if the LSE is mandatory or optional.
        ectsMax - the max number of ects. Can be null if the LSE is mandatory or optional.
        creationSEMetierServiceInterface - the service to create element in Apogee
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred
      • createLSE

        public void createLSE​(CourseList courseList,
                              String title,
                              String codLSE)
                       throws RemoteException,
        Create a Apogee LSE from a course list
        courseList - the course list
        title - the LSE title. Can be null, in this case we take the content title
        codLSE - the code LSE
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred
        javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException - if an error occurred getting the service
      • createLSE

        public void createLSE​(CourseList courseList,
                              String title,
                              String codLSE,
                       throws RemoteException
        Create a Apogee LSE from a course list
        courseList - the course list
        title - the LSE title. Can be null, in this case we take the content title
        codLSE - the code LSE
        creationSEMetierServiceInterface - the service to create element in Apogee
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred
      • createMandatoryLSE

        public void createMandatoryLSE​(String titleLSE,
                                       String codLSE,
                                       String codELP)
                                throws RemoteException,
        Create a Apogee mandatory LSE with his ELP
        titleLSE - the title of the LSE
        codLSE - the code of the LSE
        codELP - the code of the ELP
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred
        javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException - if an error occurred getting the service
      • createMandatoryLSE

        public void createMandatoryLSE​(String titleLSE,
                                       String codLSE,
                                       String codELP,
                                throws RemoteException
        Create a Apogee mandatory LSE with his ELP
        titleLSE - the title of the LSE
        codLSE - the code of the LSE
        codELP - the code of the ELP
        creationSEMetierServiceInterface - the service to create element in Apogee
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred
      • createELP

        public void createELP​(Content content,
                              String title,
                              String codELP)
                       throws RemoteException,
        Create a Apogee ELP from a content
        content - the content
        title - the ELP title. Can be null, in this case we take the content title
        codELP - the code ELP
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred
        javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException - if an error occurred getting the service
      • createELP

        public void createELP​(Content content,
                              String title,
                              String codELP,
                       throws RemoteException
        Create a Apogee ELP from a content
        content - the content
        title - the ELP title. Can be null, in this case we take the content title
        codELP - the code ELP
        creationSEMetierServiceInterface - the service to create element in Apogee
        RemoteException - if a web service error occurred