Interface ModelItemType

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ComplexRepositoryElementType<T>, ElementType<T>, ModelItemGroupType, RepositoryElementType<T>, RepositoryModelItemGroupType, RepositoryModelItemType, XMLElementType<T>, XSLElementType<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBinaryElementType, AbstractBooleanElementType, AbstractContentElementType, AbstractDateElementType, AbstractDateTimeElementType, AbstractDoubleElementType, AbstractElementType, AbstractFileElementType, AbstractGeocodeElementType, AbstractLongElementType, AbstractModelItemType, AbstractMultilingualStringElementType, AbstractReferenceElementType, AbstractRichTextElementType, AbstractStringElementType, AbstractUserElementType, BinaryRepositoryElementType, BooleanRepositoryElementType, BooleanXMLElementType, BooleanXSLElementType, CompositeRepositoryModelItemType, ContentContentElementType, ContentRepositoryElementType, DateRepositoryElementType, DateTimeRepositoryElementType, DateTimeXMLElementType, DateXMLElementType, DoubleRepositoryElementType, DoubleXMLElementType, DoubleXSLElementType, FileContentElementType, FileRepositoryElementType, GeocodeRepositoryElementType, HTMLRichTextContentElementType, HTMLRichTextRepositoryElementType, LongRepositoryElementType, LongXMLElementType, LongXSLElementType, MultilingualStringRepositoryElementType, PasswordRepositoryElementType, PasswordXMLElementType, ReferenceContentElementType, ReferenceRepositoryElementType, RepeaterRepositoryModelItemType, RichTextContentElementType, RichTextRepositoryElementType, StringRepositoryElementType, StringXMLElementType, StringXSLElementType, UserRepositoryElementType

public interface ModelItemType extends PluginAware
Interface for model item types
  • Method Details

    • getId

      Retrieves the identifier of the parameter type
      the identifier of the parameter type
    • valueToSAX

      default void valueToSAX(ContentHandler contentHandler, String tagName, Object value, DataContext context) throws SAXException
      Generates SAX events for the given value
      contentHandler - the ContentHandler that will receive the SAX events
      tagName - the tag name of the SAX event to generate.
      value - the value to SAX
      context - The context of the data to SAX
      SAXException - if an error occurs during the SAX events generation
    • valueToSAXForEdition

      void valueToSAXForEdition(ContentHandler contentHandler, String tagName, Object value, Optional<ViewItem> viewItem, DataContext context) throws SAXException
      Generates SAX events for the given value in edition mode. This method exist for legacy purposes because some types have to be saxed as JSON
      contentHandler - the ContentHandler that will receive the SAX events
      tagName - the tag name of the SAX event to generate.
      value - the value to SAX
      viewItem - The optional view item corresponding item that is currently saxed. This view item gives context for the SAX event that will be generated here.
      context - The context of the data to SAX
      SAXException - if an error occurs during the SAX events generation
    • valueToSAX

      void valueToSAX(ContentHandler contentHandler, String tagName, Object value, Optional<ViewItem> viewItem, DataContext context) throws SAXException
      Generates SAX events for the given value
      contentHandler - the ContentHandler that will receive the SAX events
      tagName - the tag name of the SAX event to generate.
      value - the value to SAX
      viewItem - The optional view item corresponding item that is currently saxed. This view item gives context for the SAX event that will be generated here.
      context - The context of the data to SAX
      SAXException - if an error occurs during the SAX events generation