Class AuthenticationTokenManager

All Implemented Interfaces:
LogEnabled, Initializable, Component, Serviceable

The component to handle temporary authentication token.
Token can only be used once and are available for a short time only.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • service

      public void service(ServiceManager manager) throws ServiceException
      Specified by:
      service in interface Serviceable
    • initialize

      public void initialize() throws Exception
      Specified by:
      initialize in interface Initializable
    • getTokens

      Get the existing tokens for the connected user
      type - The type of tokens to return. null to return all.
      The tokens
      RuntimeException - If there is no user connected or if there is a database error
    • getTokens

      Get the existing tokens for this user
      type - The type of tokens to return. null to return all.
      user - The user. Cannot be null
      The tokens identifier and associated comment
      RuntimeException - If the user is null or if there is a database error
    • generateToken

      public String generateToken(long duration, String type, String comment) throws RuntimeException
      Generates a new token for the current user
      duration - The time the token is valid in seconds. 0 means for ever and moreover the ticket will be reusable.
      type - The type of token. Mandatory but can be anything you want between 1 to 32 characters. Such as "Cookie".
      comment - An optional token comment to remember the reason of its creation
      The token
      RuntimeException - If the user is not authenticated, or if there is a database error
    • generateToken

      public String generateToken(UserIdentity user, long duration, String type, String comment) throws RuntimeException
      Generates a new token
      user - The user that will be authenticated with the token
      duration - The time the token is valid in seconds. 0 means for ever and moreover the ticket will be reusable
      type - The type of token. Mandatory but can be anything you want between 1 to 32 characters. Such as "Cookie".
      comment - An optional token comment to remember the reason of its creation
      The token
      RuntimeException - If the user is null or if there is a database error or if duration is negative
    • generateToken

      public String generateToken(UserIdentity user, long duration, Integer nbUsesLeft, String type, String comment) throws RuntimeException
      Generates a new token
      user - The user that will be authenticated with the token
      duration - The time the token is valid in seconds. 0 means for ever and moreover the ticket will be reusable
      nbUsesLeft - number of available uses (null for no limit)
      type - The type of token. Mandatory but can be anything you want between 1 to 32 characters. Such as "Cookie".
      comment - An optional token comment to remember the reason of its creation
      The token
      RuntimeException - If the user is null or if there is a database error or if duration is negative
    • generateToken

      public String generateToken(UserIdentity user, long duration, boolean autoRenewDuration, Integer nbUsesLeft, Set<String> contexts, String type, String comment) throws RuntimeException
      Generates a new token
      user - The user that will be authenticated with the token
      duration - The time the token is valid in seconds. 0 means for ever and moreover the ticket will be reusable
      autoRenewDuration - true to automatically renew token if used before it's expiration
      nbUsesLeft - number of available uses (null for no limit)
      contexts - contexts where the token can be used
      type - The type of token. Mandatory but can be anything you want between 1 to 32 characters. Such as "Cookie".
      comment - An optional token comment to remember the reason of its creation
      The token
      RuntimeException - If the user is null or if there is a database error or if duration is negative
    • validateToken

      Check if a token is valid and return the user
      token - The token to validate
      The user associated to the valid token, null otherwise
    • validateToken

      public UserIdentity validateToken(String token, String context)
      Check if a token is valid and return the user
      token - The token to validate
      context - context to validate the token with
      The user associated to the valid token, null otherwise
    • deleteTokenByValue

      public void deleteTokenByValue(String token, String context)
      Destroy the given token
      token - The token to remove
      context - context of the token (null for no context)
    • deleteTokenById

      public void deleteTokenById(Integer tokenId)
      Destroy the given token
      tokenId - The token identifier to remove
    • generateAuthenticationToken

      Generate a new authentication token
      parameters - a map of the following parameters for the authentication token : description
      The generated token
    • deleteAuthenticationToken

      Delete one or multiples authentication token
      ids - a list of authentication token ids