Interface UserSignUpConfiguration

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface UserSignUpConfiguration
Interface for user sign up configuration
  • Field Details

    • ROLE

      static final String ROLE
      Constant for Avalon ROLE
  • Method Details

    • getTokenValidity

      The token validity period, in days.
      the token validity period, in days.
    • getSubjectForSignUpEmail

      The email subject when user sign up.
      defaultI18nParams - The default i18n parameters with : siteName the site name login the login email the mail fullName the full name token the token confirmUri the confirmation uri siteTitle the site title siteUrl the site url
      language - the language
      the email subject when user sign up.
    • getTextBodyForSignUpEmail

      The email text body when user sign up.
      defaultI18nParams - The default i18n parameters with : siteName the site name login the login email the mail fullName the full name token the token confirmUri the confirmation uri siteTitle the site title siteUrl the site url
      language - the language
      the email text body when user sign up.
    • getHtmlBodyForSignUpEmail

      The email html body when user sign up.
      defaultI18nParams - The default i18n parameters with : siteName the site name login the login email the mail fullName the full name token the token confirmUri the confirmation uri siteTitle the site title siteUrl the site url
      language - the language
      the email html body when user sign up.
    • getSubjectForInvitationToSignUpEmail

      The email subject when user is invit to signup
      defaultI18nParams - The default i18n parameters with : siteName the site name login the login email the mail fullName the full name token the token confirmUri the confirmation uri siteTitle the site title siteUrl the site url
      language - the language
      the email subject when user sign up.
    • getTextBodyForInvitationToSignUpEmail

      The email text body when user is invit to signup
      defaultI18nParams - The default i18n parameters with : siteName the site name login the login email the mail fullName the full name token the token confirmUri the confirmation uri siteTitle the site title siteUrl the site url
      language - the language
      the email text body when user sign up.
    • getHtmlBodyForInvitationToSignUpEmail

      The email html body when user is invit to signup
      defaultI18nParams - The default i18n parameters with : siteName the site name login the login email the mail fullName the full name token the token confirmUri the confirmation uri siteTitle the site title siteUrl the site url
      language - the language
      the email html body when user sign up.
    • getSubjectForSignUpValidatedEmail

      The email subject when user sign up was validated.
      defaultI18nParams - The default i18n parameters with : siteName the site name login the login email the mail fullName the full name siteTitle the site title siteUrl the site url
      language - the language
      the email subject when user sign up.
    • getTextBodyForSignUpValidatedEmail

      The email text body when user sign up was validated.
      defaultI18nParams - The default i18n parameters with : siteName the site name login the login email the mail fullName the full name siteTitle the site title siteUrl the site url
      language - the language
      the email text body when user sign up.
    • getHtmlBodyForSignUpValidatedEmail

      The email html body when user sign up was validated.
      defaultI18nParams - The default i18n parameters with : siteName the site name login the login email the mail fullName the full name siteTitle the site title siteUrl the site url
      language - the language
      the email html body when user sign up.
    • getSubjectForResetPwdEmail

      The email subject when user reset password.
      defaultI18nParams - The default i18n parameters with : siteName the site name login the login email the mail fullName the full name token the token confirmUri the confirmation uri siteTitle the site title siteUrl the site url
      language - the language
      the email subject when user reset password.
    • getTextBodyForResetPwdEmail

      The email text body when user reset password.
      defaultI18nParams - The default i18n parameters with : siteName the site name login the login email the mail fullName the full name token the token confirmUri the confirmation uri siteTitle the site title siteUrl the site url
      language - the language
      the email text body when user reset password.
    • getHtmlBodyForResetPwdEmail

      The email html body when user reset password.
      defaultI18nParams - The default i18n parameters with : siteName the site name login the login email the mail fullName the full name token the token confirmUri the confirmation uri siteTitle the site title siteUrl the site url
      language - the language
      the email html body when user reset password.