Class SqlInitializationAction.SqlInitializationActionConfiguration

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

ActionConfiguration for sql initialisation with table to check
  • Constructor Details

    • SqlInitializationActionConfiguration

      public SqlInitializationActionConfiguration(String versionNumber, String type, String comment, String from, boolean restartRequired, boolean isInitialization, String file, String plugin, String table)
      Create an ActionConfiguration for use with sql initialization actions.
      versionNumber - version number of the action
      type - type of action
      comment - The comment about this action
      from - if this actions is the equivalent of multiple actions, this is the version id just before the 1st action impacted by this action
      restartRequired - true if a restart is required after the action
      isInitialization - true for initialization action, false for upgrade
      file - the location of the sql script
      plugin - the plugin of the sql script or null to default to the component plugin
      table - the table name to check
  • Method Details

    • getTable

      public String getTable()
      Get the table that will need to be tested before the initialization is executed
      The table that will need to be tested before the initialization is executed