Class ForeignKeyColumn

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ForeignKeyColumn extends DefaultColumn
The definition of a column with a foreign key. It extends DefaultColumn and add the notion of foreign key. For integrity reasons, the AMETYS_* tables haven't the foreign, it's only used to retrieve values from the SRC_* views.
  • Field Details

    • _foreignKey

      The foreign key: left is table name and right is column name of the referenced column
    • _needYear

      protected boolean _needYear
      If the foreign key needs to match the year
  • Constructor Details

    • ForeignKeyColumn

      public ForeignKeyColumn(String name, String type, boolean isNullable, Pair<String,String> foreignKey, boolean needYear, String viewName)
      name - The name of the column
      type - The SQL type of the column
      isNullable - true if it's nullable
      foreignKey - The foreign key
      needYear - If the foreign key needs to match the year
      viewName - The name of the column in the associated SRC_* view
    • ForeignKeyColumn

      public ForeignKeyColumn(String name, String type, boolean isNullable, Pair<String,String> foreignKey, boolean needYear)
      name - The name of the column (it will also be used for the associated SRC_* view)
      type - The SQL type of the column
      isNullable - true if it's nullable
      foreignKey - The foreign key
      needYear - If the foreign key needs to match the year
  • Method Details