Class PageSaxer

    • Constructor Detail

      • PageSaxer

        public PageSaxer​(PageReturnable pageReturnable)
        pageReturnable - The associated returnable on pages
    • Method Detail

      • canSax

        public boolean canSax​(AmetysObject hit,
                              org.slf4j.Logger logger,
                              SearchComponentArguments args)
        Description copied from interface: ReturnableSaxer
        Returns true if this saxer is able to SAX the given search hit
        Specified by:
        canSax in interface ReturnableSaxer
        hit - The search hit
        logger - A logger
        args - The other arguments
        true if this saxer is able to SAX the given search hit
      • saxContent

        protected void saxContent​(Content content,
                                  String viewName,
                                  Locale defaultLocale,
                                  ContentHandler contentHandler,
                                  org.slf4j.Logger logger)
                           throws SAXException
        SAX the view of a content if exists
        content - the content
        viewName - The name of view to sax
        defaultLocale - The locale to use to sax localized values such as multilingual content or multilingual string. Only use if initial content's language is not null.
        contentHandler - The content handler
        logger - The logger
        SAXException - if an exception occurs while saxing
      • saxRichTextExcerpt

        protected void saxRichTextExcerpt​(String path,
                                          String contentId,
                                          Object richText,
                                          ContentHandler contentHandler,
                                          org.slf4j.Logger logger)
        SAX excerpt for rich text
        path - The richText path
        contentId - The content id
        richText - The rich text
        contentHandler - The content handler
        logger - The logger