Class FrontFromHTTPServerResourceStatistics

All Implemented Interfaces:

Front from apache cache stats objects
  • Constructor Details

    • FrontFromHTTPServerResourceStatistics

      public FrontFromHTTPServerResourceStatistics(String httpserverSite, String httpserverPathHash, String httpserverPath, boolean httpserverCacheHit, String frontSite, String frontPathHash, String frontPath, boolean frontCacheable, boolean frontCacheHit1, boolean frontCacheHit2, int newHits)
      Creates a statistic
      httpserverSite - The httpserver site
      httpserverPathHash - a consistent hash of the httpserver path.
      httpserverPath - The httpserver path
      httpserverCacheHit - The httpserver cache hit
      frontSite - The front site
      frontPathHash - a consistent hash of the front path.
      frontPath - The front path
      frontCacheable - The front cacheable status
      frontCacheHit1 - The front cache hit 1 status
      frontCacheHit2 - The front cache hit 2 status
      newHits - The hits
  • Method Details