Class ConvertMetadata2ImagesComponent

All Implemented Interfaces:
Initializable, Component, LogEnabled, Serviceable, ThreadSafe

Implementation of a AbstractConvertDocument2ImagesComponent for a binary metadata
  • Field Details

    • ROLE

      public static final String ROLE
      Avalon ROLE.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • doCache

      public String doCache(Content content, String metadataPath, String siteName) throws Exception
      Put the file in cache
      content - the content
      metadataPath - the path of the metadata
      siteName - the name of the site
      The absolute cache path
      Exception - if an error occurs while caching the file
    • doCleanCache

      public void doCleanCache(Content content, String siteName)
      Remove all cached attribute image for the given content and sitename in the flipbook cache
      content - the content linked to the info to remove
      siteName - the sitename linked to the info to remove