Interface RepositoryElementType<T>

Type Parameters:
T - Type of the element value
All Superinterfaces:
ElementType<T>, ModelItemType, PluginAware, RepositoryModelItemType
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BinaryRepositoryElementType, BooleanRepositoryElementType, ContentContentElementType, ContentRepositoryElementType, DateRepositoryElementType, DateTimeRepositoryElementType, DoubleRepositoryElementType, FileContentElementType, FileRepositoryElementType, GeocodeRepositoryElementType, HTMLRichTextContentElementType, HTMLRichTextRepositoryElementType, LongRepositoryElementType, MatrixRepositoryElementType, MultilingualStringRepositoryElementType, PasswordRepositoryElementType, ReferenceContentElementType, ReferenceRepositoryElementType, ResourceReferenceRepositoryElementType, RichTextContentElementType, RichTextRepositoryElementType, RuleRepositoryElementType, StringRepositoryElementType, UserRepositoryElementType

Interface for types of elements stored in the repository
  • Method Details

    • read

      Read the value in the given repository data
      parentData - repository data containing the value
      name - the name of the element to read
      the value. Can return a T or a T[]. That's why the return type is Object
      BadItemTypeException - if the reading value doesn't match this element type
    • write

      void write(ModifiableRepositoryData parentData, String name, Object value) throws BadItemTypeException
      Write the value into the given repository data
      parentData - repository where to store the value.
      name - the name of the element to write
      value - the value to write. Can be a T or a T[]. That's why it is an Object
      BadItemTypeException - If the given value doesn't match this element type
    • externalizableValueToJSON

      Converts the given externalizable value into JSON object
      value - the value to convert
      context - The context of the data to convert
      the converted externalizable value