Class SolrPageIndexer

All Implemented Interfaces:
SolrFieldNames, LogEnabled, SolrWebFieldNames, Component, Contextualizable, Serviceable

Component responsible for indexing a page with all its contents.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • service

      public void service(ServiceManager manager) throws ServiceException
      Specified by:
      service in interface Serviceable
    • contextualize

      public void contextualize(Context context) throws ContextException
      Specified by:
      contextualize in interface Contextualizable
    • indexPage

      public void indexPage(String pageId, boolean indexRecursively, boolean indexAttachments) throws Exception
      Index a page and eventually its children, recursively, in all workspaces and commit
      By default, children pages will be actually indexed if indexRecursively is true and if those pages are not already indexed.
      pageId - the page to be indexed.
      indexRecursively - to also process children pages.
      indexAttachments - to index page attachments
      Exception - if an error occurs during indexation.
    • indexPage

      public void indexPage(String pageId, String workspaceName, boolean indexRecursively, boolean indexAttachments) throws IndexingException
      Index a page and eventually its children, recursively.
      By default, children pages will be actually indexed if indexRecursively is true and if those pages are not already indexed.
      pageId - the page to be indexed.
      workspaceName - the workspace where to index
      indexRecursively - to also process children pages.
      indexAttachments - to index page attachments
      IndexingException - if an error occurs during indexation.
    • indexPage

      public void indexPage(String pageId, String workspaceName, boolean indexRecursively, boolean indexAttachments, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws IndexingException
      Index a page and eventually its children, recursively.
      By default, children pages will be actually indexed if indexRecursively is true and if those pages are not already indexed.
      pageId - the page to be indexed.
      workspaceName - the workspace where to index
      indexRecursively - to also process children pages.
      indexAttachments - to index page attachments
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      IndexingException - if an error occurs during indexation.
    • _populatePageDocument

      protected void _populatePageDocument(Page page, org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document) throws Exception
      Populate the solr input document by adding fields to index.
      page - the page to index.
      document - the solr input document
      Exception - if something goes wrong when processing the indexation of the page
    • _populateDatesOfPage

      protected void _populateDatesOfPage(Page page, org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document)
      Populate the solr input document with dates from the page
      page - The page
      document - The Solr document
    • _getTagsWithAncestors

      protected Set<String> _getTagsWithAncestors(Page page)
      Get all the page tags with their ancestors.
      page - The page.
      All the page tags with their ancestors.
    • _populatePageContentsDocument

      protected void _populatePageContentsDocument(Page page, org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document) throws Exception
      Index the content of the page.

      page - the page to index.
      document - the document to populate.
      Exception - if an error occurs.
    • _indexFacetableFields

      protected void _indexFacetableFields(Content content, org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document)
      Index the facetable fields of a content into the page solr document
      content - The content
      document - The main page solr document.
    • _findAndIndexFacetableField

      protected void _findAndIndexFacetableField(org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument pageDocument, ModelAwareDataHolder dataHolder, ModelItem modelItem, DataContext context)
      Index the facetable fields of a data holder into the page solr document
      pageDocument - The Solr page document
      dataHolder - the parent data holder
      modelItem - the model item
      context - the context of the data to index
    • _getValuesToIndex

      protected Collection<String> _getValuesToIndex(ModelAwareDataHolder dataHolder, ElementDefinition elementDefinition, DataContext context)
      Retrieves the values to index if the field is facetable, or an empty collection
      dataHolder - the data holder
      elementDefinition - the definition of the field
      context - the context of the data to index
      the values to index if the field is facetable, or an empty collection
    • _getLastModificationDate

      Computes the last modification date of a page.
      page - the page.
      the last modification date or null.
    • _getFirstValidationDate

      Computes the first validation date of a page.
      page - the page.
      the first validation date or null.
    • _getLastValidationDate

      Computes the last validation date of a page.
      page - the page.
      the last validation date or null.
    • _getLastMajorValidationDate

