Interface AccessController

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractHierarchicalAccessController, AbstractHierarchicalWithPermissionContextAccessController, AbstractODFRoleAccessController, AbstractProfileStorageBasedAccessController, AbstractRightBasedAccessController, AdminAccessController, ApplicationAccessController, BackOfficeAccessController, CartAccessController, CartAuthorAccessController, CatalogNewsAccessController, ContentAccessController, ContentsCreatorAccessController, ContentTypeAccessController, EditionFOAccessController, ExtractionAccessController, ExtractionAuthorAccessController, FormAccessController, FormAuthorAccessController, LinkDirectoryAccessController, ModuleAccessController, ModuleResourceAccessController, ODFContentHierarchicalAccessController, ODFContributorAccessController, ODFManagerAccessController, ODFMCCManagerAccessController, ODFOrphanContentAccessController, OdfRefTableDataSynchronizationAccessController, PageAccessController, ProjectAccessController, QueryAccessController, QueryAuthorAccessController, ReferenceTableAccessController, RemoteCDMFrSCCAccessController, ReportsPageAccessController, ResourceAccessController, SiteWorkspaceAccessController, StringHierarchicalAccessController, SurveyAccessController, SynchronizedContentAccessController, ThematicAccessController, ThesaurusAccessController, UGCCreatorContentAccessController, UGCCreatorPageAccessController, UserDirectoryContentAccessController, WebContentAccessController, WebContentTypeAccessController, WebWorkspaceAccessController, WorkspaceAccessController, WorkspaceAccessController, WorkspaceSwitchedAccessController

public interface AccessController
This interface is for computing the rights a user has.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      Get the id of this controller
      the id of this controller
    • getPermission

      Gets the kind of access a user has on an object for a given right
      user - The user. Cannot be null.
      userGroups - The groups the user belongs to
      rightId - The id of the right of the user
      object - The context object to check the access
      the kind of access a user has on an object for a right
    • getReadAccessPermission

      Gets the kind of access a user has on an object for thye read access
      user - The user. Cannot be null.
      userGroups - The groups the user belongs to
      object - The context object to check the access
      the kind of access a user has on an object for the read access
    • getPermissionByRight

      Gets the kind of access a user has on an object for all rights
      user - The user. Cannot be null.
      userGroups - The groups the user belongs to
      object - The context object to check the access
      the kind of access a user has on an object for all rights
    • getPermissionForAnonymous

      Gets the permission for Anonymous only on an object for a given right
      rightId - The id of the right to check
      object - The object
      the permission for Anonymous only on an object for a given right
    • getReadAccessPermissionForAnonymous

      Gets the read access permission for Anonymous only on an object
      object - The object
      the read access permission for Anonymous only on an object
    • getPermissionForAnyConnectedUser

      Gets the permission for any connected user only on an object for a given right
      rightId - The id of the right to check
      object - The object
      the permission for any connected user only on an object for a given right
    • getReadAccessPermissionForAnyConnectedUser

      Gets the read access permission for any connected user only on an object
      object - The object
      the read access permission for any connected user only on an object
    • getPermissionByUser

      Gets the permission by user only on an object for the given right. It does not take account of the groups of the user, etc.
      rightId - The id of the right to check
      object - The object
      the permission by user only on an object for the given right
    • getReadAccessPermissionByUser

      Gets the read access permission by user only on an object. It does not take account of the groups of the user, etc.
      object - The object
      the read access permission by user only on an object
    • getPermissionByGroup

      Gets the permission by group only on an object for the given right.
      rightId - The id of the right to check
      object - The object
      the permission by group only on an object for the given right
    • getReadAccessPermissionByGroup

      Gets the read access permission by group only on an object.
      object - The object
      the read access permission by group only on an object
    • hasUserAnyPermissionOnWorkspace

      boolean hasUserAnyPermissionOnWorkspace(Set<Object> workspacesContexts, UserIdentity user, Set<GroupIdentity> userGroups, String rightId)
      Returns true if the user has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given rights and if the object is attached to the given context that is /${WorkspaceName} and its conversions.
      workspacesContexts - The contexts to tests such as {"/${WorkspaceName}", "/repository", "/admin"}
      user - The user
      userGroups - The groups
      rightId - The id of the right to check
      true if the user has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given right
    • hasUserAnyReadAccessPermissionOnWorkspace

      boolean hasUserAnyReadAccessPermissionOnWorkspace(Set<Object> workspacesContexts, UserIdentity user, Set<GroupIdentity> userGroups)
      Returns true if the user has a read access permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given rights and if the object is attached to the given context that is /${WorkspaceName} and its conversions.
      workspacesContexts - The contexts to tests such as {"/${WorkspaceName}", "/repository", "/admin"}
      user - The user
      userGroups - The groups
      true if the user has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given right
    • hasAnonymousAnyPermissionOnWorkspace

      boolean hasAnonymousAnyPermissionOnWorkspace(Set<Object> workspacesContexts, String rightId)
      Returns true if anonymous has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given rights and if the object is attached to the given context that is /${WorkspaceName} and its conversions.
      workspacesContexts - The contexts to tests such as {"/${WorkspaceName}", "/repository", "/admin"}
      rightId - The id of the right to check
      true if anonymous has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given right
    • hasAnonymousAnyReadAccessPermissionOnWorkspace

