Class RichTextConfigurationExtensionPoint

All Implemented Interfaces:
LogEnabled, ExtensionPoint<RichTextConfiguration>, Disposable, Initializable, Component, Contextualizable, Serviceable, ThreadSafe

Extension point for configuring the widget 'richtext'
  • Field Details

    • ROLE

      public static final String ROLE
      The component role
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • toJSON

      public Map<String,Object> toJSON(Map<String,Object> contextualParameters)
      Converts all values to a single JSON object { "category1" : { "tags" : { "p" : { empty: "CLOSE|OPEN|REMOVE_EMPTY_CONTENT|PADDING|REMOVE_EMPTY_ATTRIBUTES", synonyms: ["div"], attributes: { "id": {}, "alt": { "default-value": "" }, "class": { "default-value": "value1", "values": ["value1", "value2"], "technical-values": [ "value1" ] // special for 'class' attribute } } } }, "styles" : { "paragraph" : { "groups": [ { "label": "Customized styles", "priority": 1, "values" : [ { "tagname": "h1", "cssclass": "big", "label": "Header 1 (big)", "description": "A big header", "buttonCSSClass": "h1-big", "buttonSmallIcon": "img/h1_16.png", "buttonMediumIcon": "img/h1_32.png", "buttonLargeIcon": "img/h1_48.png" } ] } ] } }, "css" : [ { language: false, url: "file1", debug: "all|true|false", rtl: "all|true|false" }, { language: true, default: "en", url : {"fr": "file1"} ], "validators": [ "class": { "name": "classname", "parameters": { ... } } ] "convertors": [ "class": { "name": "classname", "parameters": { ... } } ] } }
      contextualParameters - Contextuals parameters transmitted by the environment.
      The non-null configuration