Class AADUserDirectory

All Implemented Interfaces:
UserDirectory, Cacheable, LogEnabled, Disposable, Serviceable

UserDirectory listing users in Azure Active Directory.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init(String id, String udModelId, Map<String,Object> paramValues, String label) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: UserDirectory
      Initialize the user's directory with given parameters' values.
      Specified by:
      init in interface UserDirectory
      init in class AbstractCachingUserDirectory
      id - The non-null and non-empty unique identifier
      udModelId - The id of user directory extension point
      paramValues - The parameters' values
      label - The optional label
      Exception - If an error occurred
    • getCacheTypeLabel

      Description copied from class: AbstractCachingUserDirectory
      Returns a String identifying the type of this directory, used in the cache screen in _admin, such as 'SQL' or 'LDAP'.
      Specified by:
      getCacheTypeLabel in class AbstractCachingUserDirectory
      this directory's type
    • getUsers

      Description copied from interface: UserDirectory
      Get the list of all users of one directory.
      list of users as Collection of Users, empty if a problem occurs.
    • getUsers

      public List<User> getUsers(int count, int offset, Map<String,Object> parameters)
      Description copied from interface: UserDirectory
      Get a list of users from a directory given the parameters
      count - The limit of users to retrieve
      offset - The number of result to ignore before starting to collect users.
      parameters - A map of additional parameters, see implementation.
      The list of retrieved User
    • getUser

      public User getUser(String login)
      Description copied from interface: UserDirectory
      Get a particular user by his login.
      login - Login of the user to get. Cannot be null.
      User's information as a User instance or null if the user login does not exist.
    • getUserByEmail

      Description copied from interface: UserDirectory
      Get a particular user by his email (search should be case insensitive).
      email - Email of the user to get. Cannot be null.
      User's information as a User instance or null if the user email does not exist.
      NotUniqueUserException - If many users match this email
    • checkCredentials

      Description copied from interface: UserDirectory
      Authenticate a user with its credentials
      login - The login to check. Cannot be null.
      password - The password to check.
      The credentials result