      Returns true if anonymous has a read access permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given rights and if the object is attached to the given context that is /${WorkspaceName} and its conversions.
      workspacesContexts - The contexts to tests such as {"/${WorkspaceName}", "/repository", "/admin"}
      true if anonymous has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given right
    • hasAnyConnectedUserAnyPermissionOnWorkspace

      boolean hasAnyConnectedUserAnyPermissionOnWorkspace(Set<Object> workspacesContexts, String rightId)
      Returns true if any connected user has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given rights and if the object is attached to the given context that is /${WorkspaceName} and its conversions.
      workspacesContexts - The contexts to tests such as {"/${WorkspaceName}", "/repository", "/admin"}
      rightId - The id of the right to check
      true if any connected user has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given right
    • hasAnyConnectedUserAnyReadAccessPermissionOnWorkspace

      Returns true if any connected user has a read access permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given rights and if the object is attached to the given context that is /${WorkspaceName} and its conversions.
      workspacesContexts - The contexts to tests such as {"/${WorkspaceName}", "/repository", "/admin"}
      true if any connected user has a permission on at least one object, directly or though groups, for a given right
    • isSupported

      boolean isSupported(Object object)
      Returns true if this access controller supports the given object
      object - The object to test
      true if this access controller supports the given object
    • explainReadAccessPermissionForAnonymous

      Explain the read access permission for anonymous on the given object. The access result in the explanation MUST be the same value as the one returned by getReadAccessPermissionForAnonymous(Object). And the explanation should described the actual object that granted the right to allow final user to see if any context conversion happened
      object - the object to test
      an explanation of the access
    • explainPermissionForAnonymous

      Explain the permission for anonymous on the given object. The access result in the explanation MUST be the same value as the one returned by getPermissionForAnonymous(String, Object). And the explanation should described the actual object that granted the right to allow final user to see if any context conversion happened
      rightId - the right to test
      object - the object to test
      an explanation of the access
    • explainReadAccessPermissionForAnyConnectedUser

      Explain the read access permission for any connected user on the given object. The access result in the explanation MUST be the same value as the one returned by getReadAccessPermissionForAnyConnectedUser(Object). And the explanation should described the actual object that granted the right to allow final user to see if any context conversion happened
      object - the object to test
      an explanation of the access
    • explainPermissionForAnyConnectedUser

      Explain the permission for any connected user on the given object. The access result in the explanation MUST be the same value as the one returned by getPermissionForAnyConnectedUser(String, Object). And the explanation should described the actual object that granted the right to allow final user to see if any context conversion happened
      rightId - the right to test
      object - the object to test
      an explanation of the access
    • explainReadAccessPermission

      Explain the read access permission for a user on the given object. The access result in the explanation MUST be the same value as the one returned by getReadAccessPermission(UserIdentity, Set, Object). And the explanation should described the actual object that granted the right to allow final user to see if any context conversion happened
      user - the user to test
      groups - the groups of the user
      object - the object to test
      an explanation of the access
    • explainPermission

      default AccessExplanation explainPermission(UserIdentity user, Set<GroupIdentity> groups, String rightId, Object object)
      Explain the permission for a user on the given object. The access result in the explanation MUST be the same value as the one returned by getPermission(UserIdentity, Set, String, Object). And the explanation should described the actual object that granted the right to allow final user to see if any context conversion happened
      user - the user to test
      groups - the groups of the user
      rightId - the right to test
      object - the object to test
      an explanation of the access
    • getStandardAccessExplanation

      Get a standard explanation based on the access result
      accessResult - the access result
      object - the inspected context
      the explanation
    • getDefaultAccessExplanation

      Build a default explanation for an access result provided by a controller. This method should be used as a fallback. AccessController should provide their own explanation with more details
      controllerId - the access controller id
      result - the access result
      an label describing the result
    • explainAllPermissions

      Get AccessExplanation for each permission given to the user by this access controller. Returns a pair of permission/access explanation for each object with a granted or denied permission to this user by this access controller. Each explanation should be equivalent to calling the explainPermission(UserIdentity, Set, String, Object) or explainReadAccessPermission(UserIdentity, Set, Object) for the user, on the object with the corresponding right
      identity - the user identity
      groups - the groups the user belongs to.
      all the user's permissions handled by this controller
    • getExplanationObject

      Get the explanation object representing the object
      object - the object
      the explanation object
    • getObjectLabel

      Get a label describing the object handled by this access controller
      object - the object
      the label
    • getObjectCategory

      Get a label classifying the object handled by this access controller
      object - the object
      the label
    • getObjectPriority

      default int getObjectPriority(Object object)
      Get the priority of the object to order it in its category
      object - the object
      the priority