ClassDescriptionAbstract class providing base functionality for a date time-typed
.AbstractSystemProperty<T,X extends ModelAwareDataAwareAmetysObject> Abstract class providing standard behavior and helper methods for aSystemProperty
.Abstract class providing base functionality for a user-typedSystemProperty
which represents the comments of a content.SystemProperty
which represents the content types (and optionally mixins) of a content.SystemProperty
which represents the last contributor of a content.SystemProperty
which represents the creation date of a content.SystemProperty
which represents the creator of a content.SystemProperty
which represents the first validation date of a content.SystemProperty
which represents the first validator of a content.SystemProperty
which represents the full textual content of a Content.SystemProperty
which indicate if the content has a live version.SystemProperty
which represents the language of a Content.SystemProperty
which represents the last major validation date of a content.SystemProperty
which represents the major validator of a content.SystemProperty
which represents the last modification date of a Content.SystemProperty
which represents the last validation date of a content.SystemProperty
which represents the last validator of a content.SystemProperty
which represents the tags of a Content.SystemProperty
which represents the current workflow step ID of a content.