      Computes the last major validation date of a page.
      page - the page.
      the last major validation date or null.
    • _getLastDate

      protected ZonedDateTime _getLastDate(Page page, Function<Content,ZonedDateTime> dateRetriever)
      Computes a "last date" of a page, using the simple and naive following algorithm:
      From all the dates from each of its contents, keep the greatest of them.
      page - the page.
      dateRetriever - The function to retrieve a Date from a Content of the Page
      the "last date" or null.
    • _getFirstDate

      protected ZonedDateTime _getFirstDate(Page page, Function<Content,ZonedDateTime> dateRetriever)
      Computes a "first date" of a page, using the simple and naive following algorithm:
      From all the dates from each of its contents, keep the lowest of them.
      page - the page.
      dateRetriever - The function to retrieve a Date from a Content of the Page
      the "first date" or null.
    • _populateAdditionalProperties

      protected void _populateAdditionalProperties(Page page, org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document) throws Exception
      Populate the solr input document by adding fields to index.
      page - the page to index.
      document - the solr input document
      Exception - if something goes wrong when processing the indexation of the page
    • indexPageAttachments

      public void indexPageAttachments(ResourceCollection collection, Page page) throws Exception
      Index page attachments as new entries in the index.
      collection - the collection of attachments
      page - the page whose attachments will be indexed
      Exception - if something goes wrong when indexing the attachments of the page
    • indexPageAttachment

      public void indexPageAttachment(Resource resource, Page page) throws Exception
      Index a page attachment
      resource - the page attachment as a Resource
      page - the page whose attachment is going to be indexed
      Exception - if something goes wrong when processing the indexation of the page attachment
    • _indexPageDocument

      protected void _indexPageDocument(Page page, org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document, String workspaceName, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException, IOException
      Index a populated solr input document of type Page.
      page - the page from which the input document is created
      document - the input document to add to the solr index
      workspaceName - The workspace name
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - if there is an error on the Solr server
      IOException - if there is a communication error with the server
    • _indexResourceDocument

      protected void _indexResourceDocument(Resource resource, org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient solrClient) throws org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException, IOException
      Index a populated solr input document of type Resource.
      resource - the resource from which the input document is created
      document - the input document
      solrClient - The solr client to use
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - if there is an error on the server
      IOException - if there is a communication error with the server
    • unindexPage

      public void unindexPage(String pageId, boolean unindexRecursively, boolean unindexAttachments) throws Exception
      Un-index a page by its ID for all workspaces and commit
      pageId - The page ID.
      unindexRecursively - also unindex child pages if requested.
      unindexAttachments - also unindex page attachments
      Exception - if an error occurs during index update.
    • unindexPage

      public void unindexPage(String pageId, String workspaceName, boolean unindexRecursively, boolean unindexAttachments) throws Exception
      De-index a page (and optionally its children pages).
      pageId - the page to be de-indexed.
      workspaceName - The workspace where to work in
      unindexRecursively - also unindex child pages if requested.
      unindexAttachments - also unindex page attachments
      Exception - if an error occurs during index update.
    • _unindexPageDocument

      protected void _unindexPageDocument(String pageId, String workspaceName, boolean unindexRecursively, boolean unindexAttachments) throws org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException, IOException, QuerySyntaxException
      Deindex a document of type Page. Also deindex attachments of a page
      pageId - the id of the page to deindex
      workspaceName - The workspace name
      unindexRecursively - also unindex child pages if requested.
      unindexAttachments - also unindex page attachments
      org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException - if there is an error on the server
      IOException - if there is a communication error with the server
      QuerySyntaxException - if the uri query can't be built because of a syntax error.
    • reindexPage

      public void reindexPage(String pageId, boolean reindexRecursively, boolean reindexAttachments) throws Exception
      Reindex a page by its ID for all workspaces and commit
      pageId - The page ID.
      reindexRecursively - also reindex child pages if requested.
      reindexAttachments - also reindex page attachments
      Exception - if an error occurs during index update.
    • reindexPage

      public void reindexPage(String pageId, String workspaceName, boolean reindexRecursively, boolean reindexAttachments) throws IndexingException
      Reindex a page by its ID.
      pageId - The page ID.
      workspaceName - The workspace where to work in
      reindexRecursively - also reindex child pages if requested.
      reindexAttachments - also reindex page attachments
      IndexingException - if an error occurs during index update.