Class StyleCategory


public class StyleCategory extends Object
A category of style. A style and files to import
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • StyleCategory

      public StyleCategory(Set<String> boCSSFiles, Set<String> inlineEditorCSSFiles, List<Style> styleList, String defaultInlineEditor, List<String> removeInlineEditor)
      Build a style
      boCSSFiles - cannot be null.
      inlineEditorCSSFiles - cannot be null.
      styleList - cannot be null.
      defaultInlineEditor - The default inline editor value
      removeInlineEditor - The list of preceding inline editor values to remove
  • Method Details

    • getBackOfficeCSSFiles

      Get the url of CSS files to import in the BO HMI to give to the style buttons the right appearance
      Contains absolute urls to CSS files
    • getInlineEditorCSSFiles

      Get the url of CSS files to import in the inline html editor to give the styles the right appearance
      Contains absolute urls to CSS files
    • getStyles

      public List<Style> getStyles()
      Get the list of styles
      A non-null list of para
    • getDefaultInlineEditor

      Get the default inline editor value
      A inlineeditor value or null
    • getRemovedInlineEditor

      The inline editor values to remove from preceding categories (with lower priorities)
      